Free to do as I please
"Where is our blogger" refers to the post below. One of our Bloggers stopped blogging. This was of great concern to the community at the CDP. He is the Tehran Daily Blogger, A of Iran. You see why we were concerned. Our worst fears were confirmed, he had been arrested and detained. We hosted a special day called yesterday. Green images and similar text Last night we had the news confirmed A, had been released, he was free again.
I took this image last week on the beach. Mooragh Promenade just behind me. I sat for about an hour, contemplating how much the light and sea looked just like my favourite place the Cote d'Azur and wishing I was there in the South of France. I laughed at the little dog quicker than it's owner, spotting me. I smiled as the mother and excited child found their perfect spot. It was a glorious day and I was free to do as I please. A blogger in Tehran was not so lucky that day. He did not revel in the sunshine, enjoy a peaceful city, he was not free to do as he pleased. Today we are both free, but I will still have a quiet town, a beautiful beach, the sunshine, and freedom. A in Tehran will have a very different world to mine, his fight goes on but at least today he is free.
I took this image last week on the beach. Mooragh Promenade just behind me. I sat for about an hour, contemplating how much the light and sea looked just like my favourite place the Cote d'Azur and wishing I was there in the South of France. I laughed at the little dog quicker than it's owner, spotting me. I smiled as the mother and excited child found their perfect spot. It was a glorious day and I was free to do as I please. A blogger in Tehran was not so lucky that day. He did not revel in the sunshine, enjoy a peaceful city, he was not free to do as he pleased. Today we are both free, but I will still have a quiet town, a beautiful beach, the sunshine, and freedom. A in Tehran will have a very different world to mine, his fight goes on but at least today he is free.
Thank you for reading this.
Hi Babooska,
I red your world's post & saw your photo.
Yes, great that A is back home. I wonder what, when, if he will start posting.
Enjoy your freedom, day by day.
What a beautiful photograph and post. I am so glad to heare that he was released and hope he will remain so.
Dina - He has posted, just that he is back, home and free. The best post today.
I was gone yesterday, just got caught up with your blog and your post about A -- so very glad he is free and home. I want to say glad he's safe, but I suspect that may not be the case. So many of us have no idea just how much our freedom to do as we please, visit where we like, say whatever we want to, to piss and moan, bitch, laugh without fearing it may be our last opportunity to do so. Your post today as well as yesterday is a great reminder of just that. Thank you, Babooshka, as always.
it is good he is free. i was browsing his blog today to read what was going on.
freedom comes at a price even for us that live in relatively "sane" places. i so appreciate even more the freedom(s) i have each and every day.
enjoyed your post.
have a lovely tuesday.
Excellent news - but be ever vigilant (I know - weary old cynic!)I truly hope he can resume his role in freedom and peace.
ah the coolness of the sea and ball-chasing dogs
I am thankful A is free. Beautiful shot today.
Bless you Babs this made me cry. Good news. Lets hope the blogger remain free.
great that he is free. know that was a scary time for him as well as his friends. can not begin to image what he went through. count our small blessings, for him and for us.
Freedom is such a precious thing. We do need to cherish it every day and do what we can to insure others are free too. Thank you for your post.
I am glad this blogger is free again. Such troubling times. Thanks for keeping vigilant.
Your photo is wonderful. Easy summer joy.
I missed the lead up post, sorry. I had no idea blogging could be so dangerous. Very thoughtful words.
Such a beautiful photo - beautiful scenery, great colour and good composition
Lovely picture.
I feel free look the sea. I do not go home to Iran. My heart it breaks. My country I not live in. Not free. Thank you for nice words.
Amazing photo, at first glance its difficult to tell where the sky ends and the water begins.
Have a fantastic week
Regina In Pictures
I, too, am glad he is free. In a perfect world all would be free to speak their mind and go where they please.
It is not a perfect world.
Your words remind us all who enjoy freedom that many people do not and live in constant danger and fear.
Love the water, the composition, and the yellow bag...well, the ladies and the kid, too.
In other words, overall just an excellent photo that is easy to look at and makes one feel good all over!
I missed this story yesterday. Similar events so often do not have such a happy outcome - it reminds us all how much we take for granted each and every day.
Fighting for Freedom.
Good World.
Glad to hear A is free. And you too, to do what ever you want. Beach is always nice.
A lovely post, very serene and thought provoking.
Thank you for the email update about A. We support the cause. Have you ever thought about journalism? We loved your Mad Sunday write up and images.
Excellent post. I appreciate being reminded of the freedom I sometimes take for granted to disagree with my government leaders.
I love the blue! It's a refief to read A is free. Thanks for the reminder that freedom is precious and should be valued and used properly.
What a great way to advertise and bring attention to te missing blogger. We are worldwide. We can be a force for good. You're doing your part!
Great photo but even better words. They help make the events more real to me.
That is great news about A. It does make a person reflect on the freedoms he or she has or doesn't have in their world.
Great stuff! A wonderful insight into what the hell happens out there, away from what we know.
Excellent and appropriate photo to accompany the text!
Merci de penser ainsi à l'IRAN. Et "good freedom" pour le blogueur !
Amazing photo and indeed intriguing posts...thank you for your visit and I do hope that in future you'll have more reason to write about nature and its' beauty then about these unpleasant and sad subjects... Freedom is so fragile...
une belle sensation de liberté dans cette photo, bien trouvé pour le thème
a nice feeling of freedom in this photograph, found well for topic
beauty tinged with sadness...
A lovely blue sea and a timely reminder to appreciate our own freedom and to remember others who are not so fortunatel. Thank you!
Mass histeria and suppression go hand in hand, Having lived through Stalin's terror and the tail end of Hitler's madness, I feel particularly for A in Teheran.
Yes great news of Amir.
Now how did you get thsat woman to have a stunning yellow bag in just the right place. As for the sea, well what can I say. Sure aint like anything I've seen in the UK.
Hi Babooshka! Is he the same blogger of the green balloons I wrote about on Saturday? I use the colour green on purpose! I am glad he is free again. I came across his blog by Dina's blog.
Thanks for your visit and very nice comment!
That is great news about A. I hope he can enjoy the type of freedom you and I take for granted soon.
Good news for A. Thank you for your support. It means so much to all who are not free.
We really need to realize just what freedom is and not take it for granted. Thank you for the excellent post. MB
Freedom, a thing we here in the British Isles take for granted along with the beautiful beaches and places you photograph. Maybe we should just think for a moment or two and give our thoughts and maybe help to those who can't enjoy what we have only because they live somewhere different. Thanks for a thought provoking post
Oh, thank you for posting this about A. I had no idea. And thanks for another great photo. Freedom---this is what I will ponder as I celebrate the Fourth of July in Viginia.
I loved the comment you left elsewhere about patience and serendipity being a photographer's best friend! So true. Great sense of place in your photo today!
So glad to hear about A. Your post was right on the money. Thank you.
Thanks for the link I'll check out his blog. Although protected in China by my status as foreigner, blogging there and dealing with censorship/blocking of blogger.com made me realise how lucky we are here to able to share as we please online without fear of reprisals.
I think tefl can be very isolating, esp in Eastern societies so different from our own, and where it can be difficult to impossible to make genuine connections with locals. Luckily, I fell on my feet and found a fantastic group of friends, who I'm looking forward to visiting in America next year!
Ha, sorry for the essay!
Great to read that A is back. Freedom is so valueable !
Great to read that A is back. Freedom is so valueable !
I am so pleased to hear that A has been released, these are scary times for Iran and it's people. Your post made me think for a moment about the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday and sometimes forget to appreciate!
Perfect post. Your text gave me goosebumps. We'd all do well to remember there are others far worse off than ourselves.
Babooshka: We can be so thankful we have the ability to say what we want ti our countries.
What a nice seaside photo.
Glad A is released and free.
UI'm glad that he's free again and I hope that he, too, can one day be free to do as he pleases and say what he likes.
Your post was very well written and the photo's just beautiful.
Well said. We take our freedom in the West too much for granted. Ramsey looks very nice.
Very good news and a wonderful photo to show how lucky we are compared to some. Thanks for sharing!
WOW! I was a way and didn't hear anything about this, how scary!
Thank you for posting.
Yes, we are blessed to live where we are free. I just said a prayer for A. and people in countries without freedom.
I love the beach, although we have only been to one for a week in 2007.
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