At last we are underway with the . These images are from what we call "Mad Sunday." As you can see it's just lots of bikers having fun doing laps round the island some in fancy dress. Besides the above I also captured the Pink Panther, Sylvester the Cat, a wasp a bunny to name but a few. Hundreds of people out on bikes and hundreds more along just to watch the parade of two wheeled fancy dress riders.
The sun is shining. The new race schedule has been published. Busy day ahead and posting as and when this week.
The sun is shining. The new race schedule has been published. Busy day ahead and posting as and when this week.
Oh what fun. Fun to watch and fun to participate too. Super neat pictures. MB
You must be very busy. Brilliant photography. Hope you can enjoy the rest of the races.
Where did you take the mohicans from?
That is the coolest capture.
John - Outside Shoprite looking to Ramsey Bakery. A lucky shot. I'd finished for the day and they just came along.
Sorry, not local. Where is Shoprite?
I know the Mohicans.
ahhh, fun! nice outfits!
John- Shoprite is the big Supermarket in Ramsey just down from the Town hall and on the same side as the Central Pub and the petrol station.
Definitely off to sleep now.
Oh sorry, to keep you up. You must be very busy. Answer whenever you can. Could I have that photo as a Birthday card? Do you do that? What price. Ok to email you?
Looks like fun. Cant wait for the races to start, so I can see the pics.
Hello, thank you for the welcome to Skywatch. Great shots you have there, interesting costumes, they must have fun...thanks for dropping by..have a great day..cya :O) MonikaROse
B, we arrived tonight. Staying in Douglas. Hope to come up and see the Swing Bridge! Thanks again for the photography tips. Fantastic images today.
lol, that really must have been fun, some of them look cool. Anna :)
Looks like a fun crowd. Glad the weather turned better. Have fun.
thanks for sharing the fun. ;)
Those were fun and different bike photos. I want to be a tiger.
Waouhhh, ils sont superbes (et très originaux) les casques.
Waouhhh, they are superb (and very original) helmets.
What A Funny And Amazing Capture !! I Really Loved These Devils...Great..Thanks For Showing Us..
Hopefully I'll be showing some racing today too and Valentino Rossi.
John- Fine to email me and yes I can do the Mohicans as a birthday card. Just email me the details.
Oh, what fun! I'd do a dress-up.
The IOM is full of mad cows! Fun photos.
What fabulous and fun shots. Am enjoying this.
Great post, great pictures hope you have a great week too.
Great to see the bikers being allowed to enjoy themselves.
I'm so glad you and Gary enjoyed my Greenfinch picture... talk about sticking you neck out... ha!
My blogs: Wiggers World and Pictures & Words
That is so fun!
Good luck with the work schedule. Hope you have fun too, despite all the work.
What FUN - GREAT costumes!!
Now this looks like a heap of fun. Cant wait to see what follows this.
Babooshka, some great shots there showing the fun of Mad Sunday. Must have just missed you. Still there's always Ramsey Sprint day.....be on your guard!!!!!!
Mad Sunday, you're right !
These are great; but you do seem to have a plethora of very scary creatures on motorcycles there!
Let us know when you get the Facebook album done...
Thanks for coming by The Villages DP, and have a great day!
What fun! Great collection of photos.
Wow! What a series! I especially like the punk look helmets on the last shot! :-)
Your photos are unbelievable and hilarious. Hard to imagine if we didn't have photo proof. Thanks for sharing the saneness of your world.
The intensity radiates from the photos.
You make me laff. Another Mad cow loose!
Babooshka: Those are really neat photos.
Fabulous shooting... and some very... ahem... "colorful" subjects!
Great shots. People never fail to deliver a show at events like this. :-)
My, you have been very musical in your commentary during this motorcycle week, Babooshka. I too have been this way inclined. Against my better judgement I'm sending you a link. I think you may just be crazy enough to appreciate it!: http://postcardsfromwildwood.wordpress.com/2009/06/10/duetto-buffo-di-due-gatti/
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