Buzz off!
This image is taken from something we call Mad Sunday which I featured a few weeks ago...... Well as you can see here we have a wasp on a motorbike. One of numerous variations on a theme. Ok it's a human take on a critter on Parliament Square but I couldn't resist using another of the image. Expect all sorts of animals on motorbikes to turn up at some point from the photo collection. As a bonus you even get a swan in there too if you look closely.
I'm as busy as a bee today flitting about in a waspish manner. No that's a lie. My other half is very busy creating 2 Separate artistic commissions(yes he's the artist dahlink, I'm the photographer and yes the house is covered in sketches) and I am on the supplying coffee and ice lolly duties in a waspish manner of course.
I'm as busy as a bee today flitting about in a waspish manner. No that's a lie. My other half is very busy creating 2 Separate artistic commissions(yes he's the artist dahlink, I'm the photographer and yes the house is covered in sketches) and I am on the supplying coffee and ice lolly duties in a waspish manner of course.
That's a cute one !
Great capture of a critter.
Dangerous but funny.
Looks like a critter to me! Cute!
Loved how you tied your week into Camera Critters!
Clever post.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures</a
Now that's a wasp I could like! LOL Love the antennae.
Good luck with the coffee-making and everything this weekend.
Wow, I can't believe you know "The Duck". He is the coolest!!! I just found out that sometimes they call him "Ed the Duck". I think I'll just call him "The Duck" since we haven't been properly introduced. Looks like you crazies have a lot of fun...that's a really good thing!
Bruce the cat:)
Brings back memories of my last TT trip a few years ago... and funnily enough I stayed just around the corner from The Swan (so it was our regular for the week!).
Creative and very funny!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)
I'll bee darned! No? A wasp (White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant)? You have those in Ramsey?
Very cute. Amazing the vagaries of the human desire for fun and games.
Long live creativity and anarchy and idiosyncrasy and eccentricity (think that covers it all!)
Great shot!
I see the swan! Did you get any bikes on the bridge.
Lol.. that is something you don't see often.. a wasp on a motorbike.
Nice shot. :-)
Something is up with your blog? Only getting half a photo. Mad Sunday always was fun.
This is my third attempt to comment too.
LL- I have reloaded the image but have noticed the comments box is slow loading or not coming up. This is my 4th attempt. Ah well. Maybe a blogger glitch.
From the title I was thinking of being stung while on a motorcylce. Better the costum. I saw the Swan, isn't that where you like to hang out.
Gaelyn- It is indeed what we term here as my local, my local pub that is.
Time for bed.
Mad sunday seems like my kind of day.
Ahh it's good to be back doing the rounds again!
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Hilarious and unexpected!
This is funny. I will look forward to your future posts in this series.
I always enjoy a different take on "camera critters"
That insect should have been riding a VESPA! After-all, Wasp is what Vespa means in Italian. If you see this bug again, please convey the following message ... "get a clue"!
What a great extension of the critter meme! Very clever! And the wasp seems to have connections with a bumble bee too going by the stripes on his jacket!
Some really good shots, you must be pleased!
This is too funny!
Hahaha, followed your link to the other dressed up bikers too. Great stuff. Imagine the Hells Angels in fluffy costumes, that would make them a lot less scary ;-)
It is indeed a funny photo and it the funniest critter I have seen for this!
And speaking of bugs, as soon as I logged on to your blog, my computer detected malware here and wouldn't let me comment... but I manage to over ride it... strange, eh?
lol! that was refreshing!
So cool.
Still not sure what's up with the blog, but most of you seem to be getting through OK. Let me know cheers.
Buzz buzz or like
what's the buzz?'. Crazy place you live. MB
LOL! Love your critter this week! I don't think we'll see another one like it! :-)
A bee on a bike !!! Very cool..
And yes, after looking very carefully, I found The Swan. :-)
I see the Swan and a wasp.
Too funny!
I checked out your photos of the Mad Sunday. There were some really quite unusual costumes. Thanks for sharing.
too cute!
A wasp and a swan... strange bedfellows indeed!
And a Duck! lol!
My travelling companion is a bee!
I must tell mummy to show you!
Babooshka: Very neat shot of the wuick bee.
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