Never wasting time at the dock of the bay
Yes the blog bandits have been at it again, so if you are viewing on an address that is not the above
url, stop . Stop it now. Very naughty. Feel free to contact me and pass on the details of the naughty site whose fingers need to me severely smacked. To calm down I had a walk along the harbour on what had to be the best day of the year so far. The light this week has been incredible. I really do mean pretty damn near
bloomin' spectacular, as you can see by the above image. The closest I have ever seen the sea and light to the
Cote'd Azur, and you know how much I just
lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrve the French Riviera. Just wait 'til you see the beach ones next week. By the way, that strip of land you can see on the horizon is England. It was so clear with a slight heat haze that the blue of the sky and the blue of the sea just melded together perfectly. No post production, manipulation whatsoever which is just how I like it. I am the world's laziest photographer. Give me the light, I'll give you the image, then I can waste more time on the beach
contemplating how I get a job in the South of France.
The blue of the water blends almost seemlessly with the horizon.
Ah, yes, I'd like to spend a little time on that dock of the bay and I could probably remember enough of the lyrics to sing, as long as I kept my voice down -- hate to scare the fish. Fabulous shot as always, Babooshka! Happy SWF! Have a great weekend and tipple a JD for me!
Perfect picture on a perfect day. Great capture. Ramsey has been stunning this week.
Mannanan- It certainly has. Really beautiful light. I sat on the beach for an hour just taking images. In fact I am just about to go out tonight and and maybe take a few images along ...... Nah! Can't give away too much in case the neighbours are reading.
Beautiful blues!
Perfect, mostly one colour see+sky only cut by the english horizon.
I love old habours !!!
Light, image, contemplating time.
Beautiful harbour scene of sea and sky merging!
Great capture you have shared with us tonight. Thanks for sharing.
I will look at the Star
Thanks for your visit and comment.
Have a lovely weekend.
Beautiful harbour! Thank you for the warning, (I've noticed several blogs that have "weird" stuff happening when you enter them... )
Excellent shot of the harbour, thanks for sharing once again.
Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures
Love your photos... taking a ferry this weekend... your photo is making me look forward!
ps. What's going on with the blogs?
Thank you for the warning!!
Beautiful harbour!
And the light is truly stunning :)
Have a great friday!
Lovely blue, nice shot. =)
What a perfect Skywatch image. This is a postcard pic.
That's a real beauty Babs.
This looks somehow familiar! Big boats, blue water and wharfs. Looks somelike my Gloucester.
What a beautiful shot; I love the movement of the water near the middle. I can't wait to see the beach photos!
And sorry about the bandits--hope that resolves. AND (last thing) you're RIGHT about ice cream cones on my gate, they're plain as day! I laughed and laughed.
Beautiful photo,and I like the song too!
Thanks for the warning! I also have noticed a couple of blogs with weird stuff going on. My virusprogram has warned me, doing a great job that one!
Beautiful harbour you have here! And I love the "dock of the bay"! :)
Your photos must be very good to be worth stealing. Don't think I've ever had any of mine copied. But then I wouldn't really know if I had or not.
Nice scene. Wouldn't mind a trip around the island in that little blue yacht.
I live about as far inland as one can in the USA but I used to live on the coast so I really like your waterfront photographs.
I can't believe somebody is hijacking your blog. That is very rude!
I have emailed you about a Chinese(?)
site that has one of your posts part English. Do not want to use my blog id fear of reprisals.
Oh, this really means that they like how you shoot and they don't have a camera I guess hahahah...just for laughs. Anyway, your shot is stunningly a postcard perfect pic. Great blue sky and sea.
What a peaceful, calming shot. Can you see me in England? I'm waving at you!
It must be so frustrating for you to have these bandits keep coming. I hope you get some peace soon.
Pacey - no laughing matter for me. Theft is theft.
Beautiful scene.
I just love the different blue colors and the light. Harmonious.
Lovely picture. :)
I'm so sorry to hear about your problems with hackers (?) here.
Sad and irritating!
so like this capture.
sorry to hear you are having problems.
hope you've a wonderful weekend.
I agree theft is theft what ever form. Are they the same ones or do you have a variety?
Love love love the picture. That blue makes me want to dive right into that water.
That's a gorgeous shot and as always I love how well you compose your shots. Sorry about the bandits.
Mo - It's not just the images this time but parts or whole of the text too, but they are not RSS feed sites. This means someone, or a bot is actively recreating part or whole of the post and image. Varied but a pattern has emerged. If it's happened to me it must be happening to others. Think I am winning the battle tonight though. Most have suddenly just become dead links.
Beautiful bright blue summer sky you are sharing with us all here, nothing like our muted winter shades at this end of the world.
Beautiful sky shot. Love the blue sky.
Lovely shot from the Isle!
I really like the water shot below. :)
Very beautiful scenery of the sea and pleasing to the eyes.
Very busy, modern scene - but the sky remains timeless.
Congrats to Gary, and boo! to the blog thieves.
B, The Riviera looks pretty but it does not have the TT. Beautiful water image.
Yes, close to the magical time of day...the light is soft and gentle and that makes everything in the photo take on a patina of muted colors...
A very nice photo to look at and enjoy!
Woooo, lovely! I wish I had a working harbour. Jealous in a good way :-)
Beautiful blues! Another song comes to mind for this one: "I can see clearly now!" And I never have seen your images any where but here. I hope you do shut the theives down.
A perfect composition of wavy lines.
Great scenery, Babooshka.
I've learned that even if one disables the right click of the mouse it's possible to pick up the images all the same.
I love how the water just blends into the sky. Beautiful, beautiful.
A truely beautiful view.... I'm off to find another Scarecrow this weekend... I was told by a friend that there's one nearby... Also tell Gary I will try to get a copy of the Star.... it must be rewarding to be published like that... hope you both have a great weekend... keep safe, keep well.
My post are: Sky Blue and Sky Poem
Very Pretty!
The vast blue is incredible.
striking blues! wow!
Only the land remains and all the rest blends in to one blue miracle wonder cosmos.
waouhh superbe couleurs sur ta photo, j'aime beaucoup
waouhh beautiful colors on your photo, i love that
The sky and the sea are united and it's difficult to see the horizon. I have seen this once in Cornwall, and in Cairns.
How awful that one should use the photos of other bloggers without asking, and even worse to copy someone's post. I have never seen your text copied by another blogger. I do hope nobody does that to me either.
Beautiful picture. You caught the Cumbrian hills so clearly too.
I have seen your Mad Cow photo on many foreign motorbike sites with a link to your site. Still wrong though. Very pretty.
Delightful, silky blue waters! And boats on the water always seem so relaxing!
Steve thanks for the head's up. Something else to check out. Thumbnails with a link back to the site are fine so if it's that I'm OK with it. Just whole posts I'm not, you don't know what other sites they are linked too. Some bad ones.
I love those blues. We're having lovely blue skies here too at the moment (ssshhhh!).
A virtual two-finger salute to the plagiarists and thieves. (feel free to copy *that*)
Wonderful photograph! I love watching people at work on the water.
(Hope you catch up with the lazy s*d who pinched your work.)
A great shot to fix my eyes at. :)
Wonderful blues all over. Beautiful!
Very blue! The Isle of Man is on my bucket list. Will take in Ramsey. Pretty town.
I've got mummy a surprise! Daren't say what here cos she'll see it, but watch my blog!
Hi Babooshka,
Be honest - who needs the Riviera when you have Ramsey? Those boats could sail right into the sunset on that seamless expanse of blue.
This is a relaxing view, Babooshka!
Thanks for the visit and i wish you a great week-end!
Very sad that people feel the need to steal your work. I do like todays photo though.
I love that blue water. It looks smooth as glass.
Happy Friday and keep skywatching. Hopefully the weekend will make up for the image hooligans.
wonderful, classic composition.
Wasting time... You have planted that song in my head. lol!
Great shot. I hate that people are stealing it!
When the weather is like that it is more beautiful then the french Rivera ! I know it from Eastbourne !
The light and the colours are indeed amazing, Babooshka. It's a pity you don't show it any bigger ...
Have a wonderful weekend!
You make Ramsey look like the French Riviera. That is a skill I wish I had.
Even though it is a sky Watch shot I love the blue of the water. Nice shot. Even though Stanwood is surrounded by water and we are on two bays we have no dock by the bay, no ships only tidal flats. Sticky stuff. MB
Maeve- thank you but I can safely say the weather helped. I'd still rather be in France though Gattina.
South of France. Yes. How about in the middle of the Atlantic?
Looks good to me.
Looks good to me.
Babooshka: I can't understand why anyone would steal photos then pass them as their own. You did a great job of displaying the harbor beautifully.
Terrific weather. I'm jealous today. You do sound ready and most deserving of a little trip to the beach. Get going. Grab your photo gear and find a good vantage point to enjoy the sand, sky and life. Go!
Maybe the South of France is better but I just don't like the heat or the food. If it is prettier than this I will eat a snail.
Babooshka, if it wasn't for England in the background, I don't think I could tell where the water stopped and sky started. What lovely shades of blue!
What a great photo!
I remember that youe seems have showed the harbor with the tide in and out sometimes ago. This certainly looks like a fantastic day. Thanks for sharing.
Blog bandits huh! Well I"ve never written anything anyone would want to lift!HA Seriously, hope you can find the culprits and put them down.
LURVE the water in this shot. The color is spectacular and the water shot from yesterday has cooled me off again. Ahhhhhhh
PS Bon weekend to you and the Barkster.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love all your photos and this shot really is amazing. It looks so inviting.
To all,
Many thanks for your comments.
If you can please call again 28th/july/2009. The City Daily Photo community will be hosting a special theme day in support of the people of Iran and their right to democracy. The "City Daily Photo" link on my blog will take you to the hundreds of daily photo blogs posting for that day our collective support. Some blogs are posting over several days already. If you believe in democracy then please show support by visiting some and possibly leaving a positive comment. Many thanks for taking the time to read this.
Thank you for your support just now, Babooshka.
Your posts are always informative as well as nice to look at. I'm sorry about the blog bandits! Not fair! I do hope they stop! And thanks for reminding me about the City Daily Photo theme day. How could I almost forget?
Wonderful photo!
I am so sorry to hear that you have been ripped off, stolen material. Hopefully you will no longer have this problem with your blog. How horrible!
Wishing you the best.
As smooth as glass with the clouds hovering in the background. Nice shot.
Love the blue stiil water! Your previous photo is gorgeous!
Babooshka I really appreciate you comment. Meanwhile it seems our iranian friend's sister has confirmed he called his family from prison two nights ago saying he was OK. Whatever OK means...
Pretty area, much more water than I will ever see for me living up here in the mountains!
Thank you for supporting the peoples of Iran.
You can see England from there? Cool! Fabulous sea and sky — your weather looks fantastic now!
Sorry to hear about your blog bandit problems again. Hope this latest one gets stopped soon.
simple yet a beautiful composition. i wouldn't mind seeing this everyday!
I would love to spend some time there !
What a beautiful view!
How beatiful, I love the blue colors in this picture, I would like to spend a few hours there too.
Thanks for your nice visit and comments in my blog
Beautiful shot and stunning colour. I love to be sailing out of that harbour for an afternoon or evening sail. Thanks for sharing.
What a perfect photo of a harbour, sea and sky! I enjoyed it very much. Could feel the summer!
You always have the most beautiful blues.
Lovely shot of the harbour! Thanks for sharing!
And thanks for visiting my blog and commenting to my contribution Sunset at Frøyas Have this Sky Watch Friday!
Wow, did I have the honor to be the 100th guest or did someone slip in...
Probably not the 100th, since you have the 'control' on :)
A lovely picture, just amazing colours! Is it striped...the surface of the water? like turquoise, light blue and then darker.
Delightful blue colour, would have been nice to enlarge.
So nice and blue, can't tell the sea from the sky the horizon could be anywhere, it blends so well.
Lovely shot, lots of comments!!
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