Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Queen Victoria was sick not amused!

My world

Actually I think Queen Victoria was amused by this Pier, after all it is the aptly named Queen's Pier of Ramsey. Ah yes like the Swingiest of bridges we have the other often photographed image here the Pier. An image needs a story though and I found this amusing one below just to add a little twist on the earlier images. Of course it has little Babooshkaisms, in jest.

Queen's Pier is as I have said before an iron pier(that would account for the rust then obviously) which was built in 1886. At one time it actually had it's own sweet little tramway running the length of it and how quaint a little cafe too. Even had royal visitations. Queen Victoria landed upon these shores here in 1847. Actually she was supposed to enter Douglas harbour but heavy seas made that nigh on impossible. What a carry on! What to do? Come and dock at Ramsey, the North of the island instead of course.Prince Albert came ashore and had a peek about town. Queen Vic though decided to remain aboard. Apparently she has suddenly come over all queasy weasy and developed a bout of seasickness. Yeah right couldn't be bothered I see to grace our fair town. Never mind Queen B rules here now anyway.

So that was (sort of) the tale of the Royal Visit, and that's where the Queen's Pier, the rust bucket that may or not be saved, but presently remains closed slots into the Isle of Man back back stories. Unlike the myths and legends at least this tale is true. The idea of Queen Victoria puking into the Irish Sea rather than set foot on Manx soil here amuses me though if not her. What doesn't amuse me though are the images that have suddenly appeared on er so called photographic sites that are almost identical(obviously sub standard) to mine. Manx sites too. Get your own ideas, you've been doing it long enough. Call your self professional photographers. Shame on you! Tut Tut! If you haven't got your own ideas then you really shouldn't be photographers!

My other piers to peer at at the pre date the impostors.(Naughty Naughty very Naughty!)
Save me

Klaus, Imac, Fishing Guy, Ivar, Tom, Louise, Wren, Sandy and others are to thank for the My World neme. Click here for more my world's just for fun again of course.

Ramsey Daily Photo


Reader Wil said...

Queen Victoria was a remarkable woman. I think she was just as bossy as our Queen Wilhelmina, Queen Beatrix' grandmother.Great post Queen Babooshka I.

Barb said...

Hi Babooshka - the pier looks as though it goes on forever. You're a better Queen for Ramsey than Victoria was, that's for sure!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Hey Queen great photograph and interesting story about Queen V. That pier looks really long. It needed a tram.
Sorry people are poaching your pictures.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Hi Yogi- Not poaching them this time but they are literally copying everything. Angle, time, place, style, just about everything to try to create a "Babboshka" image. I was only made aware of this by a very nice person who emailed me to check them out. What is so bad to me about this is they are so called professionals so you would think they do not need to mimic a fellow photographer. All mine predates there's, but it's just not photography etiquette.

maryt/theteach said...

All I can say, Babooshka, is that I hope they renovate and save the bridge! :)

Guy D said...

I'd love to take a long walk on that pier, great post.

Have a great week.
Regina In Pictures

Jim said...

Ha! I think you have finally flipped. Funny, very funny.

Mary Elizabeth said...

Wonderful photo of the bridge.
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then

Sylvia K said...

I don't know what I enjoy most about your post -- your great photos or your quirky sense of humor! Whatever, they both bring a really bright spot to my day!

Anonymous said...

Who needs a visit from the Queen, anyway? Wasn't that the traditional way to enemies of the crown?

The flock thinks a visit is a great idea, but probably not possible without a sponsor. The spirit is willing, but the budget is weak.

mannanan said...

Ahh the good old pier again. Cracking image...To add to your story....When Queen Vic stayed at sea and Albert decided to sample the riches of Ramsey he took a walk, a rather strenuous one right the way up Lhergy Frissel and when up there looked down and admired the view. To honour this occasion rich people of the town had a tower erected. Albert Tower. Keep up the great work....

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: A wonderful view of the stately pier, she has stood a long time.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

What a saucy sense of humor : ) You know imitiation is a form of flattery. Great shot.

Müge Tekil said...

Excellent shot dear Babooshka! The pier seems endless and it's a very nice view. Have a beautiful new week!

James said...

I like the agle it almost looks like the pier goes on forever.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Mannanan - I know all about Royal Ramsey and Albert Tower, but this story of Queen Vic chucking her guts up was far more appealing and so fuuny. Just couldn't resist posting it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo of the Queen's bridge and a story that goes well with it again. YOu are one great and talented photographer and they want to imitate your style, and that's something coz they can't think of any better way other than yours.

larkswing said...

Great Pier shot! I can imagine the breeze . . . ahhhhhh.

2sweetnsaxy said...

What a great old pier. Did I understand you in that there's a possibility that it may not be there much longer? That would be a shame. It's too bad when old piers meet their end.

Brian Miller said...

nice pic and funny story. stick it to the copycats!

Unknown said...

Now that you mention it, that doesn't look like the most stable pier. Here in hurricane country (Florida) it wouldn't stand a chance.

Loran said...

For the unforgivable act of pilfering your work, I say: BAD FORM!

Great story to go with the pictures.

Mojo said...

Ahh Queenie, they can mimic your angles, and lighting and all the technical things and still they won't have a Babooshka original. You can, after all, only copy so much. The rest must be felt. It can't be taught, and it certainly can't be copied. Your kingdom is safe from that much at least.

And I'd have opted for the story of Vic blowing her groceries too. Who doesn't love a good tabloid scandal after all? And the color in this shot fits the story so well. If I didn't know you better, I'd say you tweaked it to get it there. It's too perfect!

SandyCarlson said...

That's a beautiful pier.

Indrani said...

Interesting twists to your story.

Lulda Casadaga said...

I love piers...running out and peeking down between the boards...watching the waves roll in! I can stand on one for hours just gazing out to sea. I hope this one remains. :)

chrome3d said...

Even in the old days people were too lazy to walk that long pier and there had to be tram. I knew it, it´s just too long!

Anonymous said...

Well Queen B I don't think you have anything to worry about, people like eventually sink their own ship (no pun intended) and I think the story about Queen V "blowing her groceries" as Mojo so delicately put it is such a lark, too funny!
mine is here

Cloudia said...

is irritating
by defective midgets!

Lynette said...

Plethora of perfect pier photos.


Gaelyn said...

Twas the Queen's loss. Still no decision to save or tear down the warf?

Olivier said...

la couleur verte est belle et très mystérieuse
green colour is nice and very mysterious

Linnea said...

Oh...it looks like it just goes on forever! Wonderful pier. I enjoyed looking at your other views of it too.

Copenhagen said...

I don't know much about Queen Victoria except there's a statue of her in Montreal.

Laurie Allee said...

Great story, great photo, great wit. Love this, Babooshka.

Pat said...

Queen V doesn't know what she missed by not visiting. Oh, well. Thanks for showing us Ramsey!

Michele said...

Heh... what a great way to start my day! I just adore your sense of humor =)


Anonymous said...

Your story made my day and the photo was beautiful garnish.

Halcyon said...

I must admit some of your older photos put the pier in a better light.

I did enjoy the story though. Who gives a rat's rump about the queen anyway? I hope she did puke her guts out into those green waters.

Carver said...

I enjoyed your post. I've always thought Queen Victoria was a piece of work. Funny that she wouldn't set foot on your isle. Lovely shot of the pier. I like the rustic way it looks in this light.

Frank said...

The bridge is OK, but your tale of the queen's visit is hilarious. I can just imagine the serious headline,"Queen pukes on Ramsey."

Gattina said...

Poor queen no wonder she got sick with all the children she had. It looks quite green this pier !

Erin said...

hah...i was thinking maybe she was having a bout of morning sickness...one never knows.
i still like the pier and whether she snubbed it or not.
great shot and wonderful post.
always enjoy your blog.


Debbie Courson Smith said...

Your commentary today is over the top - very fun!

B SQUARED said...

Looks like it just keeps on going.

Emma Bond said...

My grandmother always used to tell me the story of how she came over from the Isle of Wight on the same boat which had Queen Victoria's coffin on... I think she would have been about 3 or 4. Anyway, this is a great story about her visiting Ramsey!

Regina said...

Perfect once again... as always! I just thought I already visited you.

Kyle said...

Queen Victoria blowing chunks. Love you Brits humour or is just yours. Take care.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Ah t'owd QV so many tales about her - what I want to know is - did you take part in the IOM bra-runs I've been hearing about (but not seen) on the news today?

Unknown said...

Fabulous shot, Babooshka.
Great composition and perspectiv.

Tarolino said...

imaginative and enjoyable post as always. I just don't know where you get all your flow of words from and also you are very up on things concerning Ramsey. I'm intriged by this pier. It seems not to have another end. Amazing that it still stands. The green railings intriged me too. A strange colour to choose and they look like recedntly painted which probably isn't so.
I guess we'll never know about the alleged sea sickness but could have been general fatigue. Queening must be a tireing and responsible occupation - or what do you think?

A Lady's Life said...

LOL Great shot of an endless pier.
I don't think I could have walked it. Probably thats why the Queen didn't.
Did she need to walk it or did they have horses to get her off the pier?

alicesg said...

We have many places named after Queen Victoria. Victoria Memorial Hall and Victoria Street. Nice post.

Lew said...

Your pictures are the best! And your descriptions are entertaining!


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