Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Is this Ramsey Lifeboat to the rescue?

ABC this week is brought to by the letter M

So I told you I may have to dip into the archives as I'm a little on the busy side work wise. Well you never guess what I think I may have found, but a pic of Mannanan. No not Manannan. Ah, you're confused aren't you? No I am not fuddled or having a brain frying incident due to overwork and a laptop that keeps installing updates I do not want or need( I said no damn you laptop!) it will all make sense this M&M post. So will the real Man..... please stand up.

Mannanan- Member of the Ramsey Lifeboat crew(ah but 'tis not his real name that would be shhh! nope can't say)

Manannan- Mythical Celtic Sea God with strong island connections, the one who throws his cloak(ok fog but magic cloaking devise sounds so much cooler) over the island to hide it from marauders( marauding tourists however are welcome though) and enemies.

I think that is a lifeboat? I remember taking this about 3 or4 years ago with the tiny point and shoot one dreary (supposedly) summer's morning, hand held no tripod. As you can see it was quite hazy and poor dull light, but the little boat leaving with the flashes of red and orange caught my eye so it was a case of what the hell rattle a few practise shots off. Long forgotten images. Searching the archives and bingo, could that be Mannanan the lifeboat man with Manannan throwing his hazy cloak over to protect us. So will the real M..... let me know and I'll forward the larger image. By the way yes this is Mannanan who does my world too. I know small world isn't it? Click the colours below to clarify which is which or course be as confused as usual.


Word of thanks to David Machon Authorblog for again the inclusion for POTD for the colour blind post. Humble blogger me(ha ha!) appreciates a fellow internationally publisher photographer, jouranalist(no not me him) and author,(no really not me him, Vegemite Vindaloo) taking the time to trawl the blogs and for bestowing such high praise. Also he can out pun me, and you know I'm a puntastic queen b. Go check him out. Now!

Click ABC, the brainchild of Mrs Nesbitt who will be visiting the island. Mrs N. Today the council workman were trimming the hedges neatly for you so you can see the rolling hills better. I am happy to report the island is shaping up quite nicely and we shall be booking hot sunny days with the Manx Fairies too.

Laxey Blues Festival see ya there maybe mpla.

M..... please stand up.


marley said...

Continuing my muppet themed comment on yesterday post,,do,do,do,do,,,manam...etc

Great action shot!

marley said...

I haven't even been drinking!

Jane Hards Photography said...

OMG am I going to be inundated with muppet refs. I did get the kermie green thing. M for Marley too.

RA said...

Congrats to the POTD! I love M&M (your post and the sweet chocolates). Have a great week :)

imac said...

Congrats with Davids post.
Isle of Maaann,lol
Super duper post.

Sylvia K said...

Congratulation on POTD! David honored me not to long ago -- gave me a nice warm and fuzzy! Your posts are always terrific, make my day!

Jimbo said...

Party on B we are not worthy. Would you call this a snapshot then? It looks like excellent work to me?

mannanan said...

Babooshka, wanna know something?....I think you've got me....If I'm not mistaken it is I Mannanan standing on the stern Port side of the Mersey Class Ramsey Lifeboat. (Rear left for you landlubbers)

Unknown said...

I always thought mannanan was what a hippy shouted when he saw an old lady with a small child walking beside her!

It looks like the little boat is winning the race to escape from the island, but no doubt they were captured and brought back, never to flee again.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Gailsman- I'm sorry but I'm pinching that hippy line.

Jimbo - Yes I wouls call this a snapshot purely as the file size is around 2.5MB, which I know is huge to some of you but for professional work I use even larger files, double the size. Why I personally like it is I've got a fellow blogger, and it's such a pure natural image. Not fancy but technically spot on.

Mannanan- Gotha! Can you believe I've had you sitting on my laptop for years. Got another surprise for you. Not you, but someone or thing you know well. I'll let you ponder that one. I'll email this to you, the big one and any others I find.

Unknown said...

Fascinating. It is always fun to look thru old pictures! I love that you can find all the letters in your archives. How cool is that?

DeniseinVA said...

Great post, great photo and congratulations on being David's POTD.

Tumblewords: said...

Clever, fun and doubly interesting!

Rose said...

Yes, I am confused, but I do like the image of Manannan cloaking the island with fog to protect it. Much more romantic and peaceful than armed soldiers guarding a fortress:)

Brian Miller said...

ha. reading these comments is almost as fun as the post. great job!

Gordon said...

A nice find from the archives. Do you have a good indexing/cataloguing method? I am exploring options at the moment, as I can never find things I am looking for.

Olivier said...

beau photo reportage

Rune Eide said...

Oh Man - what a post! Or should that be Mann? (it would be in Scandinavia).

Congratulations with all the positive recommendation - well deserved.

Stan said...

Man oh Mann. Funny to find another blogger.

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful legend of Manannan! And I am looking forward to see the lifeboat crew member Mannannan! Thanks for enlightening us about these two men from Mann. Thanks for your visit to my Maihaugen!

magiceye said...

love the captured action in the image

Prime Minister said...

Nice Picture I like it very much!

Mo said...

Mannanan in Manannan.. argh can;t even say it slowly.

Pat said...

I don't swim well, so I'd like this speedy life boat to be on the lookout---fast---for me!

Jim Klenke said...

water as far as the eye can see, nice.

Shoshana said...

It's always nice to learn something new. At first I thought you're talking about the food Israelites ate in the desert.

Bradley Hsi said...

Thanks for the interesting and informative post. How we always learn something new from you blog.

Dragonstar said...

Such a perfect M post. S did L for Lifeboat last week - but nothing as ordinary as that for you! Posting it for M is a brainwave.

Jon said...

Great stuff.

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

LOL! I also thought you were talking about the Muppets Show!!!!!! LOOL! Great post!

Miss_Yves said...

Modern lifeboat
magical legend ...
"m"comme "mer"

Pat - Arkansas said...

Looks like a Mannanan-manned lifeboat to me! Interesting post, Babooshka.

Jay said...

I think I have that straight! Fun post! And it certainly looks as if it could be a lifeboat!

Jackie said...

It does look like a lifeboat to me too. What a fantastic job they do.

I hadn't thought of the Muppet reference. Thanks Marley, for that particular earworm (sigh).

Gaelyn said...

I'm manically confused.

Nice capture.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Hi all- It is Mannanan on his lifeboat. He left a comment above say I got him.

Pamposh Dhar said...

Great post. It's good to see some humour in our sometimes quite dreary world! :)

Anonymous said...

How do you do it? Your posts are fantastic and you garner the most interesting and fun comments.. Not my comments, but the other comments.(PS. Thank you for all the positive reinforcement)

Irredento Urbanita said...

Nice to escape from reality.



Barcelona Daily Photo
Trujillo Daily Photo

Lisa Wilson said...

Glad you came across this! Cool photo.

Celeste said...

As always a great post. Got to love the good old faithful point and shoot.

pictureeachday said...

hehe.. I am only a little confused now ;)

And I DO have that muppet song stuck in my head now..

Emilio - mardelplatadailyphoto said...

Nice shot! I'm also having troubles with automatic updates... Interesting explanation, though my English is not good at all (sorry about that), I could understand it... Congratulations on being David's POTD.


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