My World
Only nature can get away with diametrically opposed colours and blend them together so well. That red & green saying under the image has many variants, such as blue and green and extra verses with political or maritime connections, which made me curious.
I've found many reasons for the saying, but I'd be interested to know if you say either, and why? Back to the image. Would you be surprised if I told you this was the same place as last week, the meadow? No you wouldn't would you as it's my staple calling for "images I need in a hurry." or the other reason it's pi..... I mean persisting down with rain and the camera doesn't like rain, bless her. So not quite slippers and kimono, but a wander over in my proverbial "scruffs" click and all back before the kettle boils.
I've found many reasons for the saying, but I'd be interested to know if you say either, and why? Back to the image. Would you be surprised if I told you this was the same place as last week, the meadow? No you wouldn't would you as it's my staple calling for "images I need in a hurry." or the other reason it's pi..... I mean persisting down with rain and the camera doesn't like rain, bless her. So not quite slippers and kimono, but a wander over in my proverbial "scruffs" click and all back before the kettle boils.
I think this is a maple, but as I have said I'm pretty crap at naming those blooms and trees. It's a sapling, I can see that. It's shot in really fierce direct sunlight,which casts a lovely hazy feel, without the dreaded moisture( hello just straightened hair!) In the meadow amongst a blanket sea of green this lone shaft of red stood defiantly alone in the corner, bending slightly but not cowered. Now that was a very poetic(pretentious moi?) way of describing the image, but if you are colour blind and these are the two colours you can't distinguish, well I may as well have shot this in mono and waxed lyrical about the textures. My world is photography. I see colours, form, shape, perspective,.. oh you know blah di blah but I am genuinely interested in knowing if any of bloggers out there are colour blind and what you see? For more tricksy red(dish) and green colours click the pretty colours below, or should I say the words in bold.
Fall into Autumn
Fall into Autumn
Dead or alive
Red Panda
Klaus, Imac, Fishing Guy, Ivar, Tom, Louise, Wren, Sandy and others are to thank for the My World neme. Click here for more my world's just for fun again of course.
Babooshka: That is so Spring looking against our stark browns of Winter. Thanks for sharing.
Mother Nature has gotten away with many many things!
I love the greeness of it all.
Good morning Babooshka, no, thanks to all the godesses I am not colour blind and I like green and red, despite whoever, whenever and whatever is said about red and green. The dark red sapling makes a statement in all this drowning green, it will not be ignored.
Ah, Babooshka, you always have a way of saying it! Mother Nature is a tricky lady! I'm not colorblind and I do see a lovely streak of deep red against the rich green and it's lucious! Thanks for another lovely photo of your world!
Love your posts with your words to go with your photos.
Reddish brown I'd say, but funny - it fits, as you say Nature a law unto itself.
Love it.
Lovely photo.
Thanks for sharing
Have a wonderful week
Mary ElizabethBlog.
Is there anything you can't use for a post? Clever thinking! Pretentious Moi, Mange tout Rodney.
I have seen stranger things in nature than this photo. But i like the red with the green. But only in nature.
I don't quite understand the saying:/
I believe it is a red maple tree. Red and green Christmas colors!
Such a lush and beautiful shot. My brother in law is color blind and he has told me before what he sees but I've forgotten. I always thought it was interesting that his degree was in art history because it's hard for me to imagine the experience of studying art without seeing colors. I'm not suggesting that you can't appreciate or create art without seeing all the colors but I always wondered about that. Of course there are different degrees of color blindness but I don't think he see much color at all.
My mother used to say that about red and green.How funny!Love your post!
I see red on green so I guess I am not colour blind. I see blue when some see purple and red for cerise. This post made me think.
Carver- That is so interesting. As you know my partner is an artist and I know colour really is a huge factor in his work, more so than me.
I am constantly surprised in a good way at the feedback. Now you have me thinking even harder about this. May do a follow sometime.
With the red on the tree I would think it an autumn pic except everthing else is spring green.
"no doubt about it;
'tis a maple sapling!"
==> sez wee wid awtoerittee.
I've never heard that red and green saying, but nature certainly gets away with the blend.
Nope, not colorblind.
Nice photo of your meadow.
Colorblindness was the first explanation I thought of for the "fool" saying.
I'm not - colorblind, that is - though an ex and I used to argue about whether my cat was brown or gray. I never figured if we saw differently, or just had different opinions about the two colors.
I am colour blind. I can't distinguish red and green, blue and green, or yellow and green. I see a mass of green with a darker shade of green on the right. My wife picks out my ties and shirts.
Red & Green should ne'er be seen..
Refers to clothing, hence the fool reference.
This is a difficult picture to take because you lose depth.
Looks like a maple to me. Things sure have greened up there. Can't wait for our greening.
You're right. Only nature can get away with some color combinations. Neat picture, neat prose.
Mother nature is so beautiful. Love the colourful nature.
i like the shot and the beautiful dark red against the green. adds another dimension to the photo.
enjoyed your post as always.
Never heard that verse myself. But then I live in the US where such a color scheme would be perfectly acceptable. At least these days.
Someone else recently posted a shot very similar to this -- colorwise I mean. might have even been the same kind of tree. I liked the contrast then, and I still like it. It works for me.
I'd never considered the challenge of being a color blind photographer, but now that you mention it, my grandfather was color blind and took some remarkable photos -- chromes no less! But he never mentioned any specific difficulties arising out of his condition. One thing he was exceptionally good at though was finding 4-leaf clovers. Apparently the 4-leaf variety is a slightly darker shade of green which he could distinguish more easily than those who could actually see green. The tonal range was all he had to go by, and as such, those four-bangers stood out like headlights to him.
I suppose that shouldn't be surprising since the human eye can discern more shades of green than any other color. That's why night vision scopes are rendered in green.
I'm not colorblind but I've never thought about nature getting away with combinations and I think that is a great point. Great picture, and thanks for getting me to think and ponder.
You're so right. You put me in mind of the fresh burgundy foliage on springtime roses, contrasting with the green shoots.
couleurs de printemps dans un endroit qui semble être très secret
There are so many proverbs about colors and today we do like nature we put every color together, even pink and orange !
Crimson King Maple, I believe. Nature does as it likes and we can't touch the beauty of it quite as well with our schemes. congrats on POTD!
Oh how green your world is and sunny. Lush and juicy green everywhere. Nature gets away with most things and does it well too. Love the new red maple leaves.
Yes, nature does get away with her color contrasts. :) Congrats on POTD!
Isn't it weird how nature can throw colors together like this? Lovely shot. Would have loved to have seen you trotting out there before the kettle boiled, too!
A lovely shade of red making a statement against the lush green background.
Very interesting and thought-provoking post! I'm glad I'm not colorblind :)
I can see the green & red hehehe..
Interesting..Thanks for the visit.
It's just BEAUTIFUL! thts waht I feel. There's a contrast, so what Nature has its ways & it has always been successful & luring. I think thts a gr8 shot, Lady:)
moy mother never let herself be intimidated by others' dictums. When confronted by a colour combo criticiser, her standard reply was that God had put all the colours together in nature and that was good enough for her.
A beautiful little sugar maple and so summer looking. Thank you for sharing your world.
What a delightful juxtaposition! And you have a fabulous eye...and fascinating mind to "see" all that you saw when you shot this ...I love this! Congrats on POTD!
I have never heard the expression.
I knew it exactly as you said it. Wonder if it's a midland thing? Nature does throw up some fantastic clashes though doesn't it?
I'm proud of that red sapling for standing up against all that green.
Absolutely gorgeous
I like red and green together also pink and red and blue and green--oh I could go on forever. Nature gave us these colors and only man decided they didn't go together. A we a nation of sheep???? A resounding NO--well only from the sheep. Baaaa!! MB
Red and green can be for spring and Easter. The Greek Orthodox dye their Easter eggs blood red for Jesus's blood and put the colored eggs into baked Easter breads. And Easter eggs sometimes red sit in beds of green grass.
Also, David MC... is correct. The colors make me thing of new shoots on rose bushes with the older shoots being green.
Here's another spring combo: Spring red tulips with green leaves. That's a super duper spring combo.
So thanks for thinking outside the spring box!
brilliant post!
love your explanations and reasoning always!
very amusing explanation
I am colour blind but can tell the difference between red and green. My optical nerve disorder makes it so that I can't distinguish blue, green, purple, and grey. I can see red but it isn't as dramatic a colour as it would be for you. I didn't notice the red until you mentioned it actually! :)
is it already that summery over there?
I wish I could accomplish what Nature accomplishes when I dress!
I can't imagine being colour blind, I LOVE colour so much. I often wonder if people who see all the colours really see it the same way I do.
A great pic. Nature does what it pleases with colour and it always works.
Your sapling is an Acer Palmatum, of which there are many varieties. More commonly known as Red Upright Japanese Maples, or simply Japanese Maples.
Nature is her own artist!
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow!
A Pinay In EnglandYour Love CoachI, Woman
Looks like a Maple to me!
Its not easy being green..etc...
I think that's a red maple and it makes an interesting contrast. I also enjoyed the other links thanks. Red & Green together reminds me of a tacky garden knome!
Nature, no matter how defying it seems to us will always prevail. After all, how can you go wrong with God's creation? Love your blog and the way it is written. I'm glad I stumbled upon it!
Nature, no matter how defying it seems to us will always prevail. After all, how can you go wrong with God's creation? Love your blog and the way it is written. I'm glad I stumbled upon it!
That's one of the things here in life I'm very grateful of, my colour vision. Great post, thank you!
The picture is great (I an see the color differences), but the real gem is your commentary, which might have me smiling (and laughing) all day!
I am a female and I am colour blind, I am completly colour blind for that matter I just see different shades of grey which is rather annoying it also mean I can't wacth 3D movies with my friends and as I'm 13 I get picked on alot for my lack of colour in my vision, I am also applying to do art as a G.C.S.E and I'm worried I'll be turned down, but I think I should be able to do it as you don't exactly need 20/20 vision for art as it is your view on the world also I have been labled as having a disability which I find wrong in soooo many ways being colour blind is a privilage accept in my case :)
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