Friday, October 10, 2008


Jane Hards

Manannan is the mythical god of the sea, lord and protector of our land, Isle of Man. Manannan appears in many other Pagan and Celtic myths and legends but for us he is the guy who put the "Man" in the Isle of Man, and why you sometimes see the spelling of Mann aswell. What is Manannan's cloak though?

Manannan's cloak is a mythical shroud of mist that Manannan would throw over the island to shroud us from our enemies in times of trouble. The cloak would roll in from the sea over the land, covering all from prying eyes, keeping us safe from unwanted visitors. The cloak takes the form of a tinged grey and purple fog slowly enveloping the land, until Manannan is safe to lift the shroud when the unwanted visitors have passed by. Mannanan was also known to be a shapeshifter, so next time to you ask a local the way, be polite. It could just be Manannan and if decides you aren't a worthy visitor he will shroud and protect us from you.

We still get the mist descend upon us. The image shows a rolling mist on the mountains, sometimes it rolls in from the sea. It is an awesome sight, especially when caught my sunlight. Sometimes a white blanket, a gold sheet, or a lilac candyfloss gently engulfing the island.

The island has had crisis talks today due to the financial situation. Remember we are not part of the UK, but geographically part of the "British Islands." We have our own government, and we are an off shore banking solution. Due to the collapse of Iceland finacially, many Manx residents are worried about their finances, business, jobs and the survival of the island as a major player in the financial world. As you know Gary works for the BBC,(BARKER GALLERY BBC POLITICS SHOW) and his weekly political cartoon which is usually submitted by tonight is still ongoing due to the ever changing situtation. No wonder Manannan thought so wisely to shroud us in his protective cloak this week, we need it. Just to be even more confusing MANNANAN'S CLOAK spelt differently yes is the website from yesterday's post.

To join skywatch go to SKYWATCH
The concept was Dot's, the next host WIGGERS WORLD the guardians of skywatch now are Tom, Imac and Sandy


Carletta said...

I love this image and really enjoyed reading the reading the myth - fascinating!
The financial crisis is something all of us have to pay close attention to.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Beautiful and fantastic shot!
Nice and interesting reading, too.

mick said...

Great photo and the explanation is fascinating.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the soft downy effect of the misty cloud! A beautiful pic!

Reader Wil said...

Mannanan's Cloak is a very useful cloak! Sometimes we all need such a cloak!! Have a great weekend!

Craver Vii said...

Mesmerizing shroud of mist! I wish I could have been there to see that. The mythology was entertaining.

imac said...

WOW what a shot.

Webradio said...

Hello Babooshka !
interesting text, always...
Greta shot also !

Copenhagen said...

I love this photo!

vincibene said...

Gorgeous picture with wonderful colours!

Jeanne said...

That mist coming off the mountain is beautiful and the colors in the previous post of the bridge are so bright and it!

Anonymous said...

The Viking were good, but this is more for me. Those Celts! It's divine.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting shot! I love that clouds that looked like a hill.

My SWF are posted here and here. Hope you can drop by if you have the time. Happy weekends!

Virginia said...

B, YOu knocked yourself out today girl. This is amazing and I loved hearing the folklore regarding this phenomenon of nature. Gotta check out Gary's doin's too!

Neal said...

Very interesting shot!

Anonymous said...

Stunning image Babooshka and once again a brilliant narrative.Barrule always looks fantastic when Mannnan drapes his cloak over her. Thank you. And thanks for the link. keep up the good work.....

Pearl Maple said...

Fantastic photo full of light playing with colour and all the better to read the story behind the photo. Really appreciate the effort that some folks put into what they share with us all in Sky Watch Friday.

Thanks too for your kind comments on my post earlier.

Mojo said...

Magnificent photo and a fascinating story as well!

smudgeon said...

Wow, great shot & accompanying story! Must be useful to have such a caring guy looking out for your island!

And thanks for your recent comments!

Texas Travelers said...

Great image and description.
Thanks for sharing.

Politics and finances are a mess everywhere and the stock market is in shambles.

Blogging and photography are doing well though.

Come visit anytime,
Troy and Martha

Layrayski said...

What an incredible sight it must've been. And a great photo too!

Rose said...

Wow! What a photo!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a dome of clouds!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshaka: What a great shot of the mist rolling off the water.

Kim said...

Great photo, love the myth that goes along with it. Happy SWF

Fish Whisperer said...

Love the photo. The purple is just awesome. As always I enjoy your writing. A very fascinating history and legends.

Anonymous said...


The photos and the writing just get me every time. I knew zip about your part of the world, now it's an old friend. What is skywatch?

magiceye said...

superb imageand a very fascinating story to go along with it! lovely!

Anonymous said...

Interesting things you have told us! That theme of myths always interested me.
... and of course, wonderful photo!
Have a nice weekend.

Sue Seibert said...

I love your history and legends. Thanks so much for the photo and the interesting comments!

SandyCarlson said...

This is such a great post. Your image and words remind me of why I love your part of our little planet. Thank you, friend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot and I've enjoyed reading about the myths :)

Happy Skywatch!

Jim said...

Thank you for your nice story about Mannanan and his cloak. Mrs. Jim and I were introduced to the cloak at Snaeffell Mountain top. Mannanan was working overtime that day.
They did have a drawing of him up there, he looked powerful.

EG CameraGirl said...

How unusual! I'm sure I've never seen anything like purple candy floss roll in from the Great Lakes.
Happy Sky Watch!

Zeee said...

Amazing shot and the myth behind it is interesting, too! :)

Hilda said...

Wow, it really is a cloak of mist! Beautiful shot and I love the myth about it!

Connie T. said...

That is a good shot of that fog rolling in. It is like a big blanket.

Unknown said...

Wow stunning shot and interesting read

Baruch said...

That does look like a cloak - awesome!

Kate said...

You are a wonderful researcher and teacher. Thanks for all the information on the that stuff! The shroud of fog reminds me of the fog that creates a "tablecloth" on Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa. Mysterious and beautiful.

Cherie said...

The rolling of the mist sounds like a cool thing to watch, and I love the photo!

Sweepy said...

woofy, B.
i love it when you tell the stories of life as it is, was and will be.

animals are pagans. and we all love to watch the sky because they always speak to us...more clearly than people.

Anonymous said...

An informative post and the picture to support it is perfect. After the bridge sequence, 'cloak' pictures might be the thing.

Anonymous said...

stunning mist and so metaphorical.

some mist on my photoblog skywatch today.

PS - the dark blue text on the black background is almost impossible to read.


Diederick Wijmans said...

Thanks for this wonderful photo and your explanations, Babooshka!!

Olivier said...

en ouvrant ton blog, je me suis demandé si je m'étais pas trompé de blog, on dirait une tempête dans le désert, superbe et bravo.

by opening your blog, I wondered if I was not wrong blog, it looks like a storm in the desert, beautiful, bravo.

Jules said...

As usual a fascinating post with a wonderful photo . that mist is amazing - it reminds me of the one in Cape Town.

Anonymous said...

This is really a special kind of mist! Very beautiful!

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Very fine post.
May Isle of Man be not Isle of Traders and Pseudo economic experts !

Eki said...

A trully breathtaking sky shot, Babooshka! The flowing clouds and the tone of the evening sky are just awesome!

Danial Bigham said...

Thank u for saw my weblog.It's beautiful.Is this a mountain?

Anne-Berit said...

Fantastic picture,beautiful colours!

Anonymous said...

The photo and the cloud are like a fairytail and the myth you told us is very interesting.

FO - 2 said...

Wonderful capture.
LOVELY colors! :)))

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful mist. I have read lots abut the fog in London but as yet I have not seen any. there is something quite surreal about it. No wonder so many myths and legends were created about it.

Pernille said...

Beautiful shot and interesting reading!

Have a nice weekend:)

Patricia said...

Beautiful photo! And thanks for sharing the story of Mannanan's cloak. Have a nice weekend :)

Pat said...

That is one interesting post! And the photo is really an eye-catcher.

Anonymous said...

This is one the amazing Skyphotos that I've browse today. Great shot.. I love it.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful misty and mysterious picture. Thanks for telling the nice myth.

Carver said...

This was such an interesting post and great photograph. Excellent!

Unknown said...

Great photo and interesting reading.

Catherine said...

Once again very interesting post. I'm always learning something stopping by here.
We also ask for Mannanan's cloak to protect us.
I'm very surprised to read that Manx residents are 'linked' to Iceland financial collapse.

Dewdrop said...

I was amazed by this fog that you described and it is one of the specific facts detailed about the Isle of Man. Very interesting and beautiful and mysterious. Great capture. said...

so cool you thought to capture this for your post in relation to what is going on in the world. It's nice to know there are greater forces at work that protect us when we need it!
great post & photo babooshka.

Anonymous said...

I have always been drawn to this Pagan tale you told well. I know the island is awash with these myths. I would like to hear more. Most mindblowing photographs of the island I have ever seen. The Manx language interests me too. May we see more?



Ingrid said...

This sky really looks fascinating !

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and fantastic sky ! ! !
Ik like this picture.
Those clouds have photographed you splendidly.

Stevenson Q said...

BABOOSHKA!!!! Your photo made me cast a very long sigh! I loooove it! Everytime you post a photo, a very informative narrative comes with it and I truly love it! I sometimes tell your stories to my classmates and we find it really amusing especially those about the vikings!

Vacation is on for me! God bless and Mabuhay!


Torsdag 1952 said...

I studyed the text and forgot write about photo.
I decided my property will be a little bit like your island, but how can I get this mystic clouds to my place.
Thanks for the wonderful shot an story.

Quiet Paths said...

That is quite a view: one could walk on the clouds...

Greyhound Girl said...

This just leaves me breathless- how beautiful.

And the story is so nice...

Quite a post today- with a beautiful picture, a touch of history, and current events... love it all!

Knoxville Girl said...

that's spectacular - a natural cloaking device (reveal: I'm a Star Trek geek)
I'm sure Gary will come up with something piquant.

MaryAnn Ashley said...

Beautiful, moody shot.

Gretchen said...

Great shot and love the story behind it! :)

Aisha said...

What an awesome story! Beautiful shot, too!

Gowri Mohanakrishnan said...

A great read, a wonderful legend and an awesome picture!

chrome3d said...

That cloak looked really mystical and unearthly. Thanks for explaining it too, it was much needed.

Merisi said...

Magnificent cloak image,
interesting story, thank you for sharing these with us!
I hope to one day be able to see it.

Photo Cache said...

fantastic shot and interesting information. happy skywatching.

Daryl said...

Wonderful .. as always!


The Birdlady said...

I really enjoyed this post - the photo is stunning, adnthe information most interesting.

Pietro Brosio said...

Really fabulous picture and very interesting text.

Rune Eide said...

It just goes to show that there is a connection to Scandinavia - We have that kind of fog too! Or at least we have fog.

I hope we also have some money left by tomorrow.

Norm said...

beautiful photo with a very interesting text...

laxeylass said...

Throw it over England too. Nicely told and of course it's a magic photo.

D Herrod said...

Awesome shot complete with an interesting mythology lesson.

Antonia said...

fascinating art piece! cheers!

Anonymous said...

Great post. Loved the picture and the story of Manannan. I'm praying for all of us in this stressful time.

Andrea said...

Very nice Sky Watch picture. Could not help but notice the awesome bridge on your last post too.

kjpweb said...

Totally awesome! Would love to see that!
Cheers, Klaus

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Very beautiful!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

This is an awesome picture!
Thanks for stopping by and checking the skies OF Eastern Montana.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving learning more about the Isle of Man through your blog. I never knew it was a major banking center, and so directly affected by the crisis.

Today's skywatch photo is lovely, and a perfect illustration of the legend.

Profile Not Available said...

Fabulous photo, and great retelling of the myth! Loved reading your post today!

Anonymous said...

The cloak sweeps in to protect us from all. Spellbinding

Arija said...

My first thought as I looked at your photowas "what's hiding under that mist", then I read your story and all was clarified.
The monetary situation at the moment is confusing to say the least.

Anonymous said...


My favouite after moody blues.

Lilli & Nevada said...

what a great photo i love the colors in them

Anonymous said...

What a thrilling photo. The subject, the light, the story, everything. And I have a suggestion as well. In my Firefox browser on the Mac, the blue type on the black background is almost completely unreadable. You might want to lighten the blue a bit so people know what you want them to click.

Thanks for a great photo, and good luck to us all in the current financial crisis.

Deborah said...

Gorgeous shot, colours are wonderful. well done

Anonymous said...

Beautiful misty image!

Anonymous said...

Great shot! I hope everyone comes out of this panic okay.

Alan said...

Neat shot and great explanation. We could all use a good shroud from time to time.

A Blog In The Rough said...

Love the story and you got the perfect picture to go with it, it really makes me wanna go visit there!

raf said...

Love this post, Baboosh! Wonderful image, lively history and fascinating lore all grab and pull you in! Thank you for yet another informative post about the Isle of Man.

Ann said...

Beautiful. I wish had the time to give your posts the attention they deserve, I would learn so much.

Louis la Vache said...

As you know, "Louis" likes to photograph the fog as it rolls across San Francisco Bay, so he finds himself very much liking this photo - and the history lesson!

me ann my camera said...

Amazingly beautiful and wonderful, enjoyable text to go with the beauty.
Thank you for your visit to my skywatch.

DeniseinVA said...

Such a wonderful post and a beautiful photograph. Thanks for sharing.

Yrsa said...

What an interesting and beautiful pic!

Rambling Woods said...

What an interesting story and I am so sorry that the US economy is so affecting the rest of the world.

 gmirage said...

awesome! It looks like sea waves perfect for surfing!!!

Digital Polaroids said...

Unbelievable pink clouds!

Kelly said...

Wow! I just can't get over how beautiful your photos are! Great SWF post! Fabulous shot!

Namnet said...

Reading the first two paragraphs and looking at the photo give me the goose bumps. The story behind this photo is so beautiful. As well as the breathtaking and mystical picture itself. Thank you for sharing, have a nice day and happy skywatching:-)

airplane5312 said...

That's just incredible. I envy you for having sights like that around you. It reminds of a bit of 'The 13th Warrior'.

Celeste said...

What a beautiful, dramatic shot. Do you think the rest of us can hide under Manannans Cloak too please?

Anonymous said...

The mist really does look like a blanket over the mountains. The touch of pink makes it seem very soft and magical. Thanks for the myth, it was fascinating!

MumbaiiteAnu said...

And interesting reading about Mannanan's Cloak.
Thank you for visiting MDS.

Twin said...

Well-written and amazing shot! Nice to see the other side of the globe :)


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