Friday, March 06, 2009


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside, don't you?


I know, bad pun but I just can't resist. Couldn't resist this image above either. The sea so still and the clouds just breaking to reveal the promise of a blue sky. Very different to yesterday and one day of snow image I showed you( which I am still quite excited about sad to say) that has since disappeared. Anyway back to the pier. Remember I said we have two beaches in Ramsey, well this one is not the one adjacent to the park this is the other one along Queens Promenade. Guess what the Pier is conveniently called Queens too.Where are we today then?

In the distance is Maughold(pronounced Makold) a small village named after St Machaoi. Maughold Point is the most easterly on the island. It's also the closest point to England so you can imagine the view on a very clear day. It's also where Johnny Depp stayed when he was filming the Libertine over here. If you take a walk under and past the pier you will arrive at the arches. I took this at the top of the promenade steps that lead to the beach. It looks like the pier is actually situated on the land but that's just perspective. Here are some other images to put this view in context what is around here and some pier close ups. Click the words in Red.

Close up pier
Beyond the pier
Under the pier
Hidden Arches beyond the pier
Big Sky and touch of pier
Steps where the image taken from
Room with a view

last week we covered the golden hour in photography. This was around noon. Sometimes photography rules just don't apply. This image needed to be flat and smooth no shadows so noon was the best time to shoot it. I know it's one rule for one image and one for another. Just think fight club. First rule of photography really should be- there are no rules in photography.

Skywatch watchers can be found here. Many thanks to Dot for the inspirational idea, Tom for the first care taking and the My world gang for looking after skywatch now.

Babooshka Ramsey Daily Photo hhtp://


Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Oh to sit by the sea.. How relaxing!

Rune Eide said...

Those piers - that is one thing we don't have. Do you have one to spare?

Photo Cache said...

Love the play on words. Happy weekend.

Connie T. said...

This is a beautiful shot of the sky and the water. I love looking at the ocean and the sky.

Anonymous said...

That's a stunning photo, though I must say I did groan at the pun! Amazing clouds there.

Carletta said...

I loved the play on words!
Beautiful shot and I'd love being there.

imac said...

Me too , Beside the sea.

Agree no rules in photography.

Grat pic.

Wish I was there.


angela said...

Killer pun...and a great looking sky.

Lene said...

Oh, yes - I really like to be by the seaside to. Mine is a litlebit colder than yours ;))

Beautiful photo :)

A Scattering said...

Love the idea of the linked cameos. Great photos.

Anonymous said...

Neat pun. Thanks for the links it does help to place the pier. It's like a postcard so sleek.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this post! And how lucky you are to live near TWO beaches! Thanks for sharing.


I have always loved pictures of piers, maybe beacause we don't have them! Beautiful pics, all of them - my favourite is perhaps the one from under the pier! Simply beautiful!

Jim said...

Amazing sky.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I want to be beside the sea, and I'm counting the days until then. Fantastic pier, and beautiful sweep of sea and sky!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your pun and post. What a beautiful sky over the beautiful water and pier. I love this shot.

Dewdrop said...

I do too!!! That is gorgeous! You always capture things so beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Oo! Another one of your lovely big skies!

Unknown said...

You're right, it's something about being at the seaside that registers deeply in our psyche.

Guy D said...

Great posting as always, send some of your weather this

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Rose said...

Really enjoyed all the links in red...this is a nice shot, too. Love that big blue sky.

Unknown said...

I love to be both at the sea and on the water in a boat. Gorgeous capture. Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Rock on!Tiddlyompompom. Yes.

Unknown said...

It's amazing that one day we can have snow fall and then blue sky and it's f the snow thing was just a dream. Nice one.

Reader Wil said...

I like the play on words. The pier is great! We have one in Scheveningen. It's wonderful to walk there and to go shopping there.Thanks for visiting.

marley said...

I know people, myself included, say "made me laugh!" but tyour title actually did! Very funny. I love a good play on words/pun.

I've got a feeling you and I are on the same planet - I get excited about snow too!

Great photo.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

I love being by the sea! Beautiful image.

Anonymous said...

No brass band?

Anonymous said...

Oh that's a punny one!
Goodness, that's one long pier you have there! I miss the sea, but Lake Ontario is almost as good - just not the smell of the sea!

George Townboy said...


Virginia said...

I like the no rules theory. Since I forget them most of the time!! You help keep me on the track with B's Mini Lessons! From Pier to Eternity. GIrl you are great.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent play of words and sky photo, as always! Thanks for the visit.

Gaelyn said...

That sky looks infinte. Nice capture.

Anonymous said...

Lovely beach, the sort I'd love to take a long walk along with my camera.

Sylvia K said...

Great post, gorgeous photos -- as always and as always I love them! Thank you, Babooshka, for sharing! Have a great weekend!

penny said...

Splendid photo! Fantastic pun:D

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I'd love to be there. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

B this is now my new favourite pier image. Are they still trying to save it?

Quiet Paths said...

Oh yes, I certainly do too. Very lovely, sweeping sky shot.

SunJune said...

What a big blue sky!

cara said...

I love the movement in the sky - really dramatic

Anonymous said...

There really is somethng quite special about the skyline/horizon on an island. I love these pictures of yours.

SandyCarlson said...

Love the pun, love the photo. I admire your talent.

Anonymous said...

Get your website together now!

PJ said...

Babooshka, you're pierless in this department. Happy SWF!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Wow! that is a great shot and i like the setting and would love to be there.

Pat - Arkansas said...

This is a wonderful post in many ways, Babooshka. The photograph is grand, as usual. I like the links back to other photos of Queen's Pier, and the bit about "no rules." Thanks!

I appreciate your visit to my SWF.

Cathy said...

How beautiful!!!

Scotty Graham said...

Yes, would love to just sit and watch with my ipod playing my favorite tunes...great shot.


Anonymous said...

I don't mean to nag but everyday I see a photograph here and I always want to buy it. I know I am not the only one. Please set something up via sales. I know it is difficult where you live(I lived in Port Erin) but I am ready to pay p+p to Australia so heaven knows I'm serious. Time zones clash so I'll expect a reply your am.

B SQUARED said...

That sky looks like it goes forever.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

great shot...happy SWF and thanks for the FB add :)

Redzlan said...

Nice seascape pic!
Have a great weekend.

The Ridger, FCD said...

Nice title for a truly breathtaking picture.

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, I do love to sit by the sea. Unfortunately, I now live inland. Oh, well.

Lew said...

You are getting a good start on a hundred images of the pier! LOL! Perhaps a hundred images of the same spot in different light. However you do it - it is a beautiful spot to photograph!

kazu said...

This is wonderful sky!
Very beautiful.

José Ramón said...

Beautiful landscape with good depth of field Saludos

alicesg said...

Lovely photo of the seaside. Oh yes, I too love the sea. Once I was away in another country, the hotel's window face directly to the open sea. I could lie on the bed and watch the whole ocean from bed. It's amazing. :)

Maalie said...

Mmmm! I think I should get a boat over and bring my fishing rods! I can just imagine fishing from that beach on some summer evening!

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

I agree with you that there should be no rules when it comes to photography. Rules restrict you and people like you keep on proofing that.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful shot---the sky is great but I like the greeny color of the water. MB

Merisi said...

Who could resist such vistas?

d'immenso" -
Giuseppe Ungaretti

antigoni said...

All your photos are amazing.
I love visiting your blog. There is an award waiting for you in my blog. You really deserve it. Congratulations.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Do people fish on your pier?

We have a pier in Auckland, a fav haunt for fisherman.

Olivier said...

superbe ce ciel qui n'en finit jamais.
haughtiness this sky which never finishes it.

Arija said...

Nice shot and I love your heading!

mrsnesbitt said...

I dont know where I'd be without my daily visit to the sea...11am as ever, Wilma and I will be there! Will take my camera today!

Pat said...

I love a good pun, and a good seaside!

magiceye said...

eternity indeed!

Suffeli kuvailee said...

have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

A lovely calm image. Great photo.

Anonymous said...

Serious stunning image

Great art

Anonymous said...

Love the photo, text, and click-on-red option.

VioletSky said...

I learn so much when I come here!

VioletSky said...

I learn so much when I come here!

Hilda said...


Magnificent shot though!

Buck said...

Liked the title very much! Very nice presentation and to answer the question, I love the sea!

Mary said...

This is very beautiful! The pun is perfect :-) I looked at the other photos and love the arches.

Carolyn said...

Wonderful shot and nice post....I like that word "someshine"! There is nothing better than being by the sea...I am missing it. Thanks for sharing and stopping by.

Judy said...

Pun or not, it does illustrate the photo! That is an incredibly long pier!! And I love the photo!! The still water reflects the breaking clouds so well, and the hills at the horizon keep it real. If it was just the clouds and the water, I don't think anyone would believe it was not made up.

JunieRose2005 said...

This is a beautiful shot. And I would love to be there too! (as others have said in your comments) :)

Thanks for visiting my place!


Anonymous said...


Lisa Wilson said...

A beach and Johnny Depp....sounds good to me!! Beautiful photo! :)

Brian Miller said...

nice. personally like the play of the sky, clouds, and the water.

Dee said...

Oh, I definitely want to be beside a beautiful sea like that. So delightful to the senses. Excellent shot as always!

syel said...

lovely photo! and i do agree that sometimes there should be no rules in photography just like fight club :D

CTG Ponies said...

Very pretty and peaceful.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: What a neat look at the sea, sky and shore. That is a great view.

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Tout ce que nous voulions savoir sur cette jetée.
Thanks a lot.

Mojo said...

Now that is one serious pier! You might even say "pierless" (heh. Okay, I might say "pierless". Gguess I just did, didn't I? Twice actually. I digress.)

Rule breaking or not, I see why you shot it when you did. Makes perfect sense. And you didn't throw the rule book out completely... you're still minding the rule of thirds.

Then there are ties when you simply have no choice but to break the rules. And possibly not even for artistic reasons, but technical ones. Or in other cases because you either get the shot now, or you're not going to get it.

I concur completely. The first rule of photography is there are no rules of photography. (But wasn't the first rule of fight club "nobody talks about fight club"? Or am I remembering that wrong?)

Gretchen said...

So beautiful! I miss the calming effect of the water. :)

Lori Lynn said...

Yes, I do!
Love the color of sea and sky in this photo.

Anonymous said...

It are the clouds which doing in this photograph.
Wonderful ! ! !

chrome3d said...

That pier was so loooong. Do people really have patience to walk to the end of it?

Unknown said...

I think you're just tormenting me with sea piccies now! Beautiful as usual.

abc said...

Great colours, composition, light, just wonderful!

Tarolino said...

Yes the seaside is the only place to live by. I quite agree. The sky is sooo big over the sea.
Lovely clouds again.

Ellen said...

breaking rules ruptures the very fabric of space and time -just like how piers will take you as deep as you want to get.

Barb said...

A lovely respite for landlocked me to see the sea - sorry but I couldn't resist! I like to imagine that it was warm when that photo was taken, but I see you also just had some snow.

Robin said...

What a beautiful, still ocean. With those white clouds, the sky actually looks much more full of movement than the water.

Anonymous said...

It's all be said so I'll just say thanks for sharing a very pretty vista.

Tanya Breese said...

Such a lovely, peaceful picture...have a great weekend!

Heidi said...

That is beautiful. Noon can be good because the light bounces all over the place then. You can see the reflection of the bottom of the clouds on the water, bringing out more interest and the focal point.

And thanks for stopping by my blog!

Alan said...

Nothing at all wrong with a good (ie bad) pun. :)

Lovely shot. Looks almost taken from the Caribbean.

Rules are made to be broken, right? :)

Anonymous said...

If I cold choose, I'd live by the sea ;) Skies like this appear so that they are moving forever no`? Eternity is a perfect title!

(Schooling is taking its toll...I'll make sure to post often though! Thanks for the support and visits on my blog!!!)

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

No Rules on Photography! I love your ideas. Just freedom to be creative.

Another great photo by you today, too!

New Mexico

Gattina said...

I wished I could be there (sigh !)

Inkivääri said...

Yep, I like to be seaside, your seaside and the sky there is fantastic - can't say in English my feeling, that looks like there is no end...

Bestemor Aud said...

Yes, walking, sitting, thinking, relaxing is very easy by the sea!
Beautiful view from your home place!
Happy week-end!

gogouci said...

Gosh it looks like it goes on forever. Great title.

Anonymous said...

Is the sea always so calm there? This is so beautiful!


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