Monday, February 15, 2010

Three's company - My World

Or three's a crowd

Well of course I could have gone for the obvious title of Swan Lake, but that would have been a bit of a lie. I'm not averse to bending the truth, well blatantly lying on this blog to illustrate an image with the text when I'm bored, or feeling mischievous but today, play it straight. The three little swan gliding into view are the real part not stuffed but the water is the swizz. It's not the lake but the Harbour inlet. If you look closely at the top half of the image you can see darker contrasting lines reflecting upon the lighter coloured water of the sail masts of the moored boats. Swans always look beautiful to photograph, but don't get two close. For such elegant creatures they have a nasty hiss and can break your arm if they don't want their photo taken. One for the zoom lens and run.

Still on a borrowed laptop, so posts as and when. For other My World images, click here.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: Neat shot of the swans, I can't tell if it is B&W or a color photo. I had a couple chase me when fishing a pond.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Beautiful shot, Babooshka. You know, if the Atlantic can be called The Pond then I'd be happy for your bit of the Irish Sea to be The Lake...!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what a fantastic shot! And how beautiful they are! Look as though they're having a gossip fest! I love them, too, but try not to ruffle their feathers -- they'll take on anything or anyone. Have a great week, Babooshka!


Louise | Italy said...

Oh, aren't they gorgeous! We have a few swans on our lake, one family that is resident, I think. We like to feed them, but sometimes they do get a bit -- belligerent! Greetings from Italy via MyWorld! Louise.

Anonymous said...

Ha! This time of year three is definitely a crowd. Are the Ramsey swans thinking about creating families?

Actually I have some photos of four swans swimming together, but two of them look like juveniles...not quite ready to leave the nest.

Excellent photo!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather watch those beauties than the silly sitcom any day!

imac said...

Very nice and graceful shot.

Carver said...

That's a wonderful shot and I'm glad you used a zoom and didn't get a broken arm for the shot.

Anonymous said...

Your photography is just amazing B and I have known you for years. I never knew. Dave.

lv2scpbk said...

Beautiful swans. Love the dark look of the water which makes the white of the swans stand out.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

that is stunning just stunning esp the depth of color

Jane Hards Photography said...

Hi all. Fishinh guy it is monochrome. Another photography, swans back fanastic monos, because the white od the swnas really stands out.

Loran said...

Great shot!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love swan photos - this one is exquisite. Nice job!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. They are very lovely.

SandyCarlson said...

They liked to be admired from afar! But their beauty loses nothing up close. This is a wonderful shot.

brattcat said...

Thank you, not only for this gorgeous shot, but for helping us look more closely, more analytically, to look beyond the beauty to the deep truth.

Anonymous said...

Archive or new just keep the blog going. I miss my daily fix.

Unknown said...

Yes I had a run in with a swan once and you're not wrong! Great shot, perfect in b/w.

Jenn said...

Fantastic shot! I think it is perfect in B/W. Love the contrast of the white swans against the water. Simple yet elegant indeed. Never knew that they could be nasty. Thanks for the tip... haha!

kRiZcPEc said...

simple and powerful! :)

Carolyn Ford said...

That is simply beautiful! Each swan is such an amazing! Lovely!

Lianne said...

lovely swans! :) they're such beautiful creatures.

Pat said...

Swans are so elegant and lovely looking, even in black and white---great effect!

Horsoon said...

I love this shot, I think it's framed perfectly, and the contrasting colors of the swans and and water add some dramatic effect :)

Marie said...

A black and white photo is perfect for this composition. It enhances the white of the swans. Beautiful We had ten swans in the river in front of the "hôtel de région" in Montpellier They did not stay there for long. They were either killed or stolen. What a shame!

Mo said...

Well aren't I the slow one. Just caught up with your return. Good to see you back. Even if it has been awhile. I must get to the swan counting thingime here. Do they include the isle of Mann?

DeniseinVA said...

Fabulous photo of three very beautiful swans. It reminds me of a painting I have of three snowy white geese that the artist called The Three Graces. I rarely see these beautiful birds so when I come across a picture such as yours, it makes me smile.

Chuck Pefley said...

And here I thought you were on the bank of the Swanee River -:)

gogouci said...

How did you train them to do that? OR are they decoys? Beautiful elegance.

Steve Harris said...

Babooshka, you are the master. What fantastic images. Every time I visit I'm blown away by your work.


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