Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Monet by Babooshka. Ha! Ha!

My World

Water lilies! I do hope Monet won't be turning in his grave too much at this homage. A sure sign Spring has sprung, even though we has our first snow this week. This is another hidden treasure. It's the little pond I pass in the Nature Reserve. It's been while since I've shown you the river or the reserve purely as it's been winter and it's a little too muddy to be traipsing about It is another little secluded haven for local wildlife. Ducks, dragonflies, frogs, butterflies bees, hoverflies long tailed tits(pretty pink birds) can all be found here come Spring. Bullrushes as you can see by the bucket load and those gorgeous water lilies nestling in the centre. I didn't do a close up of the lilies today so I could show you the pond in full and that's what made me go for the style of image. So much green, the slither of purple bloom and the blush of white lilies had to be a (click) Monet style image. Basking under bright sunlight filtering through leaving the top corner nicely shaded no alterations necessary, mother nature was very helpful today.This is my little bit of France in Ramsey and you know how much I love France. Open to job offers - anything considered. I'm not joking you know Gary and I need to be in France. On the other hand would you like to hear a joke......

.......A Parisian burglar nearly got away with stealing several Impressionist paintings from the Louvre. However, after planning the crime, getting in and out past heavy security, he was captured only two blocks away, when his getaway vehicle ran out of petrol. When asked how he could mastermind such a daring crime, and then make such an obvious error, he replied,

"I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van

You can all blame Gary for that artist's joke who is creating a of Manx illustrations for a commission as I type. All I can say for now. Hush Hush.

Klaus, Imac, Fishing Guy, Ivar, Tom, Louise, Wren, Sandy and others are to thank for the My World neme. Click here for more my world's just for fun again of course.

Babooshka ramsey daily photo dailyphotoisleofman.blogspot.com/


Miranda McAfee said...

I love the impressionist era, this is a great interpretation.

marley said...

Lol at the joke! Good one Gary.

The photo is lovely, gives us hope of things to come :)

imac said...

I just love your posts, lol
I agree whole heartily - ear ear minus one.
Great photo.

Nave you been to Monets Garden and lake?? its beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It does look very much like Monet. Beautiful..I love to learn about the different birds. Interesting as we don't call any bird a 'tit' in the states because we save that for other things...but we do have tufted titmice....smile...

Mojo said...

That really does resemble a Monet! Fantastic!

(I'd heard the joke before, but it still gave me a chuckle.)

Anonymous said...

Nice one B. It is a brilliant impression!

Joy said...

You can be your own Monet! I love Degas and Van Gogh, too. Lovely shot.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

Maria said...

Nice post! Thanks! I love the flowers!

Guy D said...

Simply beautiful photo, you never disappoint!

Have a great week!
Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, love this post. Have a good week.

Sylvia K said...

Love your post, as always, love your humor! And, of course, your photos are breathtaking! Thanks for all of it -- every week! Love your world!

NYD said...

Good joke and I don't think Monet will be turning over in his grave (whatever the heck that really means) I think he'd be glad for the reall cool jod you've done capturing them on film as he did on canvas.

kayleen said...

Wonderful photograpy and prose...as always. Thanks for sharing a wonderful piece of your world.

Anonymous said...

You are an artist.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: That certainly is a lovely pond and so alive in greenery.

Anonymous said...

LOL, though the photos makes it more beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Your photo really is reminiscent of a Monet. I love the way you matched the font color to the photo - very striking against the black background! That joke is hilarious - I can hardly wait to tell it to my son tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Monet is a photographer named Babooshka. This the best photo you show me.Like a painting. I forgive you the little joke. It has humour.

Carole said...

What, no rim shot for the punchline? LOL.

"the slither of purple bloom" - great description.

Lowell said...

I think you did Monet justice!

Anonymous said...

Ilove Water Lily,It's unique..

Vanessa Bates said...

just beautiful!

Alan said...

A very lovely seen, but alas - it is too much in focus for Monet. :)

Swarna said...

Loved that artist joke. And Monet's paintings are special! Nice bit of France in Ramsey - hear, hear!

Carver said...

I love your title for this. Beautiful shot of the water lilies in your world and it does make me think of Monet.

LOL on your pun joke.

Louise said...

I think Monet would be honored! It is stunning!

Peggy said...

Monet does come to mind after viewing your beautiful photo. I am new to your blog, and I loved the joke...made me goggle.

Jim Klenke said...

Oh, Gary is a funny man.

Nice colors, I love the purple.

Anonymous said...

Monet will be spinning with happiness B.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the return LOL! Those Lilies are gorgeous, wouldn't it be nice if that piccie was worth what a Monet is?!

Cloudia said...

A lovely diversion today!

Janie said...

Cute joke. And I like your natural Monet!

Copenhagen said...

Wow, beautiful flowers. I love the colour.

alicesg said...

Beautiful flowers. Isn't it a bonus to have see such beautiful flowers while you take a stroll. :)

Mariz said...

Hahaha, hilarious joke there! Loved the water lilies, absolutely gorgeous photo. Thanks for dropping by my world earlier.

Pat said...

Inviting photo...I love green and purple. Heard the joke before, but it was good for another laugh. Remember the vain French snail, Simon, who bought a snazzy sports car and painted a big gold 'S' on the side? He adored whipping around town and overhearing people say, "Wow! Look at that "S car go!" Baaad.

antigoni said...

Very funny joke!
Your photo is beautiful. Great nature photo.

Olivier said...

cela fait très jardin japonais, j'aime bien ce coté zen

Brett said...

reminds me of spring.

Reader Wil said...

Monet will be inspired by you! Just perfect!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Monet would have loved your lilies but would probably cringe at the old joke.

angela said...

What a beautiful pond. I love the planting..
And the joke made me smile :)

chrome3d said...

That joke was just hilarious. I think Monet has rolled around in his grave so lot that he doesn´t mind another spin.

Tara said...

Thanks for the nice laugh...Beautiful lavender flowers.

Anonymous said...

Sure Monet would be OK with this. It's a classic.

J said...

What a terrible joke! :)
The water lilies are so beautiful and relaxing - I could do withe something like that one the walls of my classrooms for those moments when I need to take a deep breath! I also liked the gull photo - they look exceptionally perky.

Bergson said...

One day Botany on the blogs

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

«I have no Monet...» - LOOOOOOOOLLLL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wondered where the story was going, till I got to the joke. Quite funny Gary.

Leanne said...

Ha Ha....Your photo is lovely and has much more detail then a Monet.

GiuCe said...

all your pics are amazing!

Maria Verivaki said...

this is a great post - monet on the isle of man indeed!

Indrani said...

I love the way you add humor to your posts and convey lot of info too. :)
Great shot!

Sharon said...

Simply beautiful!! You have the artist's eye!

Rob said...

Clever joke. Lovely Monet-like shot. I've been trying to obtain an impressionist style photo unsuccessfully; soft focus, where the colors and textures create the visual. I wonder if it is at all possible...without photoshop use.

Tarolino said...

Monet will not be turning in his grave. He'll be proud to be associated with such a wonderful scenic image. Is this really NOW? Full summer it looks like to me.

The joke was hilarious.

??? said...

Beautiful picture and it is indeed very Monet. Love the joke :)

Anonymous said...

Great impression Babooshka. Doesn't look too dissimilar to Monets garden at Giverny which I was very lucky to visit last year with my wife when we had a great holiday in Paris. You know I'll have to take a walk up to Poyll Dooey. It's only a matter of yards from my house but I never seem to go that way....Things will change.


Lovely - I love things that imitate and give their own slight twists on art - I find it really clever and inspiring!

Keep up the good work - remember that I'm always visiting if not always commenting!

Scarlet xx

Unknown said...

Love the shot... and the subtitle! :-))) Just great!

Barb said...

Gosh, I just enlarged your photo and sat looking at the beautiful spring colors for awhile. Thanks - I needed that!

soulbrush said...

just as good as monet...

Marie said...

Beautiful blue flowers. Spring has arrived here too.

Anonymous said...

That is a really stunning photo. I'm quite speechless. Seriously- I think this might be my favourite ever of your photos.

david mcmahon said...

Great punchline!

Lisa Wilson said...

So pretty! Maybe you won't have anymore snow, but you can enjoy spring!

Lew said...

Your world may be a small island, but it has great beauty! And an interesting lingual history!

Virginia said...

I think Monsieur would be most pleased with your beautiful interpretation! Very springy and quiet.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

indeed it does look like Spring is on its way to your world.
loved the post...it made me chuckle...
have a great rest of the week.


Bettey said...

Just gorgeous colors. Such bold greens and purples!

Eki said...

:D water lilies in the wild? how wonderful! did you manage to get closer, B?


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