Friday, September 12, 2008



Hello! It's that time of week again when we all look to the skies. I seem to have included water and reflections again in mine. What do you think of that sky though? Do you see an ominous sky about to unleash a downfall, or an optimistic sky clinging to the light at the end of the tunnel. I know which way it went for the next 2 hours I was out there, but what do you think and see?

This is the Sulby River again. Last week's skywatch we were along the river in the nature reserve. This week we are along the same path, but closer to town. This is a far as the path can take us along the river. Now I have to leave the path, walk past Ramsey Bakery, cross the main road and then onto the road along the harbour side. In case anybody is wondering where their rain had got too here it is.!This is actually still quite high. A dry day purleeeeease! Or was this the day we got one? What does the pic say to you?

I'm early posting, due to much work to do. So the night that Gary has sent his 5 cartoons off to the BBC, I'm the one messing about with more bike images due the publication of mine in
"Motoaction"( does anyone know of this mag in Brazil?) this week. I thought I was done with these for this year, but no. I've also had a little drinkies. Seriously I got cajoled into having a few down one of Ramsey's fine pubs. No a good idea when you have images to scrutinise.

To join skywatch go to SKYWATCH
The concept was Dot's, the next host WIGGERS WORLD the guardians of skywatch now are Tom, Imac and Sandy

Ciao for now! I may be awake all night, or fall asleep in five minutes. Lager. Bad stuff.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I thought I had seen this before but I guess not. I remember something just as beautiful but cannot remember who posted it.

My Sky Watch Friday blog is at my Canon Pixels blog. If you have time I would appreciate your having a look at the sky peeking through the oak tree leaves.

Anonymous said...

I just looked at last weeks. Was it the same day? I would say it rained.
It's really very beautiful.

kjpweb said...

Nope. Lager good!!!
So is this gorgeous shot!
Cheers, Klaus

Photo Cache said...

Beautiful scene. I am more for the rain coming down. Did it?

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Wow, simply beautiful. I love the sky and the reflection.

Mumbai Skywatch

Tom said...

I see a beautifully captured Sky.. presented to perfection by one of my favourite bloggers.... ha! see ypou are not the only one on larger tonight... and I've now got the gin and gingerbeer out... ummm!

Cath said...

You drinkies away love while we sit and enjoy your lovely images of Ramsy.

I love the reflections. And FWIW , I think the heavens probably opened soon after you took that! lol

I have another site too so you can find my sky watch at the usual site and a second skywatch on my new site called Cath's Cradle.
Please come see if you get time.

Eki said...

The reflection of the sky on the water feels so peaceful ... I can almost feel the freshness of the air from the photo. Great photo for SWF, Babooshka!

Webradio said...

Bonsoir !

Très jolie photo...

Il est super le reflet dans l'eau...

Great shot !

Lapa37 said...

I love it I think it stormed like crazy am I right?

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic photo! I love the colours, I love the composition, I love the reflections! Mysterious and also romantic!

Anonymous said...

Good. Beautiful shot and reflections.

Anonymous said...

Belle lumiere. TT fanatastique!

Cathy said...

I was just given my first blog award, and it gives me great pleasure to "share the love" with you, since I enjoy yours so very much. You can find the details of the award here, and my own post about it here.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful photo. It reminds me of New England around the Boston area. But you're way across the Big Pond from that!

Happy Sky Watch!

Anne-Berit said...

Your photo is gorgeous,love the reflections in the water.

Anonymous said...

Very peaceful, thank you.

Rose said...

My actual thoughts were that it had just rained and was passing through...whatever, it is an awesome photo.

Laurie Allee said...

Oh Babooshka, this is so uplifting and beautiful. It hovers between the storm and the light, which is why I see it as hopeful. Don't know which way it will go... but have every belief that the clouds will continue to part and the sun will blast through to that water.

I love your work. This is one of my favorites, for sure. You have such a gift for capturing that moment of pause between extremes.

Mayet said...

an impressive shot!!

Anonymous said...


For sure an award winner. Do you do calenders?

I have a friend in Brazil. He can scoot the mag. Breathetaking view. You sure do live in a pretty place.

Anonymous said...

What a tranquil place that is.

My sky watch's up too.

Ann said...

Looks like a gathering storm to me. Another stunning shot, but that applies to everything you post.

Pearl Maple said...

Very pretty, the reflection on the water paints a lovely picture. Thanks for sharing and view of the horizon your kind comments on my post earlier.

Unknown said...

Everything is beautifull in this photo!!!

Woody said...

Great shot!, Thanks for stopping by..Hope to see you next week..

Anonymous said...

Hello B,

I'm with Brad, a calender for New Year maybe. Wonderful again honey.

Jeanne said...

Very interesting sky and love the reflections. Looks like the threat of rain but still some blue so perhaps it did stay dry.

Victor said...

To quote a certain blogger I know, this is the perfect occasion to break the Rule Of Thirds ;)

Cheers Babooshka!

Knoxville Girl said...

This is moody, but with less blue. The angle of the clouds draws my eye across the photo. I think a hard rain's a-gonna fall. Hopefully not on your head.
I'm having a JD, neat, and no photos to mess with.

Louise said...

Breathtaking! Love the sky. Love the reflection. I think it's clearing up. Just a guess.

Indrani said...

This is beautiful, undisturbed reflections. I think I can meditate. :)

Michele said...

This is incredible... I am impressed. I adore reflections and have always gone out there looking for them and this is definitely top notch! WOW!
Mountain Retreat

Jim Klenke said...

Great shot, I think its before the rain....and a little drinkies isnt a bad thing, LOL.

Anonymous said...

My lady you top marks.
I see TT on the TV. I like to see in flesh.

magiceye said...

awesome! no rain.

david mcmahon said...

Beautiful textures there. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Cool shot of water and sky.

PJ said...

Just perfect Babooshka.

SandyCarlson said...

Talk about a perfect world! There it is.

Janet Kincaid said...

Beautiful photo!

Louis la Vache said...

Oh! This is beautiful, Babooshka! "Louis" really likes the reflection of the sky in the water....

Jules said...

I sooo love this - my fav so far today!!!! It looks like it was taken 100 yrs ago and if a pirate jumped out of that building and ran away I wouldn't be surprised.

Maria Verivaki said...

another wondrous mirror image from you...

angela said...

I'd like to think it was clearing but I doubt it. Definitely the calm before the storm

Anonymous said...

Impressive shot. I love the reflections. I'm pretty sure it rained a short while after the shot was taken.

Anonymous said...

Very scenic; you are lucky.

angie said...

beautiful shot, fabulous reflections....i think it began to clear

Barbara Rahal said...

mm more than nice I must looks like its gonna rain?..or is clearing out???..

antigoni said...

Very nice photo. So clear.

Olivier said...

météo : aujourd'hui de gros nuages suivi par de la pluie ;o).
Superbe reflet.

Weather: today large clouds followed by rain ;o).
Great reflection.

Anonymous said...

excellent capture, great reflection. very beautiful composition for swf. well done

Kyanite said...

I love the colours, but fear with the Summer we've had the blue skies lost the battle.

Randi said...

Very, very nice!! I do like the way the sky reflect in the river.

Have a nice day,

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot. I thought we had seen this view before, but it no it is different. Definitley rained. That's all we seem to have around here. Although I think the sky is always stunning when it is both blue and black.

tr3nta said...

really beautiful sky and reflections...

bowledover said...

I see a tranquil time of day when I could take time to contemplate events.
Lovely picture.
There is a bridge and water similar in Kenmore,Perthshire, over the Tay.
Such sights to see.
Thanks for your visit SWF.


Or look down to the skies if you wanna be awkward!
But seriously, lurvely picture (don't know how many times I've wrote that this morning, I must be inspired!)

Scarlet xx

Sarah Feeney said...

Fabulous photo! You make a very good point about the way the photo is viewed! I'm guessing it was a nasty thunderstorm!

Hilda said...

Love the reflection but that sky looks ominous — been seeing that kind of sky too much around here these past two weeks. But the first thing that came to my mind was "Omg, I love the location of that house!" ;)

Marie Reed said...

mmmmmmmnnn.... ... i've never met a bad lager:)

Roan said...

Love the shot. I suspect the sky opened up shortly after this shot was taken. BJ

Kerri Farley said...

Fabulous shot! I think the rain has come and it is getting ready to clear up.

Anonymous said...

Rain, rain, go away.

syel said...

whoa! seems like a storm is coming! but i'd like to think the other way, light will pass through the end of the tunnel. i like the reflections on the water!

Anonymous said...

To me, the sky seems neither optimistic nor ominous, but rather pensive and relfective. Gorgeous shot.

Anonymous said...

beautiful photo! Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photo! Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

I think Abe is recalling an earlier one of the river... or was it a lake ? Whatever - excellent image.

Gattina said...

That's a fantastic picture with the sky and the building reflecting in the water ! said...

beautiful shot! I think it rained and then the sun came out.
so did you fall asleep or were you up all night?

Dan said...

Love those reflections. It looks like a storm moving in to me rather than one moving out. Of course my vision may be effected by the fact the Hurricane Ike is bearing down on south texas this morning with a promise of a deluge in North Texas tomorrow.

Maria's Space said...

This is an absolutely beautiful photo.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: What a wonderful view of reflection along the river, very nice SWF.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Brilliant capture of the reflection. Let me guess it rained....

Stevenson Q said...

The photo tells a story! I love it! I'm sure what happened a couple of hours after. Just like here in the philippines. Storm has crushed our week. But hey! Let's take it as a blessing for the farmers who need water. But I just hope their crops were not devastated.

I wasn't been able to join skywatch for this week because loads and loads of project have been thrown. But I am thankful that We have finally submitted one this afternoon. Two to go!

Have a great weekend and Mabuhay!


Tanya Breese said...

Wow, that is an amazing shot Babooshka!
I'm guessing by the looks of those really dark clouds that you got quite the downpour? Although it can be hard to tell, our clouds tend to do that here as well. Black clouds to one side and the sun shining on the other. I guess it all depends on which way the wind blows?

Brad Myers said...

Nice sky watch capture. It looks like you got a pretty good rain coming.

Danial Bigham said...

Wow,The sky is angry.

Craver Vii said...

Rain is my guess, but I love the rain. We're so lucky you had your camera to capture those stunning blue colors peeking through from the other side of those pregnant clouds!

D Herrod said...

Very nice. Have a great weekend.

Dewdrop said...

Yep, as if the sky is being inundated with an ominous storm. Beautiful. I love reflection shots!

Amila Salgado said...

This is like a painting. I can stare at it fo long and see so many think in my mind's eye.

Alex Mazilu said...

magnificent !!

Debbie Courson Smith said...

A double dose of sky, too.

Max-e said...

That is a great picture Babooshka. I never realised that your rivers were so large.

Unknown said...

Lovely images of Ramsy.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful image overall! Great composition! I see a fickle sky, but I am drawn to the light.

Daryl said...

Like a mirror the water reflects the amazing drama of that sky .. just wonderful, Babooshka!


Anonymous said...

look at that.... as if the sky's sipping through the tunnel!

as always, ramsey -- magnificent shot!

Reader Wil said...

What a beautiful reflexion! Great choice to use air and water in a photo.

Catherine said...

I like the symmetry of the reflexion. A fabulous angle. Maybe someone has told it in a comment, but they're so many! I can't read them all.
Great SWF , Babooshka.

Sandra said...

Great photo! It looks like a fairy tale

Positive Images Surround Us said...

Wow! That is beautiful!

raf said...

I'm ready to tip one down at the pub in honor of your lovely image, Baboosh! Love the contrasts and symmetry. My guess is the sunny skies are giving it up to dark.

Fish Whisperer said...

Great photo, I love the reflections. Have a great weekend.

Just a Texas Gal said...

I really love this photo and the reflections are great. Thanks for stopping by.

Livio Bonino said...

Amazing shot! Really I love reflections, particularly this sky in the Sulby River.
Is this path for cyclist or in your splendid island there are motorcyclists only?
Have a nice week end and thanks for visiting and comments in my site.


Unknown said...

Looks like mine is your 100th comment! Definitely a black wet sky. Hope it turns blue soon.

Profile Not Available said...

...and I am 101! WOW! This is really well done! The reflection is nearly perfect! Great shot, Babooshka!

shaker said...

great shot !

Pat said...

Love this near-mirror image; would love to walk there.

Gill - That British Woman said...

lovely photo........

Gill from Canada

Anonymous said...

Fantastic ! It propels me in the middle of a story, scottish highlands (because of the sky that looks like it's gonna rain) something exciting, a mystery too, great story ;-)

marley said...

Love the calm water and reflections.

Thank you so much for your very kind comment on my SWF photo. It really means a great deal to me.

dot said...

I enlarged the picture and that view is fantastic! I love the reflections!

Mary said...

Oh, that is simply stunning! the light, the reflections, the composition... perfect!

Anonymous said...

Your picture is beautiful, as always…

Anonymous said...

Amazing photo. love it! Thanks for the visit!

Arija said...

So glad you have water and reflections again, I for one am not complaining, I think your shot is jusy yummy delicious.

Neva said...

I love the reflections you do....very nice.

Yrsa said...

A fantastically beautiful pic with that blue trying to come out :)

storyteller said...

What lovely colors in your Saturday photo of Sulby River … it’s as lovely as your Sky Watch photo on Friday. The colors and reflections in Friday’s image are fantastic. Thanks so much for dropping by Sacred Ruminations yesterday and leaving the link back here.
Hugs and blessings,

Lew said...

Beautiful photo of a gorgeous place. you live on very nice isle!

Celeste said...

Beautiful shot, what a perfect reflection, thanks for sharing.

Misty DawnS said...

This photo is absolutely breathtaking! Gorgeous!!!

airplane5312 said...

Lovely reflections!

Anonymous said...

I'm a little slow posting comments this time. Absolutely stunning photo! You can see and feel the darkness moving in with the clouds.

Anonymous said...

great shot! the reflection added drama to it. Happy SWF!


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