As some of you know last week I had some very negative comments about my images basically being to good to be true and last weeks skywatch in particular being the one that seemed to warrant the most abuse. You may also have noticed that my partner Gary of, BARKER BITES BACK! actually left his own comment on my skywatch image to confirm he was with me when the image was taken and not enhanced in any way. Normally we don't interfere with each other's blogs, but I really was annoyed last week, and almost stopped the blog. So again I hope you like this natural image we get rarely over the island. Don't get to used to them though it'll be back to my dramatic clouds soon and we get a awful lot of those hanging around.
Gary is taking a break from the BARKER GALLERY BBC while the Politics Show is off air for the summer season, and the British Politicians take a holiday. Just who is running the country when they all swan off for a few months then? This means my house won't be full of Political Cartoons, but well all sorts of other artwork instead. Tour de France for German magazines, Artwork for the Berlin Underground and at the moment he is showing me his Paul Newman (tremendous it is too!) which will go onto his blog tonight, if you want to take a peek at BARKER BITES BACK!
If you want to participate in skywatch see the new blog we have, SKYWATCH
Only genuine skywatchers need apply. None of your advertising for sales sites please. This is for enthusiasts only and hosted by Jane & Tom of the fabulous WIGGERS WORLD
I'm first! Yay!
A beautiful, natural photo. Stunning colours.
Glad you didn't let those miseries stop you!
Darn! Thought I'd get in first but pipped at the post! lol
Anyway - that is one beautiful sky. Well done for capturing it.
And ignore the abuse. They are only jealous they have never seen a sky so beautiful!
Beautiful sky. Great shot colors.
Hello from Colorado. Great colors.
This is absolutely breathtaking. I especially love the fact there isn't anything else than the sky. The sky able to give the perspective idea thanks clouds and colours. Wonderful job !
Just be glad you don't live where those people live!
Poor folk, they must spend their days looking at their feet. I love the way that sunsets are the same the world over, yet completely different!
Keep up the good work!
Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia
That is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us!!!!
Wonderful and amazing colours..
Love your picture.
- Cheers from Canada
You wrote on my blog:
You are not supposed to make me laugh on skywatch.
Why not???
Very unusual and beautiful! Great capture!
stunning, glad you ignored the negative brigade and posted this for the "normal" people who enjoy skywatch, and your pix!
So glad you didn't throw in the towel because of the nay-sayers! It would really have been a shame for us to miss this shot!!!!! Love it!
What a beautiful and colourful sky. Nice lighting.
Gosh, the colors are amazing... what an extraordinary photo... it is beautiful!
Mountain Retreat Photos
Fishing Fiesta
Gorgeous shot!! As you mentioned, it is amazing how fast the colors change.
Stunning photo!
Absolutely gorgeous!
This is a very beautiful capture. So colorful and truly wonderful.
The colors here are fantastic - I like the shot without any ground perspective - then there's nothing to distract from these wonderful clouds.
Nice shot. It is interesting, in Delta, we get these sort of sunsets on a very regular basis. I think it may have something to do with the lack of humidity. If you go to the sunsets section of "Want a Print" from DDP, you can see what I mean. I have not touched up any of them either apart from some basic contrast changes.
Holy smokes! That's really beautiful! I love, love, love those colors!
Very impressive sky and wonderful photo!
Yet again another brilliant photo that captures the moment as it is. Why people have to make negative comments is beyond me. Probably jealous of your ability to take great photos. Keep up the good work.
Yet again another brilliant photo that captures the moment as it is. Why people have to make negative comments is beyond me. Probably jealous of your ability to take great photos. Keep up the good work.
Oh, WOW, Babooshka!
This is a magnificent photo. So many rich colors, Babooshka. Great stuff.
These are so gorgeous! I'd love to see them firsthand. Enjoy them = they are indeed beautiful and breathtaking.
I love all of the colors we can see in sunsets. I want a car the color of your sky.
It's too bad somebody gave you a rough time about last week's photos. I'm glad you posted these shots. Thanks for sharing that spectacular view!
As I have seen some sunsets and actually photgraphed them that nobody believes could be true, I completely understand. When ever we have a hurricane the sunsets and sunrises get this sureal coloring and feel. Great shot and don't let anyones comment discourage you and your photgraphy.
Keep on shooting
Beautiful, beautiful! Mother Nature has a many-colored palette.
Congrats to Marley for being first!
Babooshka, I don't believe the sky could get much more beautiful than this. What a spectacular shot!
Seattle Daily Photo
nice shoot have great weekend
Of course after reading your post and some of the comments, I had to look further. You've got some great photo's here and I truly enjoyed looking at them. Keep up the good work!!
its like rainbow clouds!! great shot!
Still dramatic and super impressive!!! Glad you're making the most out of that sky :)
I love this photo - the colors are amazing, and I like the lines of the clouds.
As for the critics, don't let the turkeys get you down.
Wow. Truly stunning! Who needs trees or buildings or other structures when you have an amazing capture of the colorful sky.
People who know, know. People who think they know very often simply don't know what they do not know.
Babooshka, I could go on for an awfully long time ranting, but for both our sakes won't. Suffice it to say that there is no such thing as a straight photograph. If it's not the photographer making creative decisions at time of exposure then the camera maker software engineers who designed the camera are responsible for the decisions. Canon, Nikon, Fuji, Minolta, Sony, Olympus, Panasonic, I-phone ... each one of these will interpret the scene before it with a slightly different twist.
Listen to what people say, evaluate based on what YOU know, let it go and move on.
This particular sunset is lovely ... and I've seen similar in Arizona, New Mexico and even Seattle. Keep making pictures. You're the winner and the critics are the narrow minded losers.
This is outstanding, the colors are so pretty. Lucky you to be there to get it! Lucky us to be able to see it now. Keep up the good work!
this is fabulous for sky watch some amazing colors
Great capture, I love the red sky, magnifico work.
Its only because they cant take photos like you can, thats why they complain.
The Team thanks you for taking part in Skywatch and making our new adventure a success.
Glad you still blogging and hope you will be back next week.
It's a beautiful shot; I'm sorry to hear you've had negative comments - please keep on blogging, I'll probably never get to your exquisite island, so you'll have to bring it to me!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
such a groovy sky - thanks for sharing it (i envy your neck of the woods for the colours you see in the sky)
love the colors in this sky photo. i see skies like this all the time in AZ! glad you didn't let some critics stop you. that would give them a lot more power than they deserve. keep posting for your friends and fans!
You photo is just gorgeous, Babooshka.
When people said your sky was too beautiful to be true, you know I took it as a compliment. I didn't realize that it could be taken as a critical assessment. I guess I didn't see photo enhancement as a no no. I so admire people who are adept enough to use photoshop so effortlessly. I think all your photos are truly gorgeous.
Thank you for your comment. This last sky watch picture doesn't need anything else with those colours. what is going on up there, having a party?
Beautiful sky.
Splendid picture, exceptional sky!
Exceptional sky! I, along with Chuck, have seen these colors in the California/Arizona deserts. My problem is usually capturing the colors on film as they appear in nature. Don't let the &#$Q^@ get you down and please don't give up this lovely blog.
Beautiful sky. Real or unreal, I don´t care. Abuse? I´m sorry if you feel that way.Is it really something wrong if a photo is edited to look a bit special? I don´t think there is nothing wrong about that, it shows that you want to make extra effort to really spice it.
My kind of picture - great.
magnificent colors! great shot!
Your pictures are your own and are to be respected as such. Whether you choose to avail yourself of the extended tools that now exist are also your own decision. It is the final results that is important As you have shown very well here). The rest is just tools of the trade.
Anyone who do not understand that is just to be pitied. Just use the tools you like and give a d.... to all the sourpuss!
Stunning sky. Keep those pixtures coming.
Take no notice of the abuse. The problem with the people who write it is jealousy. They know they can't capture images like you do.
Your picture is really beautiful,lovely colours.We love your photos,keep them coming.Have a nice day!
A stunningly beautiful sky! I am a great fan of your photography because the naturalness of the pic, I feel, glows from it! That can't be manufactured.
Again I'd like to add my support as I was there and I can state that this photograph has not been tampered with at all - it is exactly as it was. I find it very sad that some people cannot just accept that the world can be a very beautiful place and just because they fail to see this then they should not judge others by their own failings.
Bravo - stunning colours. Just got back to Melbourne.
Hope I found the right word "puristc" - great shot *** -,
Sky is like a mirror above a vulcanic eruption.
Holy Toledo! That is just gorgeous!
brilliant capture indeed!
This is great! Not often that a sky like this comes around. Glad you and your camera were there.
Waouhh....un ciel digne de l'enfer de Dante. Superbe.
Waouhh .... a sky worthy of Dante's hell. Superb.
The picture is a beauty and shows off so well the views that can be found in your area...
I missed all the bad things that were said last week.. I would imagine it was the same bunch that do not like you doing the Daily as well... nothing at all to do with Sky Watches. The sad thing is YOU do much to promote this place yet this small group of petty-minded locals are really spoiling for all... I would love to visit and see the things you show... but how could I trust the locals if some feel like they do. I would be worried about eating out in case folks like them have anything to do with where I'm eating.. Why should they earn a livng off the backs of tourists who they don't like. What you are suffering from is the vileness of racism. You should stand up to them, and not give in to their bullying...
The sun sets all over the world, but produces so many different beautiful skies.
Ignore and just enjoy your photos. You do have some followers on the island who would buy your photos if we could find them in the shops.Their loss I'm afraid by not stocking you.
Another superb shot.
If these carpers bothered to pay attention to the world around them, they might not feel the need to complain about people who use their eyes. Does that sentence make sense? I hope so.
what a beautiful sky shot!
You have caught the colour quite wonderfully in this one. I suspect their is a very English grey sky in there trying to make its presence felt.
Yummy grape, orange swirl sherbet sky....
Wow beautiful colours of the sky. I know how you feel. It is difficult to explain nature. My skywatch photo for this week was some clouds that looked like a scary face..lol. Have a nice weekend.
Fantastic ice cream - raspberry ripple, orange and tangerine, I even see chocolate chip in there - a fantastic natural shot.
Ignore the miserable gits from last week - they put the 'lousy' into 'jealousy', keep up the good work.
Bodge's Bulletin
Quitting your blog because of a few bad apples would be giving your power away to them & they surely do not deserve it! I along with many others,love your photos!
I never questioned your photos because I, as an amatuer, have gotten beautiful skies with my old point and shoot straight out of camera.
I hope I don't sound to preachy, I justdon't want you to stop your blog!
I am so glad you didn't stop blogging... people can be so jealous. Just ignore their antics! I love the purple in this shot. Wonderful sky. Thanks for sharing.
Great photos! Fantastic color!Happy SWF!
So people were complaining that your photos were too good? -- that's a new one on me...
Even if your photos had been enhanced, there is nothing wrong with that -- as long as the Photoshopper doesn't go too far and make them look unrealistic or un-natural, unless that was the intent.
All of my photos are Photoshopped and usually enhanced in some way or another... Having control of tonal values is what it's all about IMHO.
Best regards, Don
Beautiful, and they look real to me. Maybe it depends on where you live. Our summer night skies look like this a lot. In the fall through spring, it is hard to imagine a sky like this.
Very nice!
Wow, I have stumbled upon quite a popular blog! Thanks for your visit to Fort Lauderdale and whatever controversy you've had on your site aside, this photo is wonderful.
I have seen skies like this in my own backyard GORGEOUS and mesmerizing..so nicely captured too:) Thank you for your kind comments, it is nice to meet you!
Great shot...very dramatic...hope you have a peaceful rest of summer.
I can't believe anyone would complain about your photos being too good. That's absurd! This one is exceptional, as are they all!
This is gorgeous! And why would anyone think we need to touch up God's handiwork?!
I can't believe anyone would write a negative comment about any of your images. They are all beautiful. This one especially. The colors are great and I like that there is nothing in the picture to add perspective, it allows your mind to wander.
Personally, I don't feel that there is anything wrong with slightly altering an image. All of my images have something done to them in Photoshop. Usually just unsharp mask, sometimes enhancing in lab color. Don't let those negative people get you down, you have wonderful images.
The world is full of strange people. personally I like to see people smiling and do all I can to brighten up their days...others are only interested in being negative and unpleasant! You have good friends here who appreciate your talent!
Lovely lovely sunset. I have kept mine until next week.......LOL!
What an incredible shot .. a very special sky indeed!
I love your sky. I'm so glad you got to enjoy it and share it with us. I bet you appreciate it more just because you don't get these gorgeous skies all the time.
I'm late Sky Watch posting & commenting.
The sky is amazing I'm so glad you share them here.
Just one word : BEAUTIFUL!
what beautiful colours!
Oh my gosh that pic is drop dead gorgeous!
Hah! Today I saw some indifferent people whispering at each other at the underground because I and friends came in, and yes we are not locals, its annoying how they think we dont speak the language and kept on looking and whispering. putting my gripes aside, this sky is again another wonderful painting of the great Designer! keep it up and dont let them win over you! Happy weekend!
Greate Sky Watch photo and beautiful colour. Have a nice weekend, from AnneKa in Norway
What a wonderful image! Far better than my meagre efforts, and that's both a compliment to you and an encouragement to me. I very much like your eye!
Stunning photo!
Fantastic color!
Have a nice weekend.
Don't stop. Keep up the good work. And anyone who knows half as much about digital photography knows that the camera can't begin to capture the color spectrum, the intensity of color and sense of size of depth of the real thing. To me there is no such thing as a real photograph. The photograph represents reality. It isn't the real thing.
Fantastic colors! Beautiful sky~watch capture!!
Happy sky~watching!
Man, what color! I think it is amazing how the sky turns such beautiful colors. I probably said that before and I guess I will say it again! Thanks for sharing. Mustang Mike
God creates for us the wonders of the world.
We had a sky like this the other night...will share it soon.
One thing about the sky is that you can never really predict what it's going to show you. That is why I like sunrises and sunsets - I am always pleasantly surprised.
This is a stunning sky.
Great sunset - we get great ones here in Auckland as well. Will share it with you sometime :)
WOW! Very nice:) The colours are amazing!
WOW! Very nice:) The colours are amazing!
The colors in that photo are beautifully captured. That is what I love about sunsets: they are probably the most easiest thing that can be captured on camera just as good as is seen by the human eye.
Just amazing colors; great catch of a unique sunset.
Absolutely stunning capture!!
Way to go!
Happy Sky Watching ;)
Really Beautiful!!!
This is a beautiful sky picture!
I love vibrant skies - would've loved to have seen this in person. :) Stunning capture!
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