well got really angry about this.
On so many levels this image is wrong! The image was taken yet again in the nature reserve. The reserve as I have often stated is a haven for wildlife. It is not a landfill site, dumping ground, or recycling bin. Obviously some idiot out there blatantly disagrees. Now, I know I spend a lot of time over here, but that does not give me the right to pull up a abandoned chair to study the wildlife. This really angers me! For a start, if you want to get rid of it hire a skip and dispose of it.
Why would you go to the trouble of dragging the chair through the brambles onto a designated wildlife area. The other thing is, the chair itself seemed in not to bad condition. What was wrong with donating it to a local charity to get it cleaned and refurbished. I'm sure a poor soul in need of
such an item would gladly give this poor chair a home. As for the child's toy buggy, the same applies. How do we know that wouldn't have made some kids day to receive that, which another had so easily discarded.
We live in a very selfish age. There really is no need for this kind of unsociable behaviour. These abandoned items are a danger to wildlife and a missed opportunity on the recycling front. Charity is supposed to begin at home. So maybe next time you have a item you no longer need try your neighbour, charity shop, homeless centre, or recycling plant. Whoever you are that did this, I hope you and your new shiny sofa are siting very uncomfortably right now!
Want to join Odd Shots Monday?
Then see KATNEY
I can't agree more. Around here people think its their right to dump garbage on the back roads. I just don't get it.
ooo If you want to see a messs!?
Google images of "moving day in montreal".
It's nice to know that people lack respect everywhere in the world.
Maybe someone was moving and it happen to fall out the back of a truck. The next person down the road stopped and moved it to the side? Still no excuse for not going back and getting it.
...this is the most amazing sofa I've ever seen~~
Thank you very much for the kind words you left on my Daily Photo site for Tamarindo, Costa Rica. Coming from you, your compliment is indeed meaningful.
I agree with you completely. Rubbish is a world-wide phenomena. Costa Rica has begun an initiative to clean up roadside trash. Even though eco-tourism is the number one industry (for reasons evident from the photos on my Daily Photo site), and even though the country has committed to be the planet's first carbon neutral nation (by 2020), some people still leave litter. In Tamarindo, they recently had a community-wide effort to remove trash, although I don't think that there were any discarded sofas.
I'm sorry the scene ticked you off so (as well it should!) but I love the photo. I like the Odd Shots Monday thing. It's it a movement or group activity? I followed the link but maybe I missed something...
Good for you to have a good rant aboput something that bothers us all over the world.
Looks like something "Louis" would find on Albany Point....
I had to laugh when I saw the shot.
BUT, I couldn't agree with you more re pointless dumping in the countryside.
In Dreamingspires we have recycling schemes for everything from glass to fridge collection and still things are left on the local nature reserve, in hedgerows & along the river towpath - like you I see RED.
hello babooska,
I would like to use his chair, a wellmade Blackwhite photography
Greetings from JoAn Holland
Thank your for your comment on my blog
It's very sad to see that the nature is considered as a bin for some people.
It's sickening, isn't it. We call it the 'chuck in the tide' mentality.
Well, you know how I feel about this. We're on the same page here, for sure.
I'm going to add a link to your entry at 2 Things Photo Challenge, if that's all right.
A common sight. Dumping of old unwanted furniture is not rare in this day and age...
Scarlet x
Bizarre! I ditto your frustration!
Well done and well said... but let me ask you... are you angry enough to properly dispose of it yourself? Or notify someone who can? No offence intended... we can't change the world but maybe one thing at a time can keep us going in the right direction...
Have a terrific week!
here here, well said. I hate seeing things just discarded with no care in the world to nature or others.Earlier this year we were over a local park and it was saddening and maddening to see the rubbish just dumped and left to float in the lake, some duck however had made use and made a nest from it all but still that's not the point another duck or bird or other creature cold die from that plastic bag. The photo is a great photo though.
I hope you don't mind but I've added your blog as a link to mine.
That's so unnecessary! I've kept an old gas-operated washing machine for ages, until a nice young Freecycle man called for it yesterday. Someone somewhere usually wants what you're getting rid of.
Freecycle is an absolute haven for finding and sharing unwanted items. One man's treaure and all that! This disgusts me too!
Great post and Iecho your sentiment..
Feel a bit better now so expect more visits.. ha!..
Sky Watch is having its own blog fron this week.. there's a logo and link there from my place and a test post to comment on if or when you have the time.
Ooh, check out my blog tomorrow! Great shot! (although I agree, how terrible to leave this in a nature reserve of all places).
I thought I left a comment, but the comment Gods must not be looking upon me favorably today. What I had said was: Great shot, great rant! I wonder if a general clean up of this particular area might be organized to draw attention to this ongoing problem.
I agree with everything that you've said. The thing is it's getting worse here in Ramsey instead of better. The sooner people are found, prosecuted and fined an enormous amount of money which will hit them hard the better...Great photo by the way as it is truly odd an armchair in a field.
Babooshka: Even though it was a great photo opt it still is surpriding someone would do this. That is definetly not an outdoors chair with your weather.
LOL that is a great capture. I don't think i would want to sit in it
I like it in black and white. It makes it all the more unpleasant. It makes you wonder about some people.
Good choice for an Odd Shot, Babooshka! A sore sight that's all too common everywhere, made even uglier in that case by dumping in a nature preserve. Hope you two are feeling better by now
A sad commentary. It says a lot about our society and our values.
Thank you for your kin comments on http://NewOrleansDailyPhoto.blogspot.com
This week I have a new batch of bird photos to show. Today, Momma zooms in between the trees, belly full and ready to feed her brood.
The chair is almost the one I uses in my studio to get distance to my painting.
Sadly, people do this here too. YUCK!! Some people are such slobs.
My Odd Shots photo:
I am sure there's a story waiting to be told about that chair ...
I couldn't agree more and I hope you feel better for getting that off your chest!! It probably would have been easier to donate to charity- they'd have probably collected it!
I know why people do that, it usually costs money to get rid of things. There's a landfill fee to drop it off, and the garbage service won't take it. I've often thought every once in a while, that operating model should be turned upsidedown. The landfill could PAY people to properly dispose of things for one week a year.
Babooshka, lots of people throw things out anywhere they can - out the car window mostly! That infuriates me. Your photo is wonderful even though you are annoyed at the people who would just leave the chair there...
It's quite a surreal picture. It would not be much more surprising if the armchair was photographed in the bottom of the ocean. It looks equally alien in the nature reserve; that's a great photo.
That would make me mad too! I don't understand why people do things like this.
The b & w suited the picture and theme - only people with a b & w mind does this sort of thing.
Well chosen.
Remember good old Jim Morrison sang that "people are strange".
Even when it comes to dump rubbish anywhere!
Well, noyt quite anywhere because most just like it at their neighbours doors as we say here in Portugal.
Great shot, i'd have been tempted to hand color the chair in pastel tones.
I should say, an ugly side presented in a nice way (photographically) about picture! :)
Awesome post ... I see crap on the side of the road all the time, as if it blew out of the truck, lol. But to go through the trouble of going through the brambles is amazing! Maybe there's evidence of a crime under the cushion.
That is definetly a sad sight.
Great post
Of course we cannot agree more!!
On summer nights, people enjoy coming to the Marshlands next to my house, and unfortunately they don't know the Saying: Please do leave this place the way you found it...
but I never found an armchair....yet!!
Good B&W though...
This is a very sad picture - people have no respect for their world, they foul their own nest, and then do it to others. sigh.
But thank you for sharing this view.
Angered by litterbugs, as we call them. To be honest, though, getting rid of old furniture isn't all that easy. Few charities accept old furnishings like this. not sure why. Most disposal areas demand a fee. That is the dilema, the reality of our unwanted furnishings. Sad to see this in a natre preserve.
j'adore la composition de cette photo et de ton choix du b&w, superbe
I love the composition of this photo and your choice of b&w, superb
I wonder where one would dump an old chair like this? Too bad they chose the nature preserve though.
I live in my own little piece of "don't you give a darn" about wildlife which I document on my blog.
That is an odd shot- but I really LIKE it! How unusual...
Love your pic and how it stimulated so discussion of an issue that always needs airing!
It makes you wonder what its story is...
Yes, I'm back, but it's taken far longer than I anticipated to get everything back to normal.
At the moment, I have no new photos :-S well, apart from one lol
I'm doing my best though :)
this is an awesome photo but i agree with you in terms of dumping the chair.
i dont understand why with initiatives such as freecycle (where you post a message advertising your unwanted goods and whoever is interested comes and collects them) people still feel the need to just dump furniture and toys. both things, that other people could make good use out of.
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