July Theme day is the word no featured in signs around the world. I chose this sign as anyone who drops by my blog knows I am a huge wildlife fan. To me "do not disturb" as in no noise, no interefering, no littering, spoke volumes about the nature reserve I frequent daily as it's behind my house, and how it should be treated well and respected. You would think you wouldn't need to have a sign asking people not to drop litter, disturb wildlife and no to any high noise levels but you would be wrong. "Do not disturb" to me, means "no" to the above, but perhaps it isn't a strong enough message. Therefore I would advise a revised sign which clearly uses the word no as it's obviously still the most potent word to make people stop, think and react accordingly.
A high proportion of daily city bloggers around the world are taking part today and would welcome your visit to their particular sign. By the way this is my 99th post, the following day will be my 1ooth. Time flies in the world of blogging. Hope you can stop by for the 1ooth.
Here's the link
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
For me this sign was the most personal and the one I take more notice of than any other sign in my town, which is why I chose it.
This photo reflects your blog and your love for Nature very well.
Fantastic choice of sign.
A perfect choice for you, indeed! So verdant there, and a nice foil for that big red sign. Sad that these things need to be spelled out to visitors. I'm glad you have such a sanctuary nearby on the island.
Seattle Daily Photo
Why the signs? We should be kind to our animal friends.
Nicely put and I strongly support conservation measures. Yes but no could be more definate!
I live close to a small sanctuary too.
I end up every other week with a garbage bag cleaning cans and papers along the path...
THe sign is white on wood, may be it should be RED... so people would see better!!
Good choice.
Enjoy the theme day and this first of July.
You may be right about the sign. I like to think it's only stupid people who need to be reminded and this sign may be too subtle for stupid people! ;-) Very appropriate post and a beautiful glimpse into your space. Show us more!
Lucky that you are able to find a sign that is close to your heart.
This sign will be a good reminder if it's put in the rainforest of my country. Sometimes the visitors do get carried away and forget that they are imposing on the real 'host' of the forest.
Happy Theme Day
Great sign and instructions that should be adhered to.
Couldn't agree with the sentiments of this sign more. Excellent choice. And the sign itself is not over the top and in your face, but in fitting with its environment.
Very well mannered sign! It wouldn't have a chance against those louts who think it is fun to tramp around noisily, scaring the animals. You're right, a stronger message is needed.
What a tasteful and respectful "do not" request.
il faut en effet respecter et ne pas déranger.
it is important to respect and not disturb.
It's good there is a NO sign here!
The shot of the siskin proves the wildlife doesn't feel disturbed by YOU.
I agree so much about this sign... and what it should say. I get sickened by some of the sights.. and sounds in the countryside.
BTW.. THIS looks interesting.
Hi Babooshka,
The bees are back in Brookville, Ohio. I hope for the rest of the year at least. I even got one on my Better Blog Writing post today. LOL
I see you found an adorable No sign. And in the perfect spot for Nature.
It is almost funny to think of adult people scurrying around their communities taking pictures of signs. And if somebody had asked what that is all about and you said a sign with "no" on it, they might... well. It is kind of funny.
—Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
I second your call for more effective signs and I really do hope that people would leave the animals alone.
Great sign!
Waiting for your 100th post..:)
I will be back to congratulate you!
Signs that say no make us want to!
In my experience, people see a sign and do the opposite of what it says. At least, that's what everyone I know seems to do.
Scarlet x
I think you are going to get thrown off the island soon from what I've been reading lately! Be careful.
Jacqui x
Signs that tell you how to respect a beautiful place should not be necessary but sadly they are. However this is such a polite sign how could anybody not do as it requests? It looks a special place.
I guess it wouldnt be wise to go in there with a stick poking it into the brush.
Tiptoeing... :-)
A very polite sign. I know how much these areas mean to you.
It amazes me that I can be way out in a wilderness area, or high up on a mountain, and still find trash. I wonder about people sometimes.
Great choice of sign, I like that you chose one that was personal to you. I agree that it is rather sad that there is a need for signs like this in the first place!
A polite sign. Manners first.
Great choice for the theme day!
A lovely choice, Baboosh. I agree with Chuck....a tasteful and respectful sign from you for the theme, but also believe as you do, a big NO is probably more effective!
Love your history series and will return for more. I was actually at your blog last Friday to visit, not long before the storm blew us away and shut us down for three days and nights. Congrats on your hundreth coming tomorrow....I'll be stopping by, Lord willing and the creeks don't rise!
That is really clear and straight sign. And very manner in my opinion. Thanks.
Sometimes it seems incredible that such signs are needed.
Thanks for visiting me in Katonah. I had a very clear "No" sign alternative, but was in a hurry and couldn't get it into proper focus. I agree with everyone else that it seems crazy that adults can't figure out how to mind nature. And, there's really no reason for the horse / dog power struggle here. This is where I ran into Richard Gere one day. He was on his horse and was extremely accommodating as we tried to round up the two red dogs. All it takes is a little consideration on everyone's part.
Those who lack love for nature needs this a lot! not you thats what.
Hv a happy theme day!
I wouldn't dream of disturbing anything! Excellent choice.
I agree, I think No is much stronger than Do Not. Its a shame people still take no notice though.
Happy Theme Day, I'll be back for the 100!
Possible the most polite No sign I have seen today.
Congratulations on your 99th post and for staying true to your blogs theme.
Denton from Greenville and the Daily Photo Map.
It is a good sign for the little bird.
How about one that says "People not respecting the sanctuary will be taken around the back and pulverised". No? Ah well, it was only an idea.
i agree - the sign could definitely be stronger if it said 'NO...'... great theme day choice!
There should be there more like this one!
This is a good choice for the theme day. I wish everyone would obey it!
Signs of the times!
Nice choice!Happy Theme Day!
Great sign for theme day!
My No sign is at
East Gwillimbury WOW!
My favorite "No" sign isn't even a "No" but says, "Don't Even Think About Parking Here". Don't you love it ? Great photo and post.
Happy Theme Day.
Yes, it's called a sanctuary for a reason. We should not disturb the animals etc that live there.
Some thing should are just common sense. When we were in the Sistine Chapel they had professional shhhsers which I thought was very funny.
A nature reserve behind your house! That would be great. It would be nice if the sign wasn't necessary but there's always people that need the obvious written down and posted.
Happy Theme Day!
Ah, great choice for today. A sign that makes some sense and not just no for the sake of it.
if someone doesnt tell us not to do something, than we might forget not to do it, so we always need signs to warn us not to do something
Hi, you're right, this is a very important statement, great choice for this theme day!
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