Water street is just off from the main high street in Ramsey. A quiet little place that I only really walk down to get to the post office. I had forgotten all about this wonderful house until I got there. I new straight away it was an odd shot. It just hits you as you turn the corner, all the intense purple, blue and yellow on such a drab grey street. It's just totally unexpected to be confronted by this
plethora of colour. Not only that but it has a bright yellow
Triskelion, the three legs of man symbol over the front door. The back is different again with well something else I will have to show you sometime. Note too the Isle of Man flag, you can see is also flying proudly from the flagpole. With all the dull weather we've had lately this really is a cheery little blast of colour. One more thing, it even has a name on the plaque outside, the sweetly named Nicky's Nook. There's no place like home!
I promised you another Manx Cat myth. They are all actually quite short, but there seem to be so many of them. Here's another one. The Isle of Man was prone to invasions from the Irish and theVikings. Manx kittens were frequently snatched by invaders from their mother's by their long tails. One Mother cat bit off her own kitten's tail. The kitten,
tailless was never caught by the invaders. Other mother cats followed suit, until there was not a kitten left in the island that had a tale, or born
thereafter. Hence the new breed, the cat with no tail, the Manx Cat was born.
I think I will have to delve into Manx myth and legend a lot more! What do you think?
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Fantastic post! The building is amazing. I'm surprised other residents don't follow suit and colorize the neighborhood, lol.
Love the myth ... it's a tall tale.
If I had a choice, that would be my house colors.
all I can say is (in terms of the color) yeesh!!!
A bit of colour always brightens up a street. This house is remarkable, or the owners are for being bold about decorating their house!
Well, Babooshka, it is rumored that you like purple....
I have never seen this color on a house before.
A great photo, Babooshka!!
George Townboy is right: people should have their houses painted in different colours. it would certainly brighten up the street.
I remember an animated debate over at geograph.org.uk about the "tastelessness" of a row of housed painted various pale shades of, well, colors. These UK house-holders apparently had the audacity to prefer something other than gray or brown. And there were these (few) English geograph-ers saying how awful they were. Now where are the Puritans, I should have said. I'm all for the sensual thrill of this house. Good catch!
surprenant cette maison avec cette couleur pourpre, un fan du chanteur Prince ;o)
Surprisingly this house with this color purple, a fan of the singer Prince ;o)
Nobody has mentioned what I immediately noticed about this picture - all the foliage growing the tops of the roof and chimney pots - we get that kind of thing here too - and I love the seagull flying over too.
There is a statement! We have strict rules in the village regarding the colour of painted walls. There was uproar when ours was painted cream.....the previous colour was off-white! LOL!
Yikes ! What a colour !
Who lives in a house like this? It's like a sweet shop. I could end my days here.
Wow babooshka! After a long time I haven't browsed a lot of blogs, though I'm only renting a PC here at the shop, This filled up all those days of silence! I looooove the shot!
Thank you so much for always dropping by. I'm sorry I'm letting you down because I haven't posted for a very long time. Internet connections are hard to find these days even at cafes!
I wish and Hope you have a great week and also to your Loved ones! God BLess you and more power!
Now this is an oddly different choice of paint!
That building definitely stands out!
Love the story of the Manx cat. A friend has two Manx cats but until you pointed it out it never occurred to me that the cats'ancestors came from the Isle of Man. Hmmmm. Sometimes I'm a slow thinker!
Love learning more about the myths, keep them coming! Nate is a Corgi, so I know wonderful myths about animals come from that part of the world.
Love the photo, too, of course!
Loved the photo and loved the legend.
Great stuff.
Our odd shot is found Here.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha
Wow, this house certainly draws your attention with it's bold colors.
What a funny little house. It certainly will draw the attention.
I loved your stories about the manx cat.
I love the cat tale!
The purple house is quite nice too.
More stories!!!
It takes a brave person to paint their building purple :)
I always think that this house is rather odd when I walk past it but would never have thought of posting it as an ODD SHOT. Great, as is the second story about how a Manx cat has no tail. Must admit I've never heard that one before. Keep up the good work.......
What a colorful shot! And it does certainly stand out on the street! So many other details to consider too! Great shot!
I wonder if the color bothers the neighbors. I love the manx stories!
I love the building. What a bold statement it makes!
Yes, more Manx stories! Love todays tale :)
A grape Kool-Ade building, that's what I'd call it, to honor a much-loved but lousy-for-you drink I enjoyed as a child. I just love it, and I would love to paint a building this color somewhere else.
On a whim, I painted our bedroom deep red a couple of years ago.
Also, I like your white cat photo yesterday, though I too am a dog lover, as you can tell by my avatar.
It takes courage to paint a house brighter than all the neighbours. I love the yellow against the purple.
Terrific post and shot! Love the color... the growth... the myth... yes, you should delve!
Interesting! Thanks for the welcome...I'll be back.
More cats please. This like Willy Wonka's House. I should like to live here.
Certainly showing their personality. Great shot.
That's a brilliant house! There used to be a purple house in the Lake District (Newlands valley) when I went hiking as a child. They have repainted it now I believe, but I don't know what colour. It was a landmark for us. Still have fond memories.
Well I love that color. So vibrant against the drab beyond. Took courage, I'm sure.
Oh i love that color but not sure i like it on a building. Nice odd shot
Wow! That is quite a statement. :)
Great post. I really like the color of that building.
Hee hee, that's so pretty and cheerful alright!
And yes, more manx cat legends please! :)
Great colors in the picture... looks like nobody would miss it if looking for it.
Also, a very interesting myth about the cats
That's really an odd house ! what a horrible color, lol ! Maybe an old Hippie is living in there !
I love it!
Around here, though, they'd be 'run out on a rail' for painting it that color... wouldn't be a happy neighborhood!
These myths are purrrfect!
nice shot, thats an example of the oddness in life, i like such creative power of the house owner
thank you
Oooh, I LOVE this!! Terrific! It almost looks as if someone dared something illegal. You know, like in that film Pleasantville, when people turn to colour when they are having daring thoughts.
Claps for the you and house-owner.
Nice snapshot.
What surprise me are :
1) the black shade of the chimney
2) the mat frontages in the neighborhood
Wow, I wouldn't do it myself, but I like it. Would be easy to give directions as well: 3 doors down from the purple house.
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