One more of Sulby River, and a bit of a curio. Do photographers ever take bad photos.? Yes. Do they make mistakes? Yes. Do they take an image with the wrong setting on. Yes Yes most definitely Yes!
Obviously the river is not this green. It has had a green tinge lately, due to the water being so high, and with what the tide has dragged in with it, but this is ridiculous. The grass is certainly not shocking lime with a hint of yellow either. So what happened?
Simple. Wrong setting! I had been taking images towards the sun and at speed. I just started snapping here as it was nicely framed and the football in the water, really popped out. When I spied them in the view finder I realised my mistake. After uploading this one struck me as being
usable for the purpose of demonstrating what the wrong setting can do. Interestingly though it's turned out quite well. Photographers favourite friend serendipity again. It looks wholly unnatural, because it is, but a it's popular because it's pretty. Who am I to argue with the buying public. Not this know it all photographer that's for sure. You'd all have litter and sofas in the nature reserve if I had my way.
Gary and I are having a skive today. No bloody work! I know it's Saturday, but sometimes that's a busy day. It might be the pub watching the football, it might be the wildlife park. It might be doing sod all and being an utter couch potato. Who knows, but we aren't lifting a working finger in the direction of a paintbrush or a camera.
What are you doing today?
I see why this image is popular. It's stunning, in an unnatural sort of way. Well, I certainly like it!
It's still Friday here in western Canada but tomorrow I'll be busking for bikes (raising money for a public bicycles program)in a stationary parade (the parade doesn't move, the crowd does!) and later attending a fashion show featuring some of my neighbours modeling the snappiest clothes from our island thrift store. Should be a hoot!
Well Snapper's weekend sounds great fun! Hope you and Gary have a lovely weekend as well. I am off looking for phtotos of things other than portrait shots. I have worn that out. College football is high on my list. Auburn Univ. here in Alabama is a team we need you to root for!
Hooray for serendipity. The colors are appealing because they just ain't right, as they say around my neck of the woods.
I'll be avoiding the huge college football game that clogs up town with traffic, and whining about it with a pertinent post. Watch this space.
Enjoy your Saturday!
What a lovely photo! You're right, we do have similar photos today... shows what a small world it truly is.
So my 1st thought was - Baboo never touches up so this must be the real color...but then I read on & glad you sometimes goof up. That is gorgeous color. You are so nice to ask us what we are up to - Saturday is open house for the light house (Sarah of RanchoPalosVerdes DP clued me in on that); and then a book club gathering at the local library - Quiet Man by GG (a man's selection but I've read quite a bit of GG); the rest of the time is with family. Enjoy your real day off!
Good mistake on your camera settings. The colors are otherworldly.
I'll probably be doing the laundry, editing a 100-page manuscript, and catching up on some sleep.
Greetings from Juneau, Alaska!
Good for you, you deserve some rest and relaxation.
Personally I love your mistake. My daughter does too. Her and I are sitting here playing catch up. We love it. It could be the perfect background for one of those posters that encourage. For example: "Mistake according to who?";)
Beautiful!!! Guess what! I heard a band from the Isle of Man today at a festival here. I mentioned you in my Saturday photo if you want to check it out. :)
Making mistakes do not matter when you end up having photographs like this.
A really nice mistake:)
I have made some serendipidously striking photos too, by accidentally using the wrong exposure, speed, etc. Photos like the one you posted today are a credit to "goofing!"
Forgot to answer what I'm doing today. It's raining. I've walked the dog, and am about to clean our venetian blinds...a long job.
a splendid photo - love the greens in it
It has the same appeal as that sky shot I recently out up, the scanned neg.
I must say, I like it.
I like the picture, but it's a bit too green for me. Me? today? I will go to the Thames festival. Marks the official end of summer. Hoping a rare flash of sun will make an appearance, not looking too hopeful at the moment. However I shall remain optimistic. Enjoy your well earned day off.
Bonjour !
Bien que Tu aies eu des problèmes de réglage, Ta phaoto est jolie...
Aujourd'hui, moi je tonds la pelouse, je ramasse des pommes et des coings, et je vais regarder les essais de la Formule 1 !
A bientôt.
Although you have had problems adjusting, Your photo is pretty...
Today, I cut the lawn, I picked up apples and quinces, and I'll watch the essais of Formula 1!
See you soon.
If only that mistake where mine. I would not know it was an accident, it's so pretty. My mistakes are awful.
I too say hooray to serendipity. It isn't natural but is certainly eyecatching...
Have a restful day...
I like it.
What a pretty mistake!
Today I have already spent hours on the phone, which is quite unusual as I hate telephoning. But I am back in Montpellier where I will stay for a few weeks only and I need to call my friends and I get lots of calls from them too (after seeing my family, of course). Have a nice weekend.
I like the outrageous hues. But then I'm partial to greens and blues. Hooray for serendipity!
I went to work in the morning, watched a play about our national hero Jose Rizal performed by a mix of professionals and students, and had dinner at one of our favorite cafés which turned out to have new dishes. Their new grilled fish fillet with pesto salsa was fantastic! Now I'm having a glass of red wine and catching up on reading blogs.
You asked. :D
Glad you had the wrong settings on your camera, otherwise I could not see such beautiful greens and limes!... Wonderful shot!
Today i am reading your blog :-)
It looks like our pond which is dyed green by the neighbors....
Gorgeous picture! I love it!
Sounds like a great day...hope you had fun!
Wow that's incredible! I am so impressed.
That's a very environmentally friendly photo!
I took a few photos today. disappointed that I couldn't take some I wanted to. Full story has just been served.
Oh and I had to clean the bathroom & reseal the bath!
i love the colors of this photo!
I really love the greens and yellows in that photo.
Very lush. I'm thinking it wasn't a mistake after all.
I quite like the green here myself...
This looks magic! I like :)
Stunning colours - no matter how they arrived
Must be the work of Faeries or enchantresses... ; )
I wonder what else in Ramsey might look interesting on the wrong setting? Your bridge maybe?
Sometimes mistakes turn out all right. And I LOVE the colours of this shot, even if they are a bit strange and unrealistic to you. It really caught my eye.Right filter or no, it's a great shot.
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