Ramsey Harbour Sunset.
Got to post an archive tonight. Still having a sort out of images and this is one from my little Olympus point and shoot. The colours are really intensified as it was quite late when I took this and the camera hasn't quite got the best setting for the evening light and colours. That's why they are a little too rich, especially the purple tones for me . It's a very popular image though as it's so vivid, so who am I too argue. with the buying public. Tends to be used as a postcard. Wonder if they write wish you were here on it?
The bridge in the background is Ramsey Swing Bridge. Another reason for posting this was for those that had asked for a bridge shot in full view. So that's it in the distance, under the setting sun. Next week I will show the bridge in full but closer. I won't include this in my 100 shots as it's too far away. Now for something completely different!
Have I ever told you about the escaped wallaby. No? Well it was supposed to have escaped from the wildlife park years back. There have been sighting of it along with flying pigs and white elephants of course. Really though, the wallaby has been seen crossing the Mountain road, leaving Ramsey so I thought I might try and track it down. I know it 's not a Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster but we are a small island and a wallaby isn't to be snifffed at. Don't forget we have Manx fairies too. Honest. They sprinkle the colours into the sunset.
To join skywatch go to SKYWATCH
The concept was Dot's, the next host WIGGERS WORLD the guardians of skywatch now are Tom, Imac and Sandy
beautiful shot, as always. happy skywatching.
I like this photo ... it gives a peaceful feeling ... Have a beautiful SWF! :-)
Impressive shot, love the reflections.
I like the photo! Not too rich for me. ;-)
Happy Sky Watch!
My oh my a purple sky! WoW!
This is just gorgeous! Just wonderful- you do such perfect work! I love this!
What a lovely sky watch sunset.
The combination of cool blue and orange warm tones in the sky look wonderful. It's a perfect choice for SWF post, Babooshka.
What a beautiful sunset,the colours are amazing!
I certainly don't find this too rich!It is absolutely beautiful.
I'll have whatever you've had this evening! Wallabies, fairies, purple sunsets!!
Great shot though :)
In my mind a perfect shot of Ramsey at sunset. Great capture.....Now the wallabies....My eldest goes on wallaby hunts with her friends. Best place for seeing is at Ballaugh Curraghs. She rekons she's seen one on a few occasions or could that be the drink? Who knows.....Good hunting
Lots of interesting colours going on in this photo, it really is very lovely. The bridge adds a nice touch to the horizon.
Hope the wallaby is off having a grand time with the fairies and other little creatures. Thanks for your kind comments on my post earlier.
Beautiful sunset over the harbour! I like how it lights up the bridge.
The fairies have done a good jo with this sunset. It's lovely.
What a gorgeous sunset!!!
Uh - don't shoot into they sun they say! Good you didn't listen! ;)
Wonderful rays!
Cheers, Klaus
Girl you got in going on! I'm in awe of your photography and the neat tricks you've taught me, but I still couldn't get a helluva shot like this. The Bee Gees are from the Isle of Man you say and my favourite photogrpaher.
Cool, LB.
Hello Fellow Midlander :)))
Thank you for stopping by my blog and writing such a nice comment. I have enjoyed visiting yours. You have so many lovely photographs on here, the SkyWatch one is wonderful as are all the others. SWFriday has put us in touch with many interesting people and the world is getting so much smaller because of it. Nice to meet you :)
Beautiful photo I love the reflection of the sun. Happy SWF.
Yeah, sometimes those point and shoots are pretty amazing, aren't they? Good one. Love where you live!
I don't know about them writing 'Wish you were here' on it, but I know my first thought was I wish I was there...no wonder it is such a winner.
Marvelous color shot. Beautiful sunset and view.
Wow, great shot!
What can I say....that is absolutely beautiful.
Lovely photo. The scenery of the harbour is beautiful and love the way the sun was reflected in the water. Have a nice weekend.
Purple Ronnie would like this.
that's ....beautiful, indeed.
Oh my gosh... such a beautiful picture! Very great!
My entries are here and here. Happy weekends!
Wonderful image and great writing to go with it.
Have a super weekend.
I wouldn't have believed the story of the Manx fairies, but you DO have the colorful sunset for evidence...
Your post brought a smile; thanks.
Absolutely radiant - no pun intended!
Great sunset. Happy SWF!
Very beautiful. BTW, I use a point and shoot sometimes too. The big glass is a bit much for me to carry around all the time.
this is awesome! very nice SWF entry! happy weekend!
Such beautiful colors and light! Happy SWF. :)
A beautiful sunset, good swf post.
Great SWF entry. Now you know, you can never be too rich, so this shot is just wonderful.
Speaking of shots, I hear Mr. Daniels calling my name. Perhaps we should go hunting for some flying monkeys to go with that wallaby. heh heh
That is so very beautiful. Thanks.
That's a great starburst!!!!!!!!!
Love the yellows, pinks, purples and blues in your radiating sunset.
Gosh, Babooshka, you think the color is too purple because you saw it with your own eyes, but I'm in agreement with the tourists: it's beautiful, beautiful, just as it is. The Manx fairies did a great job.
I'm having whatever you and Marley are having. Actually I am sitting here saying"Oh damn, I forgot Skywatch Friday again." I get so focused on finding a suitable photo these days that I can't keep up with the extra gizmos. Maybe next week. You Skywatch folks are so faithful and I really hate to wig out. Anyway,, that said , YOUR Skywatch is gorgeous. No excuses from you. Just say, " Thank you." Oh and MANX FAIRIES??? What the......?
I like the way the dark purple colors the shadows. Very nice.
The Manx fairies are doing a great job. I think the colors are beautiful. Love the bridge! Good luck tracking down the escaped wallaby. Can't wait to see the picture!
I love how the sun rays are shining above the bridge and the rays of it so nicely taken.
Very beautiful shot! Ideal for a postcard.
Such a beautiful shot must come from some place magic.
Thank you for coming to my place, was it the wallaby that brought you? They are living here and one went missing!
It is indeed very spectacular.
Never argue with paying customers, dear - very wise of you. ;)
Fantastic shot! I love the colors and the brightness of the sun.
I think the tones just add to this shot... :O)
Good luck tracking down the Wallaby, there's some that live on the moorlands above Derbyshire... I saw around a dozen early morning while out on the green lanes in my land rover.... I thought some one was farm rearing them until I was told different. Seem being out all winter as no real effect on them.
I thought it was a Manx pixie? never realised you had fairy's as well.
Goorgeous sunset with the Ramsey Swing Bridge.
My sunset today is through a bridge here at Skywatch from Juinagar Bridge
Taking inspiration from your photos, I tried to take different photos of the same bridge.
Lovely colours, a fine view !
Nice capture. Beautiful sunset.
Oh! One with sun flare! You and I both love shots with flare in them...
This is beautiful!!!
Hello Babooshka !
Very very nice picture !
The sun is beautiful...
fantastic colors and great light. well done
Love your photo!
magnifique, la lumière est superbe
how a nice sutset friend, sometimes I have to take siak river photo such as that scene, I like it very much!
Can't wait for the picture of the Wallaby being ridden by the a Manx Fairy! :) TFx
No need to dissect it - it's gorgeous.
Oh what a lovely picture, how do you do it?
What a beautiful glow and love all the interesting shadowy shapes! I would love to know more about that wallaby! Being Australian, I guess I have a vested interest!
Me too, me too: wish I were in it :)
I presume this wallaby is an old folk legend now right? Bit like our dolphins then - you never see 'em but they're apparently there!
Scarlet xx
Really dreamy.
This is amazing shot. It is also a good example of the "equipment is not so important but photographer is" discussion. I agree to the point but admit the equipment helps in some way. Back to your photo, It really attractive shot!
Wonderful shot - love the colours.
Escaped wallaby hey - sneaky buggars they are - could pop up anywhere!!
That's a great glowing and shining sun...I haven't been able to get a shot that looks like that...I'm so jealous. :)
Well, the colours may be richer than you remember them, but who is to argue with nature, who has the greatest display of vivid colours imaginable? ;-)
I remember one of the first digital cameras I used, my brother's Olympus, which simply refused to take sunset pictures. They have come a long way since then!
I love the different shades of purple. The only camera I have is a point and shoot, so I get what I get sometimes.
I remember myself drawing this images of sunset, but yours is of course breath-taking! Happy weekend!
I believe in Fairies, & this sunset is beautiful Babooshka!
So... the Manx fairies are to blame for the rich colours eh? I like the rich colours. My camera does that too depending on which way I tilt it to catch the light. If I don't let too much light in, the colours are very rich.
Great shot. If you see the wallaby, get a photo!!!
Ah it's great to see the bridge in all its glory..Love the romantic sunset and the wallaby story.
Apparently the Manx fairies have been very busy, from the looks of your photo.
sunsets are always beautiful for me. and i wish i was there! :D
Manx fairies! Only heard of the cats.
I like this photo a lot; understand why it's popular.
Those fairies have been busy! It almost looks like fireworks!
wow!! stunning sky ^_~.
Love the setting, photographic opportunity well taken.
p.s. thanks of the visit and comment to Yambol Bulgaria. :)
Beautiful photo. I enjoyed reading about your elusive wallaby.
Manx fairies? Sounds like an enchanted island.
Simply Awesome Shot!!
It almost looks like a carnival scene. Very exciting colors. The bridge is gorgeous lit up that way.
aah.. its that time of the day! lovely!
i missed your blog babooshka! And this photo is enough to make me guilty for not showing up for a week! it's beeee-autiful! Loves it!
Well for whatt-ever reason--camera-fairies-too late--?--the pic is beautiful..Nothing like a sunset over water. Hey is that a wallaby crossing that bridge??? MB
My goodness Babooshka, do you ever take a bad picture! This one is incredible!
Babooshaka: That is a shot that made me say WOW. I love the reflection off the water.
Just gorgeous!
Amazing picture. Splendid sun, clouds, reflections.
Gorgeous photo. I hope you track down that wallaby.
those sun rays are incredible! wonder how you captured that..
Looks like a photo in a travel magazine - great capture!
Wonderful shot, I love how the sea is so calm in the harbor, calm enough for reflecting.
Colors are breathtaking ... seriously!
Beautiful shot!!!
I love it! What a cool bridge. Could a wallaby find enough to eat around there?
This sunset is beautiful and I love the clouds we see on the left.
Have a great weekend.
as always... beautiful shot! i honestly didn't know P&S cams can take beautiful shots like this. well, i know -- the person behind the cam makes the greater shot! i wish i could get tips from you!
It's a good one today!
I want to see the fairy riding the wallaby. Great picture. I love the rays around the sun. Still trying to get that right.
I think this shot is beautiful. Good luck with your wallaby hunt :)
Wow, that is definitely an intense sun, but beautiful pic nonetheless!
This is GORGEOUS! I love the intensity of the colors. This shot could be the cover of a SWF book!!
Lovely - very atmospheric. And I loved the wallaby story!
wow, a magnificent shot! the sun beaming through the bridge is just beautiful! and way to go on all the comments you received!!
Very nice! You have captured the perfect moment. As I look at your photo, it appears the clouds have been pushed aside and leaving room for the light. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely stunning picture!
It's perfect.
Beautiful sunset with that now famous bridge.
Babooshka, you have 113 comments.
OMG, I have never seen that many comments in a blog.
You must be bigger than the Bee Gees in Ramsey.
You´ve caught the sun very good in this one. Great work!! :)
So glad to have discovered your blog, I'll be following it daily. I hope you find the wallaby. There are plenty around here where there is more open grassland.
A beautiful, evocative photo. Good luck with your wallaby hunt!
Fabulous picture.
The feather light clouds look superb!
it's a great picture !
What a bEEAAAUUUtiful sunset!
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