We seem to be having somewhat of an Indian Summer here. On my virtual blog travels I see others parts of the world are too. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining on a personal level but it is throwing the photography out of whack. People it's supposed to be red gold and greens intermingling leaves strewn across the pavements, not butterflies. The image shows you the leaves on the turn and as you can see in the background the bright blue cloudless sky peeping through looks more like the height of summer. Global warming no doubt. Personally I could do without seasons. Give me Provence( actually just give me Provence) sunshine all year round, no snow, no rain and I'd be a happy bunny. Poyll Dooey Nature Reserve is definitley having an identity crisis at the moment, clinging onto those metamorphing leaves. I will have no Autumn collection at this rate!
One thing I do have is lots of images that aren't so pretty. Ramsey is regenerating, supposedly.
One day I walk past a shop the next day it's closing. Houses are being demolished to make way for who knows what, the new swimming pool is still ongoing and roadworks abound. So we shall be leaving the Nature Reserve behind for a short hiatus to concentrate on the Ramsey buildings old and new. Quite what the workman think everytime I start trying to sneak into empty building to snap those arty derelict shots I don't know. It's like trying to get into MI5. The more closed off the cordoned demolition sites are, I'm afraid the more this photographer is intrigued. Perhaps it's the new Area 51?
Do you have any mystery areas in your town?
Magic post will appear whilst I'm asleep. That is if Blogger goes to print or maybe it's sleeping too. SHH!
I hope you find your lost whatevers.
We are having a nice fall and the farmers love it because we had such a late, cold and wet spring they couldn't plant til later and now they need a late fall so they can harvest. Whew!!!
I can see and read you - is that positive???
Over here it is always summer so all these Autumn posts I can't relate to. All I can say is that it is warm and dry with the monsoon due in a month or so. Not an Autumn leaf to be seen!!!
Construction/deconstruction sites usually have long plastic tape wrapped around it that says "DANGER DO NOT ENTER". One must deliberately cross this line to get in. Do they do that in your area?
Hello Babush, thanks for stopping by my blog. We too are having a bit of an Indian summer, in fact more than I wish. We're at the end of the season and I'd much prefer a gradual slide towards winter instead of to hot today and to cold tomorrow. Hope we actually get a few weeks of fall back here before the snow flies.
Blogger, at my end, seems a bit erratic and slow of late. At this point I don't think the problem is my ISP but I haven't completely ruled it out.
in mumbai we have just 2 seasons - summer and monsoons!
Hello Babooshka !
The live must go one...
Have a good indian summer !
Here, in the west of France, it's indian summer too...
See You later.
au contraire, summer seems to have left us for good here in crete - it's been muggy and damp since the middle of spetember (which is fine by us - summer lasts far too long here)
Ah, serendipity! I posted about Indian Summer today, too. And I'm in California. Wait! THere IS magic afoot!
We are protected from housing development...at the moment!
Check out my post today, you will LOVE it!
The leaves fit the season here in Ohio. Nice pic.
Great photo and autumn here won't start for a few weeks yet.
Hmmm, mystery areas, we have a couple. One is an old abandoned grain elevator, the other is an old flour mill that is being refurbished into a conference center. This sounds like it would be a good series..."Mystery Areas of McKinney". I think you inspired me!
Inidan Summer in Ramsey and new houses. All change. No new shops then? Ramsey needs new shops not houses. Pretty leaves and the bridge always a pleasure.
Renovating the old town would be better than new builds.
Beautiful yellows! Even with blogger problems you have made a very good post!
Early autumn is upon us, and these colors match the season. Here, we are having cooler than usual temperatures, and it looks like fall could arrive a little early for a change.
Hi Bab, you may be pleased to know that my comments are still there & you can't really complain with 94!
It's been lovely and sunny today, so we must be having an Indian summer at last.
In Nottingham then tend to put big 10ft wood or metal boards round construction sites, so you can't even push your camera through any gaps.
Hi B,
Are you out or is your server down?
Emailed you. Get back to me when you can. Need some postcards. Cheers.
Jacqui x
No Indian Summer here; au contraire, it's raining. But they say the next few days will be warmer...
Like this photo!
The golden glow of your picture warms me on this cold day we are having in Virginia! :)
The bright yellow against the green looks wonderful. Oh how I miss autumn in the northern hemisphere ... It's definetly my favorite season in term of colours.
Oh sorry about your blogger problems and your flu. Things come apart all at once it seems. I love the Sky Watch photo with the purple...and the black tulip. Very wonderful as usual...
Sometimes Blogger has a mind of it´s own. Be grateful that your blog didn´t become Ramsey weekly photo!
Beautiful tree! Super Yellow!
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