Monday, September 08, 2008


Isle of Man map or Graffiti Odd shot?

Well no one can ever say I only put the pretty shots on. I did say you might be getting a lot of snapshots this week, well here's the first. For those of you who just want Moody Blues and glorious Ramsey sunsets look away now. For those of you who can handle honest Ramsey read on.

I snapped this on the one of the local buses. I waited 'til everyone had got off and quickly knocked off a few auto shots. I didn't take the material to the edge of the shot so you could see what it is. Yes it is a bus seat. It's had a makeover by the look of it too.

I think the kids may have been bored over the holidays. It is graffiti, but I hate to say it's the most ingenious graffiti I've seen on the island. That green splodge you see dotted about the bus seat is the Isle of Man. Most of the map is right, but for some reason they have placed Kirk Micheal(KM) on the opposite side to where it should be. I think this person doesn't like Peel either as where the KM is should be Peel. Unless of course they are just trying to fool the tourists. We don't want you taking all our lovely Davidson's ice cream or Manx kippers. Good idea, lets hide Peel. The 3 legged object in the centre of the map is of course the most famous Manx symbol, The Triskelion as featured on the flag.

This is really a shot that should be monochrome, but for the purposes of odd shots you really needed to see the green land, and the blue sea. Don't we just have the quirkiest bus seats? Jealous aren't you! I bet you don't have a regional hand coloured map on yours either do you? No you don't do you! Now kids if you're reading this. It's very naughty, don't do it again. Instead put those artistic geographical skills to use at school and produce some er legal artwork.

Want to join Odd Shots Monday?

Then see KATNEY


alicesg said...

Pop over to my blog for some moon cakes to chase away the monday blues. :) Dont you just hate monday.

Mary Helen said...

It's a fact of life isn't it?
But in a town as small as Forks you just don't see much of it...but it's here.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Points for creativity.

Anonymous said...

Now that is odd.

Louis la Vache said...

Indeed an Odd Shot! ;-)

Michaela said...

I am so joining "Odd Shots Monday". What a sweet shot though! Thanks for inspiring me :)


Small City Scenes said...

Indeed an Odd shot but a rather Clever Shot too. MB

magiceye said...

it sure is better than slitting the seats!

Olivier said...

je dirais le graffiti d'un homme qui courre.
I would say the graffiti of a man who runs.

Anonymous said...

Great - it's nice to see some grafitti with a bit of imagination!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Definitely odd but very clever and worth keeping a pic of the deed! Love it!

Brett said...

Great photo, what a find, i love this sort of thing.

Kyanite said...

That's creative graffitti!
Only hope the ink was dry before someone sat down...

Webradio said...

Hello !

Are You coming from Man Island ???

Cath said...

This is excellent. No, we do not have England shaped splodges on our buses! lol
What a brill odd shot.
I can't wait for your monochrome. ;0)
I joined in that one too.

Anonymous said...

Why no peel?

ArneA said...

As a Norwegian I should probably know more about Isle of Man than I do.
It is a good start looking at your odd map

Unknown said...

I like your 'moody blues' and glorious Ramsey shots as well as this kind of odd ones too! :-)

Ken said...

I haven't taken public transit in years but I could bet there is nothing that creative on them.

Eki said...

The observing eyes of a photographer like yours never miss small interesting details like this ... Interesting shot, Babooshka!

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting post. I like it and don't really know where the map was located on the bus.

Anonymous said...

I don't like to encourage vandalism but this is very arty.

Ingrid said...

Not bad at all, maybe the little genius will find the right way for his art !

alice said...

To a foreigner, it could be a treasure map...

Hilda said...

Now I feel guilty for having doodled on my seats at university. :D

Lilli & Nevada said...

Great odd shot

Knoxville Girl said...

maybe they could add "you are here" and an arrow or something for the tourists.
Ramsey has interesting graffiti.

PERBS said...

It must have been at the back f the bus -- surprised they didn't get caught in the act. AND leave it to you, with camera in hand, to immortalize it!

Thanks for dropping by.


Anonymous said...

The important thing is that it is odd.
Thanks for your supportive comments on MM.
Hope to see you.

Anil P said...

That sure is creative :)

Anonymous said...

Unusual graffiti, don't think I've ever seen a map before. I make a point of lokking at the graffiti or street art where ever I go. Thanks for the feedback on my pictures, it is really helpful.

 gmirage said...

I thought of you when I was playing the motorcycle race "Isle of Man" at the arcade center! School kids must have done this in review of geography =D


So why is it that you have lovely graffiti on your bus and we have crappy graffiti that says that so-and-so "wuz here" and so-and-so "luvz" someone else.

Scarlet xx

Marie Reed said...

That is a hoot... Imagine a graffiti artist sans the potty mouth!

Anonymous said...

Naughty but nice. The kids are back tomorrow. Good!

laxeylass said...

The most important thing is they got Laxey right.What bus was it? Makes me proud to be Manx! Sort of proud.

Anonymous said...

Why has it not got Peel on?

Virginia said...

You have to be the most creative of all of us rowdy bloggers. OUr buses, few and far between, usually have noone riding them, so someone could conceivably be in the back painting the SIstine Chapel or something without the bus driver knowing. I thought your handy dandy map was on a window at first. How ingenious to use the seat. Those artists on your isle are quite something, B.

Janet Kincaid said...

Interesting. Well, at least the taggers displayed a modicum of intelligence!

Anonymous said...

Great odd shot and funny narration to go with it. If I ever make it over there, I'll know where to find Davidson's Ice Cream!

Neva said...

too funny!! and I am sureit is to fool the tourists! veyr nice odd shot!

Dragonstar said...

That would be an odd shot without the graffiti. With it, it's incredible!


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