September already! What happened to the British summer wet, wet,wet. Blue sky days have been few. I could fill a skywatch year of Fridays full of clouded skies or arty shots to cover up for the fact we have had hardly any sunshine or blue sky days. Today though was the put his hat on and game out to play. For a little while anyway.
This image was taken today along Sulby River, Ramsey. Due the rain it's still quite high, but with little breeze the water was fairly still. Again it's a manual shot. Remember if you do try a manual shot you will need to change both your camera body and your lens setting. The more you practise focusing with a manual the better you will get. Time for the wide angled lens again. No alterations. The image as taken. The more you compose your image first and learn how to use your camera setting, the better your image will be, and you can ditch(almost) the photoshop.
I don't like posting shots I'm not happy with, but next week I might post a manual and an auto shot of the same subject so you can see the difference. It might be easier that way for you to see why I say manual beats digital software. What do think?
Just wanted to show a very straightforward image tonight, busy on other projects.
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The concept was Dot's, the next host WIGGERS WORLD the guardians of skywatch now are Tom, Imac and Sandy
The blues surely do get you in the mood. I love the deep blue shade here. Happy skywatching.
I always love skies that are reflected in water! Wonderful.
Like the reflection, it is soooo blue!
Wonderful shot and a wonderful reflection!:)
Cool sky/water photo. I love the deep colour on the water.
I would really appreciate a manual and auto shot comparison. I've had my Sony camera since christmas and have still not braved any manual settings! I was talking with Knoxville Girl about us both being afraid to give it a try, as we don't know what settings to use when. I'm sure she would be grateful for some advice too.
I'll await the tutorial with eager eyes :)
Your photo holds an incredibly, beautiful fullness of blue! Lovely!
Breathtaking!! I'd love to see the manual and auto shots.
Great title and the photo says it all. Very clear and sharp. Happy SWF.
Looking at this photo, I can only say: ''On the Threshold of a Dream''... (The Moody Blues, 1969).
That's so beautiful and I love the reflection. The title fits perfectly.
Wow, a stunner, Baboosh! Moody blues indeed, but of the brighter nature. Wonderful reflection image with great color and balance. Thanks for the notes too!
Love the depth of blues, beautifully captured for Sky Watch Friday, thank you for sharing and your kind comments on my post earlier.
That's spectacular! That shot stole the breath out of my chest.
Nights in white satin comes to mind. Nice shot
This reflection shot is so rich. I like it...
Oooooh. Aaaaaah. I want to go.
Bravo! It swells in blue.
True blue, indeed, and a great photo. Simple is elegant.
Now that is a beautiful pic. Love the blues.
I didn't know anything about a manual shot until you mentioned it. I have a Canon power shot Sx100IS. I tried the manual and had to figue out different thngs and now know a teensy bit more. I don't have Photoshop or anything else. What I shoot is what you see but now I am going to try to be adventurous.
Thanks so much. MaryBeth
Thank you, I'm glad you liked my sunset and sunrise sequence shot from both flights on my way home.
This is a great reflection and what a stunning blue.
What Marley said!!! I'm a visual learner and would appreciate the help too! I've had my Fuji for a year now, and still haven't messed with the manual. It's time. Guide me, sensei-san.
And what a beautiful image here.
I'd appreciate an auto shot and a manual shot. My photos always look grey even when the sky is blue.
Perfectly titled. I love the moody these blue create. The colors are so deep and rich. Beautiful.
Great blues and a very nice reflection.
The Sulby at it's STUNNING BEST, Superb capture. Looking forward to the tutorial...
WOW. That takes my breath away.
Mood Indigo anyone? Perfection.
Your straight-forward, manual photograph is stunning, Babooshka! Beautiful Sky Watch!
Autto and manual would be useful. I only shoot auto.
That's looks like a painting honey, it's so in a ya face. My favourite photographer has done it again. Hi 5.
Beautiful photo for SWF. I love the way it was reflected in the water.
Absolutely magic!!
Now that's blue!
I think this is absolutely gorgeous!! It is breathtaking! It is very magical!!! Well shot and well done!!
It's such a beautiful shade of blue maybe you'll forget the gloomy summer. ;-)
That's is just lovely. Makes me want to go put on Nights in White Satin!
Hi Bab, it was rainy while we were there too. We took the train up and had an hour and a half to catch one back down to Laxey.
Your picture is sooooo pretty, I don't think we saw this lake. We walked around town and over to the harbor, the town is very quaint, a lot like the typical Maine small town here in the U.S.
Did I ask you if you knew any Corkills? My Mom was a Corkill. We meet a Corkill lady (maiden name) at the visitor center in Douglas. :-)
Looks like an awesome spot. Love the blueness of the pictures. Happy SWF
Like you, I shoot with mostly manual settings, although once in awhile I use one of my camera's programmed settings. I don't use photoshop. I do crop and resize my photos before posting them on the blogs, but otherwise, what you see is what I shot. Glad to know I'm not the only one like that!
I do love your Moody Blues -- both the image and the title!
That blue is so cold!!! another lovely foto from you...the photo from yesterday is a lovely one too!
As you know from the 'blues' "Louis" has been posting, he certainly approves of your choice of subject matter today!
i love the reflection of the blue sky!
happy skywatching!
I love that photo:)
Thanks for the memories! I saw the Moody Blues back in the late '60s, early '70s, in Kansas City, Missouri. What a concert--it took me to other places, much like your beautiful photo.
Gorgeous B,
I shoot almost entirely in manual but have a lot of throwaways. It's more work but I like the results most of the time. Love your comments.
so this was taken with a wide-angled lens? in any case, you captured the serenity of the water and how the sky is reflected in it very well
Perfect reflections. Visually stimulating photo. Great job babooshka.
Beautiful blue reflection.
Happy SWF.
Mumbai Skywatch
chez toi c'est pas la vie en rose, c'est la vie en bleue, magnifique.
among you is not life in pink, that's life in blue, magnificent.
A mood picture indeed. Very good.
I am thinking of starting a Monochrome Monday Meme - would you be interested?
I am also pondering loading my 35mm just to give it an outing.
Hello !
The MOODY BLUES sang "Nights in white satin..."
Good shot ! Pretty sky !
excellent work here. great reflection and use of light
How could I not love it it, with it being so blue.
Do like the idea of the two shots to compare settings
Love the clear, blue colour. Beautiful!
That is a beautiful shot - I love the deepness of the blue.
I'd love you to show us a manual vs autofocus. I am relying more and more on auto as my eyesight is failing me... :(
Beautiful reflections, its just like glass.Love the bluness too.
the reflection on water is bluer than blue...beautiful.:D
Babooshka: Very lovely shot from your Blue period, nicely done.
brilliant! love it! the pic and the commentary
Lovely shot and wonderful colors and reflections.
You did a great job as always!
Yes, please to the manual and the P&S comparison. See ... what you have here is full of beauty but not my favourite stuff - but I suspect you know that. Would you pop over to Snapper's Gabriola site and tell me what you think. I am confused again ... not hard to do.
Simply beautiful. I love reflections in water!! :) Happy weekend.
I love the reflection, and I look forward to the lesson next week. I want all pointers I can get.
Golly gosh so blue.
What beautiful colours!
Beautiful blue!
Great shot. The best one. Beautiful sky and colors.
Perfectly captioned. Love the colors, and would love to see both a manual and auto shot for comparison.
May be "blue" - but the tranquility has a very reflective mood about it, Babooshka.
I don't think I have ever seen anything more blue than this. Amazing.
Here is a shot I took at Shiogama, Japan 54 years ago when color film first came out Thunder Maker
Wonderful reflexion!How can the nature create such a nuance in color reflexion?
Now I'm waiting for next week, to see the difference between a manual and auto shot, Im curious.
Now I just cannot understand why you would not be happy with this one. It just takes my breath away.
BABOOSHKA! Stunning Photo! Best Skywatch I've seen this week so far! Love it! I always want to try shoting water reflections but I still haven't got the chance! I'll try it sometime! And thanks so much for the tips! I hope someday I'll get to own an SLR too! Hopefully if I already have work. I really love your post! Hope to see you on my blog again!
The almost still water and the reflection are wonderful, but the blue of the water is absolutely amazing! Love it.
Beautiful! Like something I might have seen "...once upon a time in my wildest dreams..." ; )
wow Babooshka, that is stunning! Love the blues with the black. Happy skywatch :)
I really like this "straight forward shot". The twilight blue of the lake/pond is amazing... almost entrancing. I am not a big fan of altering my images either.
What a deep blue! Fabulous!
beautiful shot. I'd love to see you post the same shot taken in Manual and in Auto. Did you enhance of the blue of the water in this one? It doesn't somehow look real but perhaps it's just how the light was at that moment?
Did you take an auto of this? My manual images are always too dark.
That mood is definitely blue!
Moody blue indeed .. it really pulls you into its depths
Stunning pic. I love the blues and the reflection and the composition, in fact everything about it.
Amazing shot you have here! Beautiful blues alright, Nice job Babooshka!
Spectacular photo! The only way I can get decent shots of wildlife is by using manual settings.
Now THAT'S a colour photograph! Bravo!
Considering the weather on this onr - maybe "Blue Hawaii" would be appropriate?
A very nice mirror.
I love that shot! Great job!
That was a clear looking sky...no water shot. Show some good grey sky then, I would like to see good ones of those as that´s the way it´s going to be soon for a looong loong time.
Gosh that is just gorgeous! It is such a relaxing shot... I'm drifting off to sleep ...guioabfyuiapbyr_"ç vpy_opfyubtyi.. ooops I guess I took a nap on my keyboard!
That blue is my favorite color. Good choice, and have a super SWF. Thanks for stopping by.
It's a lovely Moody Blues very nice
wow, beautiful colors!
Another stunner from my favourite Ramsey resident.. :O)
I will be looking forward to comparing the shots next week. Thanks for your beautiful picture.
It's not fair! You are so close to here, and yet here it's been pissing down all day, without stopping!
Moody blues indeed! Lovely image and refection. Thanks for the mini-tutorial too.
Happy weekend!
Blue is my favorite color so I can't help but like this one. I'd also like to see the manual and auto shots compared.
Today has just been awful weather.
The blue is so brilliant! I'm looking forward to seeing the manual/auto comparison. :)
This is such a lovely, lovely shot. :)
I love that shot, the colours in the reflection are beautiful. You're right about manual shots, much more control - but auto is easier!
Gorgeous colors. It looks like such a peaceful beautiful place to sit down and breathe for a while.
Thanks for sharing.
Nice shot and a gorgeous reflection. I agree using manual gives you much more control.
This photo is absolutely stunning. I must start playing around with doing manual shots if I can get results like this! Well done!!!
Wow! That's breathtaking. I could stare at that for hours and hours.
Great intensity of colour - very dramatic. Thanks for sharing.
It is a sensational photo.
excellent colors! Love it
i love it! it's so calming...very serene.
BTW, i just read you are a photographer. I am a frustrated one...just starting as a hobbyist. Can you share some tips on taking a good photos? Tnx!
The reflection of the blue sky in the perfectly still water is worth the wait for this photo! Just gorgeous.
We are neighbors, lol only separated by the sea so it's normal that we have the same skies and the lousy weather ! Fortunately the week I stayed in Eastbourne the sky was blue !!
To savor the moment manually is a wonderful thing. That is what makes a superb photographer. This is an excellent shot and it probably could not be as precise digitally. Would be interesting to see the difference as you said. Have a wonderful weekend!
I love, love, love this shot! Fabulour colours.
This shot is really great. I read your explanation about manual and auto and I think I'm going to learn with your experience.
Thank you for visiting me. Have a nice weekend.
Oh yes! Definitely my favourite this week.
What a beautiful blue color in the lake. Nice.
wow! lovely reflections on the water.
What really interesting, intensive blue!
Hi Babooshka, what a lovely tranquil scene. Nice shot.
I have become very lazy with my fully automatic camera, but you have inspired me. I will have a go at the manual operation for a while and check out the resullts.
I am often not happy with the results of my pictures.
When using my old slr I enjoyed playing with depth of field and different shutter speeds.
What an absolutely perfect reflection! Wonderful photo, as usual.
Beautiful 'Moody Blues' indeed!
A gorgoeus sky capture for skywatch!
You have some fantastic images~love your ground level image!
Happy weekend to you!
And, Happy sky~watching!
How beautiful! This picture is amazing…
How beautiful! This picture is amazing…
The water looks like glass it is so calm... what a very peaceful setting.
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