My World
I don't usually show flowers, not really my favourite thing to photograph, but Cherry Blossoms in Spring are a particular favourite. Especially the ones we have along the main high street, Parliament Street. In fact these bloomin' lovelies are right outside a building that used to be a shocking soft pink. Now soft pink isn't shocking you might say? It is when the pink building in question is the local Police station! It's now a dull sedate cream and I wasn't in the mood to show dull cream, on a sizzling blue sky day. We needed hot pink petals and cheeriest of cherry blossoms. If you're good I'll show you the Pink Police Station of the past sometime. That is if you're all on your best behaviour and I can find the file which is definitely not named "hot pink police stations of Ramsey." No life is never that easy.
Finally a day off. Yippee.
Ramsey is famous( in a very small circles obviously) for it's blooms, often representing the island in competitions, and the North of the island for island wide(wide my ar..) floral showdowns. Fastest finger on the Geranium, and tulips at dawn. I'll stick with motorbikes and Rugby, which is not very girlie I know, but they are more my photography world and certainly more challenging. If really want to see some pretty flowers and the odd arty one of Ramsey Blooms from my wee colletcion, click below. This image was taken with the little point shoot not the big nikon. You can still get soft focus with a point and shoot, just work the little bugg.... and have fairy magic.
Marsh Orchid
Black Tulip
Finally a day off. Yippee.
Ramsey is famous( in a very small circles obviously) for it's blooms, often representing the island in competitions, and the North of the island for island wide(wide my ar..) floral showdowns. Fastest finger on the Geranium, and tulips at dawn. I'll stick with motorbikes and Rugby, which is not very girlie I know, but they are more my photography world and certainly more challenging. If really want to see some pretty flowers and the odd arty one of Ramsey Blooms from my wee colletcion, click below. This image was taken with the little point shoot not the big nikon. You can still get soft focus with a point and shoot, just work the little bugg.... and have fairy magic.
Marsh Orchid
Black Tulip
A change from my usual My World posting,s more a generic petal power than a specific to the area. Cherry Blossoms afterall are not exclusive to the island, unlike the fairies of Man, the Manx ones.
Klaus, Imac, Fishing Guy, Ivar, Tom, Louise, Wren, Sandy and others are to thank for the My World neme. Click here for more my world's just for fun again of course
Klaus, Imac, Fishing Guy, Ivar, Tom, Louise, Wren, Sandy and others are to thank for the My World neme. Click here for more my world's just for fun again of course
My brain got stuck to a soft pink paint for the police dept. Who decided to paint it that color? I love pink, soft pink more than the loud pink, so I am not complaining. But it would have been a major attraction over there.
Cherry blossoms are always nice but I hope you can find the pink police station in your archives.
I am glad you went off-road and delivered us flowers. They are stunners. You are a master of that camera!
I'll take those pink cherry blossoms any day! I don't like to wear pink, but it is lovely in flowers. Hope you find the pink police station. Why was it painted pink in the first place? We have a prison here in AZ that holds the men in tents and makes them were pink to keep them from re-offending. Apparently wearing pink to a man is a fate worse than death! Most do not retun to that particular prison!
I promise to be good. Actually I promise to be really, really, really good! Love the cherry blossoms.
Nebraska Birding
Lovely cherry blossoms.
Thanks for sharing.
Visit That’s My World Tuesday
I think you do quite well at photographing flowers and may be something you might want to do from time to time... these are very pretty. We don't have blossoms here just yet. Don't even have leaves...
The blossoms in our garden in Brighton are out, doing their wonderful thing.
And at the weekend, travelling in Ireland, I saw a shop called Babooshka and even photographed it. It's in Wexford, southern Ireland and very colourful!
A great Pink Photo non the less.
Look forward to the pink police station too.
pop and see my - Parallels Of Time.
by S. Mackinder (c) April 1994.
Being famous in small circles is important too. We'll have to wait until May for most of our flowers.
Oh B to live in your head for 5 minutes would be a hoot. I respected your Facebook slowdown. Day off has worked a mint.
Babooshka: Your Cherry Blossoms are beautiful and I'm glad you captured them.
Cherry blossoms scream out spring in all it's glory. Beautiful shot!
It's hard to resist a beautiful cherry blossom tree. I'm glad you showed it to us, girlie or not. And if you ever capture a fairy shot, PLEASE post it. I'm always looking but I don't think they like Utah much.
Like Fishing Guy I am glad you took some pics of blossoms. Nice shots. Thanks for coming by my blog. Joann
I don't think I've ever seen a pink police station, but I'm looking forward to it! Love the cherry blossums - must be beautiful this time of year in your neck of the woods!
I remember when it was Pink. It was much prettier then. Pretty flowers.
In all the world, cherry blossoms are blooms unto themselves - such grandeur yet fragility.
Enjoy your day off. Hope the weather's great.
It'll be months before we see cherry blossoms.
Jog my memory - have I asked you to do a Sunday Roast? If not, would you care to do one?
What a coincidence that I chose to do the blossom trees of Ramsey in my post yesterday. Aren't we lucky where we live? The trees which I photographed yesterday outside the courts were looking at their best as is the whole town as it gears up for the forth coming TT races. As it happens I'm off work for the whole fortnight as I can't be bothered to struggle against all the traffic so I might end up with a picture of Babooshka yet though you do get one of me first. keep up the brilliant work.
Cherry blossoms mean spring in any location.
You are right! It is the perfect time for Cherry Blossoms , and your picture is fantastic!
Many thanks!
You captured the delicate nature of those beautiful blossoms.
We're just a few weeks behind you with our blooms. Looking forward to taking some foliage photos after a long gray dull winter of colors.
The cherry blossoms are lovely!
A hot pink police station??? Now THAT I want to see!!!
That's a pretty blooming tree. Yes, like everybody else, I want to see the pink police station, could it be fuschia pink?
I like your blossoms. Thanks
I am glad to see spring time coming to you....
Great job with a point and shoot.
The cherry blossoms are very nice, but I'm still waiting for the fairies.
I like the way you left a teeny bit of the bright blue sky show in your photo. Please, though - the pink police station next week!
Cherry blossoms are just so spectacular.......anywhere. MB
magnifique, de la poésie en photo
I've been a very good girl! (cossing fingers behind back) Do I get to see a PPP then?
Pink cherry blossoms are magnificent lovely stuff.
Beautiful flowers, I like that soft pink shade.
Flowers always like to be photographed, they like it on the catwalk. Here in France I've seen pink buildings with the Gendarmerie inside. Pleaaase show me your pink police station. I promise you I'll be very good at least all day :)
Babooshka, I am looking forward to seeing a pink police station like many of us! So do us a favour and post it! You blossoms are very pretty! Thanks for your visit and have a great week!
Amazing photo. Beautiful colours of Spring.
Cheery blossoms have to be the exception they are so beautiful. A bit of a seductress. This one especially.
And that is a bloomin' nice shot!
Very pretty flowers.
I love Cherry blossoms and can't wait for our spring blooms here...can't be too far off now.
Great minds think alike! I've also got a big, pink flower up today.
I love these cherry blossoms. So delicate - I can almost smell them from here.
Flowers are always a winner. I have a huge bouquet of lilacs in front of me, but haven't taken their photo....hmmm...
Take a change frompetrol fumes and smell the rose..oops..blossoms on your day off. Enjoy the freedom.
Really pretty and they smell really nice!!
Even if it's not your favorite thing in the world to photograph, even if it was taken in a point and shoot rather than a Nikon, it turned out really nice. Love the soft pink color.
I do agree..your world is absolutely marvellous and colourful as well..
I do agree..your world is absolutely marvellous and colourful as well..
There's many a cherry out in bloom around here.. it is always most uplifting to see it.
Great post.
LMAO at a pink Police station, well I never!! The blossoms are gorgeous, it's one thing I miss here.
That is what I call bloomin' marvellous. I'm glad you made an exception to the rule with these cherry blossoms. I just love them and they are probably just as pretty than your fairies but a lot easier to photograph. That is when the one behind the camera has the kanck of photography.
I promise to be weally weally good. Can you please show the pink police sometimes in MWT.
You've PINKIFIED your blog and it looks mahhhhvelous.
I thought everyone liked to photograph flowers. :-) I love cherry blossoms. I didn't get any this year. I think there's something wrong with my tree.
:-( Love your shot.
They are so beautiful! I can see why they would be fun to photograph even if flowers weren't your favorite thing!
How can they not be a favourite to photograph when you do them so well?
Cherry blossoms are always a good shot!
Nice to see the lovely blossom in such detail.
I'm happy to see ANY blooms at this point!! I think it's a beautiful photo.
I just love cherry blossoms...
Babooshka, I look forward to your posts every week. I took cherry blossoms for granted when I lived near them - I'm so glad you don't.
SO beautiful! Thank goodness for warmer weather!
I'd love to have a shot (no pun intended) at an essay on the TT coming up. Definitely challenging, probably at least as much as ice hockey -- if for entirely different reasons. But who doesn't love a good challenge, eh?
I still need to acquire a P&S as a backup for the big Canon. I guess that should probably be my next investment. There are just too many places where the big rig isn't practical (or even allowed!). Now that I survived the annual pillage by the IRS maybe I can get on that.
you are blooming marvellous!
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