Friday, April 03, 2009


Killing Moon amid a Purple Haze

Dontcha' just love those black lace fingerless gloved tree branches cupping and encircling the purple velvet cloak. Well what do you see. Anyone who has stopped by knows I like the colour purple. In fact purple, black, red. Any deep colour. I don't do pastels. Unfortunately here I am surrounded by yellows and pale blues as you have seen before. It's not often I get the opportunity to splurge on the violets, scarlets and deepest darkest black here but this sky presented this perfect Gothic dream scape complete with a pearl set in the velvet cloak(Ok It's a crescent moon but use your illusion) ready for me to capture. The nature reserve as you have never seen it before on my skywatch. I'm sure(click the purple words) here of Manx legend and would feel at home here along with the vampires. Yes vampires. No not vampire bats. Apparently there is a Vampire Hunter on the island. No not Buffy. This one is more your mature variety and genuinely believes that some of the island inhabitants are actually vampires in disguise. Well there are definitely bloodsuckers here, they work in the finance industry. Meaow!

My purple prose will cease, my inner Goth( former actually you can still see the evidence) has been sated. It won't be for everyone but this is one of my favourites skywatch images I have shown you. Thank you for indulging my passion. True colours shining through, but people are strange and your doors of perception may be leading in another direction down a yellow brick road instead. So excuse me while I kiss the sky but I am sucker for a purple haze.

I expect to see Donnie Darko's white rabbit any day soon, possibly surfing the ninth wave in red shoes.


Maalie said...

Oh wow, that really is a dramatic picture! I like it!

Elisabeth's bright side said...

Very dramatic, I like it. :)

Gill - That British Woman said...

very dramatic, I really like it.

Gil in Canada

April said...

A beautiful night sky full of mystery. Gorgeous photo!

Sylvia K said...

You tell a great story, Babooshka, and it goes so perfectly with your gorgeous photo! Fabulous colors! Very dramatic!

Tarolino said...

Your flow of words is breathtaking my dear. The sky certainly looks like one where witches and vampires frolic. Myself I enjoy the pastel versions very much. After all this reading it seems like a safer choice too.
Anyone ever fallen victim to the vampire hunter and his (I assume it's a he) sharp wooden pole and garlic necklace? Scary tought. Huh!

Kathie Brown said...

You have captured the violet sky. Will you set her free again? Nicely done.

Bim said...

Fantastic - and fun, too!

imac said...

Wonderful, full of colour.

Anonymous said...

Yellow to purple in two posts? I like purple better too.

PJ said...

Very, very pretty, the lilac sky is a coup.

Quiet Paths said...

Oh, I just love that shot.

Anonymous said...

So evocative. I can just hear the distant sound of...yes, it's the opening riff from smoke on the water
>air guitar<

Jim said...


Sydney City and Suburbs

Unknown said...

That's one wonderful purple sky. Nice one.
And as for the bloodsuckers, there everywhere. Wof Wof

marley said...

That is just drama personified! Love it!


Wow - I'm not sure I will dare go out with my dog tomorrow evening/night! I'm glad I didn't see this before our walk this evening!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Darryl - Smoke on the water, fire in the sky. Now I have to find an image to match that. Cheers.

DeniseinVA said...

That is pretty darned spectacular. Such a color! Great post too. Always enjoy my visit here, thank you :)

Martha Z said...

I've never seen a sky like that. Maybe I need to spend more time in northern latitudes. Great pic.

Light and Voices said...

I like that gothic sky watch post.
Nice job!

Paul( the actor) said...

Hello Babooshka(?) I think you went to the Tache when I did and you painted a leather jacket for my mate. I read you used to do that? Does Paul the guitarist "Joe Perry" sound familiar. When did you switch from painting to photography. Check you out on Facebook.

ms426d said...

Oh my goodness - breathtaking. I love your sky & your "purple prose"
Have good week.

Jeri ~ said...

Very cool picture!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Paul(the actor) Yes I remember Paul the guitarist, and yes I painted designs on leather jackets. Catch up on Facebook.

Photo Cache said...

that's a really gorgeous color for the sky.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: I guess when the purple haze appears you must share it with the world.

Connie T. said...

Such a pretty color. I don't like pastels, but they are pretty in flowers and sometimes the sky too. But on me, never.

Shem said...

I really liked your yellow staircase but I could go for this gothic nightmare.

bowledover said...

Bet the picture without the purple was super too.
Love Goth and purple.
Not into vampires, just throw them a steak.Thanks.

Paul( the actor) said...

Just checking your backposts. F... me you are so talented. Leather Jacket was Hanoi Rocks. I lost touch with Paul but he probably still wears it.

Chuck Pefley said...

Love the lace glove metaphor ... so apt! Lovely image, Babooshka. Deep Purple ... do you know the song?

Thanks for your compliment, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I love your purple sky and your purple prose. They go well enough with each other.

Janie said...

Wow, that's an impressive purple surrounding the crescent moon. Really love those dark tree limbs, too.

Ann said...

Wow - what a colour.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Chuck-All my musical refs I sneak in I am fully conversant with. Eclectic taste in music, but if it makes the ipod it makes the blog.

Brian Miller said...

wow. amazing colors! you are such the artist.

Lowell said...

Purple is passion...right? I took that same sliver of the moon the other night, but you got the light and the branches in silhouette, and, well, you win the prize.

I like this very much.

Claudette said...

C'est photograf j'taime

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Purple perfection!

Girl Tornado said...

I must say I love your purple sky, very mysterious and eerie, yet quite breathtaking at the same time! ;)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That is a wonderful photograph. Love it.

Sally in WA said...

This is a stunning photo. One of my favorites so far this week!

Virginia said...

Ah yes, we are on the same wavelength today B.
Gorgeous sky!!!!

SandyCarlson said...

Man oh man, that is beautiful. I love your image and the gorgeous text, too.

alicesg said...

Wow never see a purple sky before. Very beautiful sky.

The Write Girl said...

The sky is amazing...what a beauty.
Thank you for sharing.

Ebie said...

Wowoweeeeeeh, love the purples! and the moon, too!

earthtoholly said...

Not your usual sky color but I like it! Very witchy. Like your references to Hendrix too! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Gosh! The purple sky is AWESOME!! :)

Jayne said...

Georgeous! Love that purple and black. May favourite colours too, and the moon just tops it off.

B SQUARED said...

I do believe I hear Jimi Hendrix in the background...

Jim Klenke said...

What a shot! I love the purple.

Sally said...

Been watching a lot of vampire flicks lately????
Sydney Daily Photo

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...


Know you don't alter much but please tell us, is it true, are the skies over Ramsey really that PURPLE? Show stopping purple. 1960's purple!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...


Know you don't alter much but please tell us, is it true, are the skies over Ramsey really that PURPLE? Show stopping purple. 1960's purple!

Gaelyn said...

I remember this, I think, from way back when, the purple haze.


Cloudia said...

The Chinese say that when lucky red gets REALLY lucky, it turns purple!
A great post, image AND words, you Manx Kitty. aloha-

Anonymous said...

I love that sky. The purple is quite striking!

Shoshana said...

That's awesome! I've never seen one like that.

Loran said...

Purple ROCKS! "fourth day of November I need a purple high"--his royal badness, Prince.

Olivier said...

waouhh quelle lumiere....superbe

Lew said...

A beautiful sky - color, moon, a hint of clouds and and trees to frame it!

raf said...

Something special about twilight on the Isle of Man, Baboosh. So lovely and serene.

Naturegirl said...

You've captured my attention with the purple sky and your story!!I'm thinking of "purple rain!"

Small City Scenes said...

I, too, love purple. Oh yes!! In fact I am sitting here wearing a purple shirt with a fairygirl sitting in or on a cresent moon.
So.....I guess you could say--"I love your picture". MB

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Thrilling !

magiceye said...

strikingly beautiful!

Kim said...

So, so lovely. Among your finest Ms. B. It shines like a jewel.

Rune Eide said...

I haven't had time to read all the comments, but I suppose there must have been someone else who has asked if there is Purple rain from that haze or If Pink Floyd is playing from the Dark side of that moon of yours?

Creative - as always. Impressed - as always.

PS Thank you for the comment - I like those!

Laurie Allee said...

Is that Bauhaus I hear playing?

Scrumptious, Goth Girl. This is one of my favorites.

Maria Verivaki said...

it is a fantastic photo - the lace, the purple, the haze

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

No wonder you have 71 comments. I am officially jealous. Now I will have to go out and keep an eye on sunset every day to try and get a shot like that myself. BE-AU-TY-FUL

Guy D said...

I absolutely love purple, this shot is outstanding.

Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures

Catherine said...

Happy to watch that in your Ramsey reality, you get such colored thing, Babooshka.
That's because of these visions that Manx people is so interested in legendary tales. They're auspicious to develop one's illusion.
Wonderful. One of the best.

Arlene said...

The color is spectacular and the moon looks like a spec of finger nail. :)

Happy Week-end!

Halcyon said...

Gorgeous!!! Now that's a sky!!

Jackie said...

I love those colours, and the moon in the middle is just the icing on the cake :)

Anonymous said...

Gothic must be in - Gemma just called my Watery Wed 'gothic'.

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

What a fantastic sky, Babooshka!
Are these colours a result of the ashes of Mt. Redoubt?
Have a good weekend.

Haney said...

I just love the colors. Nice catch.

Arija said...

Ha, you missed me, my broom was quicker than your shutter!

Louise said...

That is a rare color of sky, indeed. I like it VERY much. And though not a vampire and not into them, I would love to bask in that purple light.

erin said...

what a fab skywatch shot...and so enjoyed your commentary. it was very colorful.
have a great weekend...

Judy said...


floreta said...

i love your title for this. purple haze skies are my favorite too :)

Lucia said...

Wow! I'm in love! Love to have this hanging in my bedroom!

PixieKatten said...

Hey, havent visited your blog in a very long time but still keeping up the good work I see. Real nice colours! Have a great weekend! :)

Carver said...

I love your gothic purple sky. Gorgeous!

Mary said...

Wonderful color in this! Purple is probably my second favorite color...especially this shade. It really is a lovely shot with that moon in the middle.

Me said...

awesome...i feel like "purple rain" is playing in my head now :P

Dewdrop said...

91 comments! You're so Popular!!! WOW!

You know I love the purple too!!! This rich deep color is so powerfully dramatic! Awesome!

Daily Chicago Photo said...

Incredibly Gorgeous!

Lisa Wilson said...

I've never seen anything like it! Absolutely wonderful! Congrats on over 100,000 visitors, too.

2sweetnsaxy said...

I've never seen a sky this color before. Wow! Was that the natural color of it? What an amazing capture and the silhouettes of the trees frame it perfectly.

Lake Lady said...

I remember long ago the first of your posts that caught my attention had the purple passion! Glad to see it again.

gogouci said...

You truly captured all the beautiful shades of gothic.

mannanan said...

Excuse accepted by me. Kiss the sky all you like if you produce awesome piccies like this one.....Brilliant photo I love it as I love the Hendrix track....keep up the great work......

Müge Tekil said...


P-TER said...

Amazing !
Wonderful picture

Rob said...

Cool "Shades of Deep Purple". Brings me back when I used to listen to Deep Purple a lot. Stunning purple backdrop.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such a mystical purple! A great dreamscape!

Baruch said...

Great picture - love the trees - great writing (as always)

Mo said...

Wow this one just jumps out at ya.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Stunning. Nice skywatch shot.

Michele said...

Oh wow... this is fantastic!!
It is almost to good to believe! That color is outstanding...
so beautiful.
I love purple!

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous shot, love the colours and silhouettes.

Unknown said...

Just as well you didn't do a black night, otherwise we'd have some more heavy rock puns. But you know I like puns for my photos. If Prince saw this, he'd want to sing about purple rain. That's if you are him and not Kate Bush's alter ego!

Neil Tasker said...

ok so, Echo and the Bunneymen, Cyndi Lauper, The Doors, Elton John!!!, Hendrix and Kate Bush. How many have I missed?

-Chris- said...

Waw, very nice "contre-jour".

George said...

Purple prose and a purple sky -- a perfect combination.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Neil- Guns"n"Roses is a crafty one in there too.

Linda Jacobs said...

OMG, this is so gorgeous! I love the moon and seeing it in this purple sky is a treat!

Chrissy said...

Beautiful shots love the purple sky.

Pearl Maple said...

Thanks for sharing this fantastic photo with us all in Sky Watch Friday and thanks for your kind comments on my blog earlier.

syel said...

stunning, yes! spooky? no! i'm loving this photo with the purple sky and the moon!

Copenhagen said...

I'm amazed by this colour...I wonder why I never seen such a beautiful colour in Montreal.

pantteri said...

Beautiful color in your sky photo.

Unknown said...

That's a wonderful purple sky!
Very well captured.

prkl said...

Very nice color and the moon. Very nice add to SWF! Have a great weekend!

crocrodyl said...

Amazing photo!

airplane5312 said...

Jimmie and Prince would be pleased with your purples, as are the rest of us.

Taj said...

Beautiful and very unusual! But I like unusual!

Misty DawnS said...

Absolutely gorgeous beyond words! Wow - I'm speechless.


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