The Sulby River as we have mentioned before is one of those lovely viking names they left their mark with on the island. I know this upsets a few Manxies out there, but you know some you of you are viking stock you can't deny it. Anyway the Sulby. It's the largest river in the Isle Of Man. Starting at the hills of Tholt y will, through, Sulby Glen and Village, through deep and shallow, pooling into waterfalls, past Lezayre, Ramsey, into the harbour, and into the Irish sea.
It's apparently good for salmon fishing when it's been as wet as this. Well yippe for those fisherman but bad news for me. My walkway down by the riverbanks is under water at the moment.
Teckie bit.
Wide angled lens, zoom full
ISO 200
Ah wasn't that nice! So for posting such a pretty, yummy shot of Ramsey with sensible(almost) writing you do know I will have to post an ugly Ramsey pic soon. All in the name of balance of course.
That is such a gorgeous shot!
A nice crisp tranquil shot Babooska. I see you have four Canada geese. Would you like some more? We've got thousands and I'm sure most of us would be happy to give them away.
Brad jnr goes fishing. It is pretty.
I sympathize with you completely! I've been feeling the same the past two weeks. Finally have a bit of sun today, and it's a holiday in Quezon City where I live and work, so it's a double blessing. The papers say it won't last though — another typhoon's expected to make landfall tomorrow. Sigh. I just try to think of our rice farmers and how the monsoon is so necessary for their livelihood!
First, I have to say that Mama and I absolutely love this photo. Please know that we mean this as a compliment--we immediately thought of what a great jigsaw puzzle it would make. I'm so glad that you needed a break from the rainy days and that you had a way to make that break for yourself.
Second, thank you for your visit and your comment about my reflection on Michael Phelps and the accompanying photo.
Take this as another compliment. This is a tourist guide book shot. You do your island proud. Stiil not sure is it MANN OR MAN?
The reflection is wonderful...pretty nice photo.....even if it is touristy!
Wow. Your capture never cease to amaze me. Great shot as always.
Have a nice day to you and your love ones.
superbe photo, avec cette lumière et ce reflet , bravo
superb photo, with this light and reflection, bravo
What a picturesque setting! Sometimes, once in a while, we need to post something for our own soul in our blog! And strangely, I have often found readers take the pleasure sail right along with us!
Glad its not just me dragging out the sunny shots, great picture.
You're a doll for posting the techie bit! That really helps support budding photographers!
Oh I so know what its like to race out for a pretty picture on a fine day. Summer? what summer? I also love the techie info. Have finally managed to get the sun spikes but had lens glare as well. Not sure why but working on it.
It's always nice to see a picture postcard view as I'm partial to postcards.
And, Iknow what you mean about lack of blue skies - after a very brief sunny interlude @ the weekend it's back to rain & more rain.
I know how you feel - this year's Edinburgh festival has been a very wet one. I've even run out of sunny pictures to post!!
p.s. thanks for being so supportive of my efforts on my blog. I really appreciate your professional opinion - and will have to come for advice sometime on how to become a pro.
Hey don't knock the tourist shots, it looks good to me!
Hi Babooshka - nice blue sky, almost forgotten what that looks like. Thanks for the tip about the salmon....might spur me into a trip for an 'action' shot at the weekend.
Yeah, tourist shots can be pretty good. Like this one.
Btw, is that YOUR hand in the OddShot? If so I've got a long way to go with my nails...
Scarlet x
Bonjour !
Elle est très belle Ton île...
Il me semble que Lawrence d'Arabie a habité là-bas...
Very beautiful, I didnt even catch the ducks until I make it larger.
Such a relaxing shot. . . .makes me want to be there.
BTW. I have trouble getting your blog t times, too. I don't know why. If i link from mine, I can get you easily. Otherwise, at times, I can't. Weird, huh?
Do you mind if I email you privately about something photo-related? Thanks.
Lovely! You need a rain barrel!
amazing blue!!!
It is pitcturesque. Who wouldn't want to tour this?
so pretty!
What can I say. Caught perfectly.Thanks for the info regarding the birds.
This is a lovely and peaceful scene. Feel very cool and refreshing ... almost makes me want to jump into this calm water.
What a wonderful shot of a lovely spot!!
Well I am sorry it's raining but if it meant you posted this photo then I'm not that sorry...this is so perfect it's just like the UK ought to look on a Summer's day. (makes me feel all nostalgic)
Ahh yes, summer...I remember it well. I think I last saw it two years ago so this is a good timely reminder.
That was an Enigma indeed. Your clues are not altogether helpful since I do not know what exciting things might exist on Isle of Man (although I try to read your blog as often as I can). Musicals are not my main interest either. However, a couple of suggestions:
1. Seen as a "quasi-3D" picture, I would suggest a coil of garden hose or some such thing with the light(s) playing in from various angles. The hand-held, long exposure explains the patterns.
2. It is not circles, but a spinning curve going inwards/outwards. A slow, spinning turntable with for instance a small light gliding from the centre to the edge while the shutter was open might produce the effect.
3. I don't know what I'm talking about.
Great shot, perfect exposure and nice reading. Well done.
Wow - what a beautiful shot with the water and the building on the shore!
such a peaceful looking place. I wonder what it feels like wading in the water.
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