These two swans were again a fortuitous shot. I had been snapping away at one of the elusive cormorants. It just wasn't happening. Cormorants are shorebirds with dark feathers, almost black, but on closer inspection you see green, blue and purple when the light hits. Very poor light and basically the wrong lens for the distance meant time call it a day. I Always take the opportunity to take a few spontaneous shots on these days. I had noted the swans were about to pass near to the better light, the reflection, and as they are white knew they would make up for the cormorant. The magenta light onto the gravel I like purely as it's unbalanced for the shot. Again I could of cropped just for the swans, but personally I'm just a sucker for purple.
As some people really don't get my humour I have gone for a very straightforward post with a smattering of photography tips, without the patronising tone of you could never take this shot. On the contrary. It demonstrates that there are some days when you just can't get the shot you want, but if you improvise, know one will ever know. Well not unless you're me and you shoot and tell.
For more camera critters see MISTY DAWN Camera critters.
Well..it's your blog and if people don't get it, I would say it's a problem for them, it shouldn't be a problem for you. Interesting shot and I always get ideas even if I don't understand the terminology. Yet...Happy weekend...
It is a lovely shot and full of ideas for me!
Have a wonderful weekend!
My Camera Critters Here and Here
What a romantic shot! Quite lovely!
I played too.
If I could shadow you for a day I could present my wife with a gift like this photograph. Valentine Card!
Any chance of one?
You captured such a romantic moment. I love the colors.
I was born on Valentine's Day so I'm liking Brad's idea!
Beautiful photo!
This belongs on a calendar cover- one of those shots when everything is in sync - outstanding sandy
WOW! Fantastic shot, Babooshka! Their necks forming a heart just like on a romantic greeting card! "Louis" is going to e-mail the link to this to Mme. la Vache who is very fond of birds.
(Editor to "Louis:" She must be fond of birds. She certainly married a bird-brain when she married you!
"Louis" to Editor: Better a bird-brain than a merde de poulet like you!)
Louis, my French is limited but I got that one. LOL!!!!
Bring back the humor darlin'. That's why we all love your blog. I especially love it when you get on a tear.
I am a threat to get on one too from time to time. As far as i can tell, I have free reign to pick and choose the blogs I visit. Those of us that choose your blog do so because of your outstanding photography and your delightful spirit! THrow in a little of your expertise to help us strugglers get better.
I like the colors. Thanks for sharing photography tips. I might even figure out how to use them one of these days.
this is a very very beautiful photograph! i wish i had your skills!
Hello babooshka!
How beautiful these swans are!
They look like ballet dancers!
beautiful picture!!!
you really captured the moment... and those colors make it stand out
What an amazing photo!?!?! It looked almost like the toppings on wedding cakes where the two swans meet together to form a heart shape.
The colors of the water are amazing too. Good job!
The blue & purple on the water is terrifc, really sets the swans out.
I'd just ignore those who don't get you!
What a cute couple. They look like there dancing cheek to cheek.
I agree ignore those kind of people
Such elegant creatures!
It's a beautiful and romantic picture. The swans look lovely in the colored light.
Thanks for the photography tips. They are a treasure for amateurs like me.
Weekend Breakfast Special
Colorful Raksha Bandhan Festival
Classic swan picture - decent of them to oblige.
Very well done, even if it wasn't the shot you wanted. The colors lend a mystical quality to it.
What a moment you captured here! Just perfect. And I so love the light in the photograph. Beautiful.
It's lovely, Babooshka! Swans courting - to me - is a quintessential symbol of romance ... :)
ANd thanks for the tids and bits of photography. They are useful.
Beautiful picture ! it looks like a painting !
The swans are gorgeous. I love the way you arranged the colours, it makes for a different shot. Thanks for the advice, I'm always happy to scrounge tips from the experts!
A beautiful image of love. Well done
That is very lovely photograph well taken. I hope you have had a great weekend
Babooshka: As I always say, 'seize the moment' wether planned or by accident. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I love the color, too. The shot is just plain amazing, but then amazing is what I always see when I pop in for a visit. I love your humor, and your tips. BJ
This is a beautiful shot. Not only is it composed well but it evokes powerful feelings of LOVE. Very nice.
And if you hadn't confessed all. I would have thought you were a great photographer. (OOPS! That was my shot at humour. Not everyone like mine either. Hope I didn't offend you...I was trying to make you laugh.)
You ARE a gifted photographer. And that's a fact.
Passing swans like ships in the night. Sweet.
Very poetic! Love the colors!
Cheers, Klaus
I love the purple!
A symbol of love. Very pretty.
Très joli lac des cygnes !
Very pretty photo. :)
So pretty! They are such beautiful birds ... and looking very romantic here.
Such grace - so glad you were able to capture the moment. Beautiful photo!
I happen to love your blog and your photos. And, the fact that you're a sucker for purple - makes you even more cool in my book ;-) (I can NEVER get enough purple hehe)
Love the swans - they're gorgeous and I never get to see there here.
This is the coolest photo I have ever seen!
I love your tips- they rally help me! And I love this picture- it looks like a postcard!
Great shot.
Great shot.
Beautiful photo!
You've captured a lovely moment. It's wonderful to see how dedicated swans are to their partners.
I think that this is a beautiful photo!!! These swans are so gorgeous....Well done!!!
This is my first time visiting your blog, but it certainly won't be my last. Lovely photo!
I love your swan shot, I enjoy swans myself, such beauty.
You mentioned lack of pollution in my area, but Seattle area does have pollution, those photos are way up at Mt Baker, looks pristine, but I guess pollution travels everywhere.
Hope you have a fine week!
Hi, I arrived via POTD. Lovely shot, so elegant and beautiful colours. Debs x
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