Enough C's for you .
Celebrity Cartoon, By Celebrity, Cartoonist/Caricaturist and my Cohabitor
No, Victoria Beckham, Posh Spice isn't in Ramsey, but she has been lying on my living room floor for the last few hours. Figuratively speaking that is, on paper. Gary is now doing David Beckham as I type this up. It was quite interesting watching her taking shape. What starts as a rough sketch of disjointed lines, a puzzle you can't fathom suddenly takes shape when the inner eyes are drawn, the pout, those sucked in cheeks or the flick of the hair.
What's really exciting though is seeing the Political cartoons take shape. Being privy to an editorial cartoon lampooning the Government for the BBC. Not being able to tell anyone what Gary is working on until it appears , knowing the controversy they will cause. Believe me photography is easy compared to this line of work, as many of you artisits out there will know.
So that's my C, a bevy of them. Thanks to NEW YORK, MING and his Serendipity post for giving me the idea for today's post.
Check these links for more of Gary's work. Please tell him to tidy his workstation up too, namely my floor. I need to hoover again and I wouldn't want David Beckham to me sucked up into the Dyson.
Want to join ABC got the lovely hostess with the mostest, MRS NESBITT'S PLACE
That's a great cartoon and good idea for C! Have a fabulous week...
You got her!
What a fabulous talent Gary is! I am sure yours aren't limited to hoovering, however!
Great, even has the expression on her face right!
Great post Babooshka! gary is very talented. Your text made me laugh. You said Posh had been lying on your floor, figuratively speaking. Then you tell us Gary is doing David Beckham! Figuratively speaking I hope! lol! Sorry, excuse my Carry On sense of humour!
Thanks for your kind comment. I think I'm feeling this blogging business again :)
Super post....you two are something else! Hey, here's an idea I bet our fellow bloggers would go for: How about if Gary does a caricature of YOU????
Lake Lady got something there! :)
But your man is good! Like his style!
Great "C" on both your end!
Cheers, Klaus
Awesome. All that talent under one roof. Brilliant artist. Brilliant photographer and what a great 'C'
Great post and great caricature.
Certainly Captivating and Clever, that Gary of yours. And you are too, to Co-opt him for your C post. Though I think he was generous with Sticktoria's Cleavage.
Fabulous caricature! I'll have to check out your co-habitor's other blogs one day.
Poor Posh. I mean, really, she looks so unhappy! Not so much in this excellent cartoon (she looks like she means business though), but in every picture I ever have seen of her. Can you even imagine her getting the giggles? Or really tucking in to some fish and chips and laughing about the one that drops down her shirt? I hope some day she'll lighten up and not take herself so seriously, but I guess she'll have to find that for herself. Poor thing.
Sorry, you really got me going with this one.
Talented cartoonist! Love both her figure and her facial expression!
Great cartoons and love your commentary. Thanks , I had a good laugh.
I always admire cartoonist for their ability to render the subject's personality and state of being in humour and irony ... Those spotlights at the background well respresents the "celebrity-ness" of Victoria Beckham. Great choice for ABC Wednesday post, Babooshka.
Good play on the C theme, Babooshka - and a great Capture of Posh...
definitely not the swing bridge.
Very cool cartoon by a very, very talented cartoonist. Saw his blog - love it.
I too admire cartoonists. I often have what I think is a good idea for a political carton, but lack the talent to draw my idea. Gary obviously is very, very talented.
lots of c indeed. you deserve an award for most c in a single pic. lols. great job.
très bon ;o)) mais c'est surtout son mari qui est connu.
very good ;o)) but it is her husband who is known.
He is a very talented man!
That's a great C post.
Very creative.
And, a good capture by Gary!
That's a good cartoon. Can't stand P & B at all, so anything that shows them up for what they are is fine by me.
I also detest Jordan & Peter Andre, so perhaps they could be the next subject for satirising!
Inspired choice though I confess I would not cross the road to look at the real one.
What a fun post! Refreshing!
Yes, I agree she does always look so unhappy! Money eh? What does it mean?
Great capture!
Brilliant talent your co-habitor has!
He's got her down to a 'C'!!
Great stuff.
Bodge's Bulletin
Great capture - Nice post
You are both extremely talented. Oh I do wish Posh would close her mouth.
He's sure caught her personality....
Very clever and creative.
Both of you,
Bear((( )))
Oh wow! Gary is good! I think he got her just right too. ;D
Is it just me though... what does Victoria Beckham have to do with politics? Maybe I've missed the boat with this one - I don't really pay attention to slebs.
Scarlet x
nice cartoon, pity it had to be of posh spice
Living with an artist must be interesting (if not challenging at times)... I worked with artists for about 15 years (at an art supply store) and it was quite an experience keeping up on their projects...
What fun!
You did a great job with C.
Gary did a great job with the cartoon. It is perfect. Boy, what a distraction here in the States.
Thanks for the visit,
Troy and Martha
I would have never thought of that for C, great thinking. He is a very talented man. I love art, but I have never been good with drawing people, he did wonderfully.
That was an original C! The drawing was even better than the lady. I have a daughter who draws cartoons as sideline, so I have seen this happen - and know the difficulty.
And thank you for the teaching me the term "cohabitor". I didn't know that such a term existed in English. In Norway the corresponding term is very usual.
Excellent 'C' post...
Hope this finds you well and in good health with good weather.. ..
Nice C's! My ABC Weds. contribution is here. Hope you enjoy it!
Where have the other 39 comments gone! Has this happened to anyone else. There is a thread on blogger"is it broken" about this as I am not the only one. How can I contact anyone if They have lost the comments. So apologisies if you contacted and I haven't got back to you, this is why!
Hi B,
Blogger has dumped lots of commmts from several blogs. I see you are missing 39 from yesterday. Still no reply from blogger yet. Will keep you informed is I find out how to get them back.
They will return, eventually.
This is a great "C" post, and so unique....and I feel like I've been let in on a state secret or something! We see a lot of the Beckhams on TV around here...since they moved across the pond and into my (sort of, very generally speaking) neighborhood of Southern California. From what I've seen, your Cartoonist/Caricaturist Cohabitor has captured her to a T...or would that be a C?? (and now I'm wondering where that expression "to a T" comes from).
Somehow I can imagine Gary's email is rife with critical disagreeing comments quite often. Thick skin is definitely required ... like a crocodile.
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