An Enigma then. Have you got it yet? Want some clues.
What I will I tell you.
It is a photograph.
It is unaltered with any software.
It is cropped from 3.3 MB to 54 kb( blog size)
It was taken in Ramsey
It is an indoor shot.
It is musical
It is Yesterday
Read it properly, you are right there appears to a mistake. It's not it's a statment of fact.
Remember I only take images of what I see. I may be creative with the angle, compostition and perspective. I may take low, high under over shots. I shot this straight to camera, no flash, long exposure, hand held. I was basically experimenting and this was the result.
Know what it is yet.? I bet some of you may even have done this yourself?
Well I could wax lyrical all day, but I'll let it be and pass it over to you
What did I photograph.
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Oh dear I don't like to be first but here goes a wild guess.......Candle wax, melted or otherwise......Thinking the musical clue might be the mistake. Still whtever it is I like the effect.
I'm thinking it is the swirling colors that some music programs show while music is playing. Not sure what it's called--like a screen saver sort of.
And it's playing Yesterday, by the Beatles.
What a great "E" picture....fabulous.
I'm not sure what that is but I am with kim from hiraeth: some electric/electronic device (maybe even a CD...)...
Anyway, very eye-catching!
I am going to jump on board with the Yesterday bit. I didn't get it at first. I re read it five time until the penny dropped. Are you going to tell us then tomorrow? Clever girl!
I thought first off it's a cd in the process of being played. And I agree it could be playing "Yesterday" by the Beatles.
I DON'T GET IT? How come everyone else does?
Oh yes, I think it could be a CD spinning playing "Yesterday."
This has been the most interesting shot I've seen!
My E picture is now posted, too! You can check it out HERE if you have the time. Thanks!
Another vote for a spinning CD, although I wasn't clever enough to see the Yesterday connection.
It looks like a swirl of blue frosting in the making. Or, the mixing on an artist's palatte. It's very likely clever, but please, don't really tell...just leave it as a mystery.
So what! You're really talented but please get over yourself! What a load of kiss a. comments.
OK, you haven't Photoshopped the hell out of it, it's inside, etc. You're all thinking cd but I am old as dirt so I am thinking a record!!!!! Please tell me I am correct!!! Whatever, it's an interesting image
Reading the comments, now I see what you are dealing with. Delete them, I sure would.
It's a dish?
Is it from some kind of a digital jukebox ( if there is such a thing??) Wow...you've got us all guessing, so hope you put us out of our misery. Whatever it is, gorgeous colours.
de l'huile de vidange d'un moteur de voiture...on se croirait dans le ciel...superbe
the oil drain of a motor car ... we believe in the sky ... beautiful
How about an old vinyl LP or 45 RPB (gasp!) record. Spinning, of course.
I agree with those mentioning the Beatles collection - the clues are there, I'll Let it Be, It is Yesterday etc... but I'm at a loss as to what it is...
The centre of a vinyl record, or even it's grooves, perhaps???
Enigma is the best choice today.
If you can Norwegian, read Jan Kjaerstad´s book "Det store Eventyret"
I can't wait to find out tomorrow. What a wonderful 'E' post!
does look like a screenshot of visualisation in a media player..
whatever...enigmatic for sure!
Check out my Engine here
Well going by the circular motion I'm inclined to the idea of it being a musical instrument; I wondered about it being perhaps as cymbal but am more induced to go for a trombone or horn. The blue puts me off but am thinking that is reflections from a blue-painted wall or something - think I'm starting to waffle - I may go back to bed.
I'm puzzled :>
But this is a wonderful picture; an eye-cather ... I love the abstract patterns it presents ...
What could it be? What is it? Do tell us, please! :(>
Love the swirl of colour in the pic! Gorgeous!
My first thought was from the last clue of Yesterday! I thought of a jukebox with coloured lights. That old fashioned kind in cafes! When the record played, it looked like lights swirling!
My first guess was to say water going down a plughole with a blue light shining on it (like a wall lamp or an outdoor lamp coming from outside) but this is obviously wrong.
My second thought then is that it's from something like WMP or iTunes from the visualisations - that's my best offer. Put us out of our misery tomorrow please!
Scarlet x
this one is too abstract for my brainpower at the moment, but i'm hoping you will reveal all TOMORROW!
woohw! I don't know too.
What was the question?
What an interesting photo and post.
My mind is swirling.
Please let me know what it is.
I will be back again to check out your answer.
Wonderful and VERY creative for ABC Wednesday E.
Bear((( )))
On second thoughts think its one of the patterns that you can have on Windows media Player when playing a track.....
Ok so I won't say the water going down the drain...
I think I'd have to opt for a good old fashioned record...
Whatever it is - it is an Enigma!
Cheers, Klaus
Well, it appears to be some sort of glass bowl... But beautiful, in space and time, whatever it is...
My very first thought was the inside of a trumpet horn.
er... a photoshopped tornado?
Enigma- wonderful photo. I can't figure out what exactly it is and how?
I'm an amateur and it's great to learn from your photos and tips.
E for Elephant-Headed-God
Odd Shots Monday
It looks like an Extraterrestrial Event. Or maybe a vinyl record, as some have suggested.
All my troubles seemed so far away until I tried to solve the Enigma.
Miss Yves
E is for elusive....?
My first attempt at commenting seems to have failed, so I'll try again:
1. It is a coil of some kind (a garden hose?) where the lighting(s) comes in very low and together with the long exposure and hand-held camera gives the swivel effect.
2. It is nor circles, but a spiral. Something moving slowly on a turntable from the centre to the periphery (or the other way around) might give this effect with the right light.
3. I don't know what I'm talking about (most likely)
Pretty graphics
It reminds me of a gas burner, :O)
It's a cracker.. :O)
Ha! or water going down the sink drainer..
a music cd????
do i get a postcard if I guessed correctly??? lol!
great color there and fun to think of!
Groovy photo (yes, I said Groovy!) I think its a CD or maybe an indoor, musical UFO?!
We have been looking and thinking hard and think it could well be a gas burner taken through a glass bottomed pan/kettle of swirling water - where the music bit fits in - no idea - unless your kettle has a whistle.
Whatever it is, it is a lovely photograph.
I thought it is visualization in windows media player. :-)
I'm not very sharp today so I have no idea..neat photo though...
Can't wait to find out but I am going with the spinning CD or something playing Yesterday.
My Winamp programme got swirling colours like that when I play tunes on my laptop.. and it got to be the Beatles.. Very clever 'E'pic!! And cool shot. :o)
It doesn't seem to be anything une vache would be familiar with. You got "Louis" on this one!
oil paint? interesting entry.
is it a CD?
Thanks for posting this, an amazing group of people hereevry Wednesday.
Eureka, I did not guess !
Something spinning. CD? Water down a drain?
(Did you put the answer somewhere?
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