Thursday, July 16, 2009

The original moonwalk on the dark side of the moon

Conspiracy theory anyone?

The moon is not a balloon or wedge of cheese (though this post might be a little cheesy wheezy) and I doubt the man in the moon is famous to everyone and he always dressed properly, but doesn't exist. One thing for sure we are close to the date of the first moon landing. No disrespect to Michael Jackson but I do believe Neil Armstrong was the original giant steps of what you take when walking on the moon, Moonwalker. So here we have a Luna eclipse over Ramsey. One of the few images I will ever show you where I will advocate a tripod and remote is a must, and a very looooooooooooong exposure time is my best photography tip. This is one from a series of images I took following the eclipse where I saw the whole of the moon through to the dark side of the moon. It wasn't a new moon on Monday, or a hunter's moon, but a killing moon on a Friday. How high the moon, well depends on the moon shadow cast to tell but it was a wonderful night for a moon dance. You can do the rest of the songs now about 50 while carry on mooning at image thieves.

More sky pretties can be seen by others here

So did they put a man on the moon? Hey we have 3 legs and strange creatures who live in the woods so who am I too argue otherwise despite what those shadows say on the film say. I vote they did.


Pietro Brosio said...

Beautiful Sky Watch, Babooshka.
And to think that on the moon the sun shines in a completely black sky! No Sky Watch would be possible there! :-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: I believe and I would like to see a larger photo of your eclipse.

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

Beautiful photo :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Fishing Guy- I would dearly love to show you all a larger version but if you check out my facebook group you will see why I will no longer do this. Virgin Media(yes the one owned by Richard Branson) have reprinted an image of mine on their website, with by permission, no payment and they have deleted the copyright. I have started a Facebook group highlighting this, looking for a copyright lawyer and will be persuing this. Theft of images by a blogger is bad but by a large world leading company is downright disgusting. To read more see my facebook. Each time someone reprints my image without paying me I lose money I just cannot afford.

Rune Eide said...

Maybe Branson's next project will be "Fly me to the Moon"?

I'm glad I don't have to live off my photography (nobody would want to buy any anyhow, though a small airline once became crabby when I asked for a small favour when they wanted to use one of my pictures for something))

Robin said...

Beautiful. I would dearly love to see a really dramatic eclipse in person. Never been in the right place at the right time.

Luiz Ramos said...

Beautiful shot. I believe in it.

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic shot, Babooshka! And I have joined your group on Facebook!

Jane Hards Photography said...

RuneE- You have to be kidding me about your photos. You John and Knips are all superb photographers. You 3 really do have the most amazing skies.

Erwin. said...

Love your moon picture, I love the moon and my favourite music is Moonshine from Beethoven ...
I made a lot of photos from the moon through my telescope, the difficulty is the movement of the earth ....
Bt nowadays the modern, pc-activated telescopes ... that's something else.
On the matter of stealing pictures ... we should construct a digital bomb inside the images, so if they take the images and use them .... the message should appear in the photo, 'This image was stolen by a cheating b*st*rd !!".
Have a nice day.

Dewdrop said...

I totally agree about the tripod... a must with that kind of shooting. Beautiful simplicity in your capture.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Erwin- I absolutely love your idea.

Petunia said...

Nice one!!

Petunia from Norway

Brian Miller said...

wonderful shot. fascinated by the night sky...

Mojo said...

Tripod and remote, yes. Mirror lockup too maybe. But I'd take a few "O's" out of that "loooooong" exposure. I've had pretty good success with shorter ones -- at least when there's half or more of the disk lit. Now a crescent moon? Different story.

Still, I'm not about to argue with the success of an image like this one! I keep hoping to capture a whole eclipse but to date I haven't. Guess I should Google that and see when the next chance will be.

Rob Siemann said...

Well, I stick to Wallace and Gromit. The moon is made of cheese! One slight error in the movie, though... It wasn't cheddar, but camembert.

Jackie said...

Yes, Moonlight Sonata is another good one.

Following on from Erwin, maybe we should embed a programme in your images, so that whenever it is copied illegally a boxing glove on a spring leaps out of the screen and bops the evil thief full in the face. Or a sound programme that blows a giant raspberry.

prettyfirefly said...

Great shot! Happy SWF!
hope you could visit my entry at

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you didn't take such brilliant photographs no one would pinch them.

Elisabeth's bright side said...

That was a great picture, have a great weekend!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Pretty darn amazing...your photos and your thoughts :)


Pearl Maple said...

Fabulous view of the moon to celebrate Sky Watch Friday, maybe they did and maybe they did't but it sure does look good from that angle.

Müge Tekil said...

Superb shot dear Babooshka! Have a great weekend! :-)

Karl said...

Of course they did. The black sky on the black background looks strange. I would like to see this on a white background. It would be awesome.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Babooshka, this is such a great shot of the eclipse!

I am troubled to hear of the image thievery you described in your previous post. Is there anything to be done to prevent the images from being copied in the first place?

Eric(SWF Holland) said...

Very nice moon capture, well done!!, do u use a tripod???

Also a great story to read with your post!!!

Have a nice SWF

GReatings from NL

marley said...

Fanatastic photo. I took a moon photo on holiday last year which was perfect (so I think!) but since then I keep getting the glare of the moonlight. I'm using tripod and long exposure. Any other tips?

I used to think the moon landing was set up to annoy the Russians but as time goes by i'm sure someone would have let slip. Now I believe it did happen, even with some of the evidence otherwise.

Anyway...thats enough of my waffling. Can you tell I've had a drink tonight?!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Adrienne-Having copyright on should be enough. What really gets me with this is that it is a company who will not tolerate illegal downloads of their music but seem to turn a blind eye to ripping off other people.

Eric- I did use a tripod for this shot.

imac said...

Great capture here, and I agree with your moonwalking.

Jim said...

Good choice to celebrate the anniversary.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Guy D said...

Great moon shot Mojo, you never disappoint.

Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures

Pam said...

Hi B. Sorry to read the trouble you are having. Try and stay calm and no do anything rash.

Unknown said...

Walking on the moon is a good song. I'm not sure Neil Armstrong did, other than from a Hollywood film studio or Area 51.

Photo Cache said...

Just beautiful :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Gail's Man- So you subscribe to the theory. As a photographer I should too due to the shadows of the images sent back being in the wrong place, but strangely I believe Neil Armstrong did. Mind you Hanger 18 might convince me otherwise.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great shot. Your patience with tripod and timer worked.

Dagrun said...

My compliments on this shot! A great moon shot. I'm sorry to hear what happened to your picture. I'm really scared of that happening to mine too... a copyright symbol should meen something, I do agree!

Carver said...

What a wonderful shot of the moon. I enjoyed your post too.

Erin said...

enjoyed your moon eclipse post...fab as always.
i do believe they walked on the moon :)
have a fab weekend

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on how to shoot it beautifully. Yours is excellent.

Sally in WA said...

Beautiful moon shot. And thanks for the tip on getting it. I guess I need to increase my exposure times. But this is how I learn!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love this jaunty post! An eclipse is one of the many fascinating features of the eternal moon!

Bradley Hsi said...

Well done on the moon and good tribute to the big step of human race. Wonder when can people go back again.

Just a photographer said...

Perhaps if you kept a lower profile on the net you wouldn't get sites rip your images so much! Having a site dedicated to showing images is asking for trouble surely. As a fellow photographer on the island I have only had this happen once. Many others photographers besides YOU that live and work here. Not sour grapes, I have said before your work is exceptional, just find this love in of comments here of your images pathetic.

Gaelyn said...

Nice shot, even if you did have to use a tripod.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Great skywatch shot. I beleive they did.

Carletta said...

I just heard on the evening news that they do not have or cannot find the original images from the moon landing. So sad.

SandyCarlson said...

This is wonderful. The night sky is full of romance, magic, and possibility.

Ol' Neil accomplished quite the feat with his feet.

cara said...

I spoke about wings
You just flew
I wondered, I guessed, and I tried
You just knew
I sighed
But you swooned
I saw the crescent
You saw the whole of the moon
The whole of the moon!

Nice bit of Waterboys for ya.
Allow me to moon at Branson with you.

Buck said...

Nice moon! Perfect timing (haha!)

Neil, Mike and Buzz lifted off 16 July for their trip to the Moon. NASA have put the audio online - you can hear everything as it happened 40 years ago. They've also re-located the high quality TV film, and are making that available too.

Hilda said...

It's a fantastic moon shot, Babooshka, but as usual, it's your commentary that I love even more! :)

VioletSky said...

Great moon. Must get myself a tripod. And some patience.

Tammie Lee said...

So very cool that you caught that eclipse, we could not see it here. But we maybe felt it~

Jane Hards Photography said...

Just a photographer- name please?

BarkerBitesBack said...

Wow you've really got some jealous people there on the island Babooshka.

Kip said...

Great capture Babs.

Reader Wil said...

Great story Babooshka!

bowledover said...

Wonderful shot you have taken, and a chance to view it over and over, though on your site with your permission.
If the moon walk was not, then it will fall into one of the greatest Hoax of time.
Mean while I will look forward to more of your great shots.

Anonymous said...

You should name the company on the blog. I have seen the link on your Facebook page. You are 100% right. They stole your photo, simple as that.

eamon@ewmphotography said...

Anybody who can get Van Morrison into his commentary deserves a pint of Guinness from me. Next time we meet.

laxeylass said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
laxeylass said...

I have checked and your stolen photo is still up on the other website. You have to the contact the IOM newspapers. I am sure they would handle this properly.

laxeylass said...

I ahve checked and your stolen photo is still up on the other website. You have the contact the IOM newspapers. I am sure they would be handle this properly

Jan K. said...

It's a nice shot, Babooshka.
After seeing "The dark side of the moon" I still believe men landed on the moon.

Jim Klenke said...

Did you just moon me?

FO - 2 said...

This was a great moonwalk together with you.
Fantastic capture - excellent story.

Happy weekend! :)

Unknown said...

Interesting post & great moon picture which you have captured beautifully:)
Enjoy your weekend.

B SQUARED said...

There are a lot of, otherwise, intelligent people who think man never got there;it was all a hoax. I believe we went and it was populated. We brought them back and made them politicians. It's the only explanation that is viable.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Bsquared- Another one to make me lol. More I think it about the more sense it makes. Afterall they do talk like they are from another planet.

Laxeylass- That is a good point about the newspapers. They do hate any negativity about the island.

lv2scpbk said...

Wonderful photo.

Halcyon said...

Beautiful sky.

Happy Friday!!

Unknown said...

Very cool post, Babooshka !!!

Neat eclipse photo ... and yes. I believe they moon walked. :-)

I'll even go further out on a limb and say that I don't believe that we are alone out there !!!

Gattina said...

What a shot !! It's so difficult to take a picture of the moon. I have to wait until I go there then maybe my little camera will do a good job and I will leave my footsteps too. Promised !

Myla said...

I can see MJ moonwalking. Neat snap.

Myla said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Fantastic - Amazing! Beautifully captured

Happy Sky Watch Friday!

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

I do believe they put a man on the moon , Babooshka, and I believe that through that small step taken by Neil Armstrong, Mankind made a giant leap. But to me the moon is a woman. In fact my very first SWF post was a picture of her, along with the words from 'Casta Diva', Norma's prayer to the Chaste Moon Goddess. I will say, though, that my shot of the moon was nowhere near as fab as this one. It's brilliant! And it would be great to see a larger version of it. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog this afternoon. I do appreciate it. Janice.

Lisa Wilson said...

Amazing photo!! :)

Maria Berg said...

I saw him the man in the moon, in your photo.

Thank you for looking at my yellow duck post and my three,


Kris said...

It is a shame we can't view the large images no more. Promise I won't steal them. Any chance of a bigger view?

auringonkukka :) said...

so beautiful photo :)
and have a nice weekend !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh that is an amazing picture.

Clueless in Boston said...

Very nice moon shot. I really believed the moon was made of cheese. Didn't you see the Wallace and Gromit episode when they went to the moon because they ran out of cheese.

Did anybody say Flat Earth Society?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Cluelss - A nice bit of Wensleydale Obviously. FLs have never heard of Darwin either.

Dancin Fool said...

Ooh I like, a lot! Thanks for the long exposure tip, I will give that a go.

nonizamboni said...

Very interesting post, as always and the photo is elegant and ethereal. Besides, I was just listening to R.E.M.'s version of 'a man on the moon' this morning :O)

Anonymous said...

Great shot! I can even see the face. Man on the moon? My vote is yes. Although, I find it very odd they only went twice, particularly when technology has advanced so much since that time.

Anonymous said...

A very wonderful moon photo !

Stan said...

You only have to look at the film footage. It doesn't add up! I'll try a tripod next time. Thanks for the tip.

Stan said...

You only have to look at the film footage. It doesn't add up! I'll try a tripod next time. Thanks for the tip.

EG CameraGirl said...

Great shot, Babooshka.

I must say I'm shocked that a website owned by Branson refuses to pay you for your photo. Unconscionable behavior!

Barb said...

Hi Babooshka,
Maybe you could send your longtails up to the moon for a bit of cheese and get rid of them in Ramsey? Great photo as always, and I never tire of your remarks.

Mo said...

OMG your island is not very friendly is it. You need to live in a bigger place Babooshka. Small town envy is not worth the energy. Write a letter to Richard Branston. He might be as horrified as you that people working under his name are smearing his reputation.
A stunning photo by the way. Have you seen teh movie (I think an Australian movie) that is based on the theory Armstrong and crew ever left earth. That it all happened in the Australian outback. I want a camera to follow the latest expiditian of sending viruses into space. Why???

Anonymous said...

A lovely photo, and commentary. I am a firm believer in the moon landing.

I'm also a firm cynic when it comes to people's behavior and motives, so neither Branson nor your jealous neighbor surprises me.

Bim said...


Arija said...

I love Lunar and Solar eclipses! I'm not much good at them so it is just as well I can see yours.

Unknown said...

Babooshka, love the photo and your text too! Very clever! How many song titles have you quoted? :-)

Anonymous said...

Great idea for skywatch.

Anonymous said...

Great idea for skywatch.

Brett said...

Great post, great song.


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