Monday, October 20, 2008


Half life

I think this will be my most divisive image to date. You will either love this or hate it. Unlike the flower, there are no half measures. Make of it what you will, but this to me is a pure monochrome, a study in light, shade, contrast and textures and equally an odd shot the half blown away flower not being the usual subject for a portrait.

The image was taken the day I took last Wednesday's railing and lake shot, over at Mooragh Park. It was one of those down on the ground shots I like. When I am not going for an unscheduled swim in the lake,( falling out of a canoe for those who didn't know) you will find me mooching about looking for an interesting shot. Actually you will often find me after the plain old very mundane stock photography shot too.

I was asked last week if Mooragh was Welsh. I can see why the question was asked as in the girl's name "Morag," but no. It's not a viking word either. It's Gaelic and it means" wasteland by the sea." Mooragh Park remember was swamp land before it was transformed, hence the name. Another interesting fact for you going off at a complete tangent, there are 95 men to every one woman on the Isle Of Man, according to the The CIA World Factbook . Now I'm not arguing with the CIA. Not even I'm that mad. I would like to ask them however how they worked this out though. I mean, did they ask for my input, no?

Want to join the weird world of Odd Shots Monday? Then see KATNEY

Want to join the beautiful and creative world of Mononchorome Monday? Then see Aileni at LOOSE ENDS


Jill said...

An exquisite photo. I learn so much just from looking. My amateur offerings are in awe.

Virginia said...

The odds are 95 to !??? Even I could find a good man with those odds! I am packing my grip right now. See you soon. Would lyou be rounding up my 95 so they'll be hand picked when I get there?

Oh and I lOVE this photo. I am in LUV column , B.

Virginia said...

Oh wait, and since you have Gary, may I have your other 94 too?

Anonymous said...

95 selfish morons to I. I'm not bitter, realistic. I Like the photo.

Ben Nakagawa said...

I absolutely love the image. Very soft large light that gives a nice defused effect.

Anonymous said...

Us men on the island aren't all selfish morons you know......95 to 1 I find that very hard to believe....Thanks for the translation of Mooragh I never knew that before....And so now to the photo.......I love it!

alicesg said...

Very creative to capture this on photo. Love the black and white look. Happy Monday.

Anonymous said...


Check me for the love it camp. I can't get a handle on which way you're going to jump with your photos. Perfect, LB.

Ursel said...

I love that photo. I'm always impressed how the flower turns from yellow into this and you captured it very beautifully.

Anonymous said...

It has a special quality of a far away world. Blow and make your wish!

magiceye said...


Layrayski said...

When I look at your photo the first thing that comes to mind is 'wistfulness.' Soft and lovely.

Gattina said...

Beautiful, very artistic and special photo ! Don't find it odd though !

Olivier said...

la photo est magnifique, cela m'a fait penser a un surfeur qui sort d'une vague. superbe

Tash said...

You've BLOWN me away with this!

PERBS said...

Certainly a different slant on it!


Very nice, but may be ou have compressed it too much. Please show us the same one without compression.

Bergson said...

A black and a white who would indeed be in big on my wall

Brett said...

I love it, fantastic shot. As for Iron Maiden i've been a fan for years, used to have a tape in my car with them on one side and Susan Vaga on the other.

Laurie Allee said...

Love love love this shot. It's ripe with possibility -- blow that dandilion and make a wish! Perfect for monochrome with all that fuzzy silvery-white fluff. Odd, sure, but so very cool too.

Hat tip to you on this, master photo goddess...

Anonymous said...

Certainly don't hate it - it is a perfect B&W study. And, I suppose, as nobody usually shows a partial 'clock' - odd.

Dragonstar said...

Perfect in every way! How could anyone hate that?

Diederick Wijmans said...

That is a great immage. It looks vulnerable there on the stem, yet firm and proud while waiting to resist against the breeze...!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very tastefully done.

laxeylass said...

I can see why it's odd and yes black and white. It is so artistic and beautiful too.

Webradio said...

Very beautiful B & W photo...
And thank You for the explain...

Maria Verivaki said...

half life - clever title

Jane Hards Photography said...

Lots of emails today about this, asking one thing a bigger version, not a compressed version. I have said it before, but I really can't upload a larger size. I am a photographer who sells her images and can't afford my larger files to be copied and printed, which has happened in the past.

Unknown said...

Stunning b&w photo!!! It seems you have just captured the right moment before the fluffy white things flew away... :-)

Unknown said...

Great b/w shot, Babooshka!

Buck said...

I like that it's lit from above. Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Love it! It may be a half life but its offspring will appreciate the sacrifice ;-)

Sharon said...

I love this photo. Great shot.

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Me too! It is wonderful and makes us think how fragile Life is...
It reminds me of the song «Candle in the wind». Beautiful.

tr3nta said...

all but odd... I'd say beautiful... said...

many shades of grey in this one! lovely!

Anonymous said...


You have outdone yourself today. Smartiepants.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Beautiful and creative

marley said...

Excellent photo. You know I'm a fan of flower photography and this one is a great variation on the norm.

Victor said...

Beautiful image. And thanks for the link to Monochrome Monday.

Pat said...

What an absolutely gorgeous image!

Marley came and posted in my blog where I also have a dandelion photo and he told me to come and see yours. I'm so glad I came. This is beautiful!

I'll be back!


Guelph Daily Photo
Photography Cafe

Rune Eide said...

A very thoughtful combination - it reminds me of a windmill. A dandelion blowing away into nothingness. To me b/w is the old days of Tri-X and related subjects, but I may be a Luddite on that.

Ken Mac said...

i can't quite make out the shot. It almost looks like we are looking down on someone who is bending over. And they have a big butt. !!

Unknown said...

Beautiful dandy puff view!

Liz Hinds said...

That is an absolutely fabulous photo.

Carver said...

I love this shot. It's very beautiful and artistic.

kjpweb said...

Love it!
Cheers, Klaus

Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful and it's not so much the shot as what I think when I see it and I see that a child has picked it, made a wish and blew at it and this is what was left. I'm hoping the wish came true. :-) I love it!

Marie-Noyale said...

It looks like I am going to be number50...
and I didnot read anybody complaining about this stunning picture!!!
I am emailing a few of my girlfriends to pack their bags and move to your island!!!

Leslie: said...

What an incredible shot for MM!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this photo, especially the light on it!

Katney said...

I'd say it's a delightful shot. I am also often on the ground for shots, or in some weird pose. My friend has had to have someone stand by to wave traffic on so that they don't stop to rescue him.

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Stunningly beautiful. I wonder how it looks in color.

Gemma Wiseman said...

There is something quite whimsical and very arty in this image! Thoroughly enjoyed its originality!

me ann my camera said...

Black and white represents contrasts or differences and the half dandelion is just right for this format. Lovely.

indicaspecies said...

Excellent example of the nuances of light.

Nydia said...

I used to love blowing dandelions whe I was a little kid. This photo is awesome in its delicate way!

Isle of Man is a men's world, it seems, according to CIA... Is it so evident when walking through the streets? ;o)

Kisses fro Nydia.

GrandAnglais said...

A really beautiful image, I'm memsmerised by it, just would not work in colour this one.
If I ever go to the Isle Of man I certainly won't be on the pull, given the male to female ratio! I guess there are a lot of lonely shepherds on the Isle Of Man...

Becky said...

I LOVE it. Somehow, it demonstrates hope and resilience to me, though I'm sure others would see something different. Very beautiful shot.


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