It's Sunday. My Sunday has consisted of nothing much this week. I wonder how many people in Ramsey went here, above though this Sunday for morning worship? Not going into details about this image(it's Sunday remember a quiet day), other than to say it's one of the many churches we have in town. Only recently has it occurred to me we have quite a few dotted around town. From what I can recall I have only shown you one image of a church before as far back as the dawning of the blog. We also have several pubs of course. Strangely( not really I hear you cry) I have shown you more pubs though. Perhaps I need to redress the balance a little. It seems the spiritual needs of the townsfolk are well catered for one way or another. Something for a another theme sometime to delve into. Of course there are many churches now that have long since lost their flock and have been sold to breweries and turned into pub or wine bars. Not a fate that has happened to any religious buildings so far here, but I have noticed at least one church closed for business and under new management so to speak.
Here's a question for you though. What denomination do you think this is? Does the religion dictate the architecture? Just curious. Another is why do all churches, without exception, look creepy and Gothic in black and white. For other black and whites to delight all week click here.
Here's a question for you though. What denomination do you think this is? Does the religion dictate the architecture? Just curious. Another is why do all churches, without exception, look creepy and Gothic in black and white. For other black and whites to delight all week click here.
Nice building, even if a church. No idea the denomination.
I've noticed that many towns have more pubs/bars than churches. What does that say about society?
Denomination, I would say Okells...lol
Yes, they do look full of history with there own secrets....
I agree creepy in mono...
I don't know why churches have this effect in B&W..
But since I love moody shots I'm happy it works that way.
Great shot!
This is so scary. I would never set foot in there.
That's a beautiful shot. I must like creepy because I like the way old churches look in monochrome. I sometimes think I can guess denomination but then they fake me out.
Loved this foto, and your queation mede me thing..., but no idea.
Just once I have seen a church as a restaurant, and this was i Edinburgh this summer. Felt it a little bit strange, and it would never?? have happend in Norway, but some years from now maybe... A lot of the churches are empty you know, also in this country.
Well to me it is too plain to be Catholic, the arch suggests some age so possibly C of E or whatever the equivalent is in the IOM. Probably not Methodist (if so then originally Weslyan rather than Primitive). Could be a United Reformed church.
There is a church in Salford that was converted into a cinema and then later converted back into a church!
Hyde - There is indeed a denomination of the IOM. I will of course show this church again, and reveal it's sway. Just thought it would be interesting to see if everyone else has noticed links to religion and architecture.
I'm going to guess Anglican...that's what we call the Church of England here. What do you call it on the Isle of Man? Well, the tower looks very much like the tower of an old Anglican church I photographed just yesterday. ;-)
No clue about this denomination. It doesn't look unlike many here. I don't think it looks creepy but then I find churches comforting and enjoy each and every one I've been in. I look forward to hearing more about this one.
I'm home but not in one piece. I left my heart in France. La sigh.
It strongly reminded me of a Brunel's vacuum pump house at Star Cross, Devon.
I don't imagine that is the case and were I to make it the prompt for a Deja Vu I might get accused of blasphemy... so I won't.
I agree that their is a correlation between religion and architecture. The more harder and stricter the religion, the plainer the church. So if there was a happy religion, then they should have a bright and happy church. Which I think they do in America, especially the black gospel ones. I'm curious to know what sort of church these wacky & made up religions/cults like Scientology pray in.
I suppose one posts more bars because there could be more action going on there than in a church which should preach calmness and serenity. And then again maybe not. MB
We alaways used to head to our church on a Sunday - the pub!
Quite a few churches have been converted to pubs and restaurants in Chelt. I think its good that they get a second lease of life.
No church should be converted to a pub. I hope this church stays a church.
Well I wouldn't have any ideal what denomination the church is but have to agree with you that when you make it black/white it does take on a gothic look to it. There just seems to be an over abundance of churches everywhere. I see a lot of them now that are closing there doors.
Enjoyed your photo. =)
Churches always are such interesting photographic subjects, especially old ones such as found in Europe. My vote is for more photos of them.
I enjoyed this ideia.
Nice post.
loved how the clouds seem to go down the church
je dirais une église, un angle surprenant et en b&w lui donne beaucoup de puissance
I would say a church, an amazing angle and in b&w gives him a lot of potency
Great shot looking up...I'd say it's Catholic. But then, what do I know??? lol
Church I guess. Nice shot.
Churces are nice for monochrome, but that may also be due to all the lines and bows etc.
But I agree - you have given this one a scary feel.
Certainly looked creepy - until I spotted the lovely sky detail!
Churches, (mainly church towers) do look quite disturbing, almost intimidating and foreboding in monochrome! I don't have an answer why! To me, this looks like a Catholic church structure. I only choose this because I can't name one Catholic church building (in Australia) without some serious tower!
Well some of you maybe surprised at what denomination this is.
Southern Baptist, ok maybe not on the Isle of Man.
I'm voting with Jim K. LOL Nice mono. I actually once knew of an old Baptist church that was turned into a bar (pub). It didn't stay in business long...
Despite the fact they may be considered architectural masterpieces, most churches (basilicas, cathedrals, etc.) do not look creepy only in b&w...
Thank you so much for your congratulations, Babooshka!
Great composition and lighting; indeed it does appear somewhat scary.
In adelaide, "The City of Churches", we have many churches no longer being used as places of worship - restaurants, galleries, various businesses and private homes. You've given me food for thought and photographic opportunities.
I like this black'n white photos...The title makes me think about conversion into each other...church to pub and pub to church....everthing "fell" into my head
Wonderful shot.
What a coincidence that I was going to photograph this very church today but from the inside out. In the end I decided to leave it for another day and post one of the bridge and some chickens....I won't spoil it for the rest and say what denomination it is though...Keep up the great work. Spotted you the other day in Parliament street but didn't have my camera..
Some of the sleek new modern buildings don't look so creepy in B&W, but honestly they don't look all that inspiring either.
When I saw your title my first thought was of a singer/comedian name Tim Wilson who penned the classic "First Baptist Bar & Grill".
Lovely shot Babs. Creepy and gothic or not.
Oh! And I just discovered that what I thought was a drawbridge at Surf City is in fact (wait for it) a swing bridge. So Ramsey doesn't have the last one left on earth.
Both, thank you! Great perspective, I would lean my head back to finish the beer and see that building .. oops where's my camera
I like it in black & white. Nice angle and yes, a bit gothic. No idea of the denomination but since you said we'd be surprised, I'll guess Jewish.
wish i was there having a beer :)
Definitely gothic. Someone could be locked up there... I think I hear her calling... "I need a beer!!!"
Great shot, Babooshka.
I'm going to say a catholic church. I do like the perspective and the swirly little cloud at the top. If you've a hankering for photographing churches, Sunday is a good day to post the image. Monastery Daily Photo, Jerusalem Hills Daily, Greensboro Daily, Ocala Daily, we all make the rounds on Sunday checking out the spiritual! I try to include different religions in our community. Would be interesting to see some of the churches of Ramsey.
Ralph Stanley has a CD set. One CD is called Saturday Night. The other is Sunday Morning. Can you guess which one has the gospel sound?????
So Babooska, it's a pub? Naw, that can't be! There's a crucifix on the other side in the shot at the top for today! :)
I even saw a former church converted into a house on BBC. It was quite beautifully done.
Dramatic. I know where it is.
Very impressive dramatic picture!
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