Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well I'm stumped how this got here!

There is a sports related saying in Britain, "rain stopped play" which we tend to say when a cricket match has to be halted. Well I can apply it to my beach adventure or should I say non adventure this week. It has been persisiting down all week so one we made earlier as they say.  A mid week monochrome, from midway along the beach.

Things you find on the beach in Ramsey

I was hoping to find lots more sewaeed, groups of birds, odd items but to no avail. I did happenstance upon the tree stump on the beach nestling amongst the rock pools. Not going to reveal exactly where, so I can return and see if the tide has swept it  away, it remains, or the beach volunteers have removed it. I'm hoping it's a keeper. It's a nice rough textured material to photograph against the smooth pebbles and lucid water. I photographed as a vertical but it's an image that could be shown anyway round as it's not really grounded.  I took this with the little Olympus just for fun. It is all very well me saying it's the photographer not the camera, but then I have to demonstrate this. Leaving the big Nikon and lenses at home is not only lighter but makes me work harder to find an interesting suitable image. The only difference with the Nikon would be no bleaching of colour on the trunk, but that's it. Framing would be the same for both why - repeat after me "it's the photographer who thinks the image not the camera." Might have to use this as my mantra

I'm really not up to much blog wise at the moment.Late post, really busy and not much free time G's new assignments.

Out of interest have you found a tree on the beach?

Click to enlarge


George said...

I think you just proved it's the photographer and not the camera. You took a very artistic picture.

Virginia said...

Lovely BW of wonderful beach finds. I wish I could walk your shores and find these.

Michele said...

That's a wonderful photograph... very well composed!!!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

A very cool shot. I like that.

Ken Mac said...

tre cool!

Anonymous said...

More like this B.

Cloudia said...

"it's the photographer who thinks the image not the camera."

Thanks for this lesson! Aloha

Lew said...

Beautiful! I have seen trees and other stuff on the beach after big storms. For some people in Florida, collecting driftwood is both a hobby and business.

Buck said...

I don't exactly have a beach here, but trees washing up on the river bank is quite common. I'm going to take a tip (OK, another tip) from you and try it in monochrome. :-)

Sterl the Pearl's Daily Pics of Boulder said...

love the texture

gogouci said...

Nice monochrome. Hope you the logs there for you when you return.

Olivier said...

avec cette photo, on a l'impression de se retrouver en plein désert.
with this picture, the impression of being in the desert.

Lynette said...

It's always rewarding to visit your blog--the photographs, the text, your thoughts and opinions. I'm glad you do this, Babooshka.

magiceye said...

love the way you have profiled it!

Chuck Pefley said...

What, you didn't move this stump into the perfect location just for the sake of making this photo? I'm disappointed. -:)

Rinkly Rimes said...

Somehow monochrome really suits this sort of picture. And rain's monochrome itself, isn't it.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

ah many is the time I've pointed my lens at a piece of found wood - your rain has arrived here this morning!

angela said...

So none of the flotsam from the Russian cargo ship has found its way to your shores then?
Thank you for the commentary. Its useful to share your thoughts and is always appreciated..

antigoni said...

Congratulations for the 300th post.
Your blog is very interesting , with great photos and opinions.
Keep on doing the good work.We need blogs like yours.

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Fantastic black and white photo.

Congratulations on you 3ooth post. I have completed 500 but it took me more than two years, so it was not exactly consistent, but I didn't give up.
Thank you for the support and encouragement.

Brett said...

Great shot

Pat said...

I have found trees on the beach, but none I've taken home, as did a California friend of mine. Huge stump--she shaped it, dried it, treated it for pests, and then topped it with a thick piece of glass to make a dining room table! Years ago, and she still has it.

Nancy said...

I haven't found trees on the beach here as there is no beach, but there is a large one frozen in the river! Nice shot:)

laxeylass said...

We used to find all sorts of boat debris, rubbish, dead birds and fish at Laxey. Thanks for the heads up on pb site being sorted. I like this one best of the beach photos just a mish mash of shades.

Anonymous said...

I love beach foraging. Bit difficult in London, so am enjoying your beach walks.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to also say, No I haven't seen La Haine. I will look out for it on DVD.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Our yearly visits to the Oregon Coast always turn up entire trees, usually evergreens that have washed down creeks into the ocean. They make nice benches.

Tom said...

I've not come across any trees on a beach but I've seen many that have been wash down the local streams and rivers.... the size of some are awesome. Once caught on the river bank it dose not take long before they overgrown and become apart of the river.

Wiggers World

Unknown said...

Alas Nottingham is a bit short of beaches. But I did once see a twig lying on a pile of sand in the garden!

Anonymous said...

Trees, television, bike,boxes, bottles, shoes, tyres, gloves, rope...All the stuff I've seen washed up on the beach, oh and yes I'm sorry to say a small calf whale. which was such a shame.......Great capture by the way.....Take a walk Nortn along the beach from the Grand Island towards the point and you'll get some great photos as the cliffs are eroding at an amazing rate up there.......Keep them coming.

Ikle.Kaiy said...

*giggles* thats a nice pic though love how the seaweed is just draped on the drift wood.... prettiful in its own unique way.

and seriously... thats my point synaesthesia is hypnotic to me.

Dragonstar said...

That's a lovely shot B.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Just to say - no worries about there being a link from yours on my posts - you are using blogrolls which show the latest posts - if someone clicks through then I record a link - nothing sinister in that - it is in many ways useful as indication of how people find posts and could be a way of recording dodgy links.

Jane Hards Photography said...

That's cleared that one up then. Blog seems settled again- for now.

Knoxville Girl said...

love the monochrome. not many tree stumps on the beaches I frequent (that would be New Jersey when I visit my family), just rocks and quahog clam shells. the photo I posted today has a synergy with this one. I must be channelling you today.

Birdman said...

This one looks very much like a DownEast Maine shot. Nice!

Mojo said...

Not a whole tree, no. But plenty of driftwood. Actually I think I have a shot somewhere of a stump that washed up and somebody took it as a lawn ornament.

I need to get a point-and-shoot backup for my Canon that I can take along everywhere. Lugging a backpack full of gear everywhere I go just isn't practical -- or good for my back. I know the one I want... it's just a matter of creating the budget for it.

And I've been saying for years: "The photograph is made (or not) six inches behind the camera."

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: Wonderful capture of the driftwood on the beach.

Maria Verivaki said...

looks great in b/w - interesting shot

Arctic Dakini said...

I LOVE this photo!

floreta said...

love this black and white and the contrasts!


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