Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I is for icon

Patrick Swayze was here

Patrick Swayze has sadly died. Very sorry to here that around these parts. He is yet another film star who graced our humble shores here filming the rom/com "Keeping Mom" on the island. He described my island as "a magical place with magical people". Now who am I to disagree with a Hollywood Icon? Also chuffed to say he was to be seen doing a spot of the old " dirty dancing" at the legendary nightspot Nightlife, the image you see above.

Some of you may know the alternative names of "Fightlife" or no can't say that one. Put it this way it begins with SH.. Nonetheless it remains as Ramsey's most premier, iconic nightclub. Perhaps premier is manipulating the truth somewhat, but iconic it certainly is. Ramsey only has one nightclub you see. That sort of makes it legendary and iconic. It's a real throwback to a bygone era of sticking to sodden beery carpet twirling lights and people behaving like a whirring dervish. It attracts absolutely all comers. Age, musical taste, locals, tourists, fairy folk, witches, wizards, Frank the rabbit and of course iconic film stars when in town. You will find the population of Ramsey, who haven't stayed in or still standing after the pubs close, doing there own version of dirty dancing into the small hours. Be warned no trainers, but otherwise, if you the entrance fee and a pulse you are most certainly welcome and no one will put you in the corner.

Sorry for the really horrid, poor quality image. Not my usual standard at all. Only one of nightlife I had to hand. For other abc's see here


Rune Eide said...

I didn't even know Patrick Swayze had died, so at least I have learned one new (or old?) thing today. Funny - I remember him best from a guest appearance he had in of of the later episodes in the TV series MASH.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Hi RuneE,

Keith Floyd the legendary chef has too. He was a proper chef, not like some of the celebs now.

Monika said...

he was a great dancer and actor


Sylvia K said...

He was that. Sad to go so young.

Have a great week, Babooshka.


Reader Wil said...

Patrick Swayze was terribly ill, wasn't he?! Cancer is such a horrible disease. Anyway your island has been a very interesting one for a long time. Thanks for sharing your island!

Richard Lawry said...

As far as I know Patrick Swayze is the only celebrity to have visited Mena. He ate at a local restaurant and signed a picture that they display proudly on the wall.

An Arkies Musings

Mojo said...

I wouldn't call this image at all "horrid". I can't say I was ever a particular fan of the dear departed Mr. Swayze's work. But much of that I think, owed to the roles he played (and the often dreadful movies they were in). Still it's sad to see a guy go out at such a young age. Reminds me of my own mortality... I'm not that much younger than he was.

Leif Hagen said...

Sad news to loose a star! I'm sorry for his family. My secretary used to have a poster of him on her bedroom door during high school!

Unknown said...

Looks quite haunted. Maybe Patrick's spirit will decide to 'live' there to remind him of a happy time on the island.

Shame about Floyd too. He was quite a character. Always remember his shows with the Stranglers theme tune.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hey, if Ramsey's iconic night club was good enough for Patrick Swayze, it's good enough for me. ;-)

Leslie: said...

I was sorry to hear he'd died, but he gave it his all. And he was blessed to have such a lovely and loving wife who never left his side. I loved him in Dirty Dancing and Ghost. :D

Eki said...

an iconic star in an iconic hotel on an iconic island. always a great choice, B.

marley said...

Ah, another proper star has gone. Glad he got to vivit the I.O.M.

Sad about Floyd too. A proper cook, none of this celebrity chef rubbish.

Janie said...

I was a big fan of Swayze, and I was sorry to see him die young (relatively speaking). I've been impressed with your island. I'm sure he was correct in saying it's magical.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

How apropo! So sad that he is gone. Truly an icon.

Aimz said...

RIP Patrick!

Tumblewords: said...

A great choice - And intriguing photo -

Tom said...

Sad news indeed... also about Keith Floyd... a proper chef for sure. I'll drink to them both my friend.....

raf said...

Good icons for your I post today, Baboosh. I would add that among the photo blog circle, your Ramsey Daily Photo would definitely qualify as an icon. Indeed!

Unknown said...

I read from yahoo news..very sad indeed.He is a very good film star.

Jama said...

So sad to hear of his demise, he's in a better place now.

Jilly said...

A beautiful tribute, Babooshka and a gorgeous photo.

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Gregory Hines Jr, Jean-Pierre Cassel and now...
Hard time for great dancers.

Pat said...

Fitting tribute to Patrick S. I really liked him, too.

Hilda said...

Looks more like a mansion that a dance club!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Note to spammers and advert spams.

Just because we are not here all the time on our blogs doesn't mean you can leave your spams here. They just get deleted. So don't bother leaving one, no one clicks them anyway. We can tell a spam comment from a real one.

To everyone else, beware the spammers and thanks for the genuine notes.

Mo said...

Yes was a sad day for real celebs yesterday. Your iconic nightclub doesn't look at all seedy from the outside. In fact rather inviting.

Irene said...

Lovely bldg...a nice remembrance note on Patrick Swayze.

Birdman said...

"Nobody puts baby in the corner." Guilty pleasure: I like this movie!

Roger Owen Green said...

I saw him in MASH, but the only movie of his I ever saw was Ghost. I also saw a TV special he and his wife did with Barbara Walters about fighting his cancer; he was quite optimistic...

jay said...

I was sorry to hear about Patrick Swayze. Poor man. :(

As for the nightclub - I've never, ever been into that. I went in one once, and truly couldn't see the point. LOL!

Frank said...

Hard to believe this place is the only nightclub you have...and is a real alternative to the pubs. It looks quite imposing. And more expensive I presume?

Who is "Frank the Rabbit"? Have I taken up residence in a beer-swirling pub in Ramsey? And grown huge ears? - Frank

Marie said...

Cancer is so horrible...... I think Swayze was brave, and so was F. Fawcett.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Frank - I don't remember seeing you so it must be Frank the Rabbit, Donnie Darko.

photowannabe said...

Very intriguing image and yes Patrick was so ill. He certainly gave fighting it everything he had.

Ken Mac said...

love the light. Swayze. Man, so sorry to see him go so young. You know he had the same wife for 25 years, a fellow dancer. He always seemed like such an ace guy.

Diederick Wijmans said...

That is what I call hospitality, Babooska!

(We are all sorry for Patrick Swayze leaving us so soon).

antigoni said...

Living on an island, i can understand you completely and i agree with you.
I liked the "Iron" post.

Steffi said...

Very beautiful tribute,Babooshka!It´s so sad that Patrick Swayze died.Cancer is terrible!R.I.P.-Patrick!

stromsjo said...

Don't think I've seen any movie with him but that's just me. Obviously an important figure to many others.


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