Friday, June 05, 2009


Le Grand Bleu, Qui?


Bonsoir a tous mes amis Skywatching

No I haven't moved Ramsey to France. It's not the French Riviera. That is still the big beautiful Queens Promenade Beach, the view looking across to England, not France. It did put me in mind of the film(click),"Le Grand Bleu" and what we do have here in the way of sport other than the Isle of Man TT, scuba diving. Yes you read that right scuba diving.

Now I've never been myself, but others have and by all accounts it's a terrific experience. We do get basking sharks and dolphins( mythical mermaids rarely) around the Isle but not exactly getting a suntan on the beach. However if you set sail get the binoculars out or go scuba diving you will get a close up view. Seals are a little braver. You do happen upon them along some of the harbour entrances looking for fish. Peel particularly where they quite often come to have a nosey at you. They do tend to pose too for the camera (click) "Seal in Peel" to see what I mean. One day I hope to show you the (click) Ben Varrey, the ship but the naughty Mermaid of the island. Well you know what mermaids are like. Never around when you have the camera.

Short and sweet my sweeties tonight.

Skywatch watchers can be found here. Many thanks to Dot for the inspirational idea, Tom looking for scarecrows, for the first care taking and the My world gang for looking after skywatch now.


Rune Eide said...

I 'm all for the Blues, and make it even shorter, but perhaps not sweeter? ;-)

Loved it!

Steffi said...

Great photo for a SWF! I love it!It looks so quiet!Have a nice weekend!

P-TER said...

Blue sky!
A great picture ! ! !

Eric said...

Very nice composition and great colors!!!

Nice Skywatch entry!!

bowledover said...

This looks like a picture David Attenborough would use for his nature programmes. Lovely capture. Have a good weekend.

Frans54 said...

Wow, that's really really blue.

Sylvia K said...

That is the most breathtaking blue I've ever seen, Babooshka! Fantastic shot, as always! Have a great weekend!

EG CameraGirl said...

I hope the weather stays good for you, Babooshka! You need great weather for the TT event!

Daryl said...

You always take a superb photo!

Photo Cache said...

I love the blue, all blue. Your island is very interesting. So much to see.

Carletta said...

Beautiful Blues Babooshka! :)

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Anonymous said...

It just goes on and on, one blue into another...

Which direction was your camera pointed in? Can you ever see Ireland from Man?

I have a skywatch post this week - but I'm afraid Mr Linky isn't going to work for me.

jabblog said...

Beautiful, beautiful . . .

SandyCarlson said...

That's a spectacular blue, and no doubt about it.

Kathy W said...

That is my favorite color blue! Well done.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Kitty - You can see Ireland from the other side of the island, on the West.Beautiful to glimpse on a clear day.

Cathy said...

so beautiful! Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

Babooshka? Where did you get that Russian "old woman" name from:) I like that blue moment you are having for us today !

Jane Hards Photography said...

This Babooshka - Kate Bush
Russian old woman is spelt "Babushka"like those little dolls within dolls.

annalarssonphotography said...

Lovley composition!!
Just love the blue :)

Have a great friday!

Gaelyn said...

Nice shot of the blues beach. Have fun at the races.

Dave Coulter said...

Big blue indeed! Happy SWF!

Maria said...

Le ciel est bleu! C'est Magnifique!

Unknown said...

If the Isle of Man has moved to the French Riviera then Ireland has move to Spain as we too have the Blue Sky. Over here it's always the same the start of the major school exams brings the good weather while the students are sitting the exams. Enjoy the calm before the storm.

Pam said...

Hi B,


Anonymous said...

Sorry about misspelling - that explains it. i thought the dolls are called Matrioshka - I am not sure how to spell that - at least that is what they called them 20 years ago when I lived in the Soviet Union. But may be they changed the name for marketing purposes :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

ellievellie- I never knew that about the dolls. Blogging you learn so much. Fascinating tome to live in the Soviet Union. No worries on the name.

marley said...

Very big and very blue! Could be used in a holiday guide book.

Unknown said...

It's beautiful!! That's all I can think of to say.

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

Very nice composition! Happy SkyWatch :)

Dewdrop said...

Have fun with all those motorbikes. Looks like a pleasurable calm before the "storm".

Bim said...

Mmmm - wonderful.

Smarties said...

This is so peaceful - and beautiful.
I'm glad that you like that grayish Krakow sky of mine. I was somewhat tired of bright, colorful skies....
Have a great weekend!

Arija said...

Don't sing the blues just enjoy the last moments of calm before the roar and the stench.
Nice shot.

DeniseinVA said...

Gorgeous photo, relaxing to look at, such beautiful hues.

Girl Tornado said...

A wonderful SWF photo, gorgeous and serene. Would be a great spot to sit a spell. ;)

Sally in WA said...

Wonderful photo. All those blues certainly don't put me in a blue mood either.

PJ McKay said...

I just Googled Ramsey. You are East Coast huh? Sweet! I'm doing business in the Fall here. I'd appreciate any boat hire links if it's not a bind. Thanks kindly.

PJ McKay

Ebie said...

I love the is so BLUEtiful. What a gorgeous shot!

Copenhagen said...

Bonsoir, j'ai bien ta photo. C'est tres interesante.

Ken Mac said...

so beautiful...wish I was there rather than here! Thanks for your recent comments Baboosh.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great photograph and interesting commentary.

alicesg said...

It is so beautiful and blue and very peaceful looking photo.

Dot O said...

Beautiful blues - my favorite color. I love these photos!

Janet said...

Super grand!

Cloudia said...

Sacre BLEU!
Vroom Vroom!

chrome3d said...

It must be a great feeling to walk that beach that just appeared from the bottom of the sea. Like borrowed land.

Tara R. said...

That blue is electrifying. Gorgeous shot.

Lew said...

This shot has a far off look to it! As if you wanted to be on he other shore> The sky, sea and land meld together in a blue mirage.

Arlene said...

this is blue! great sky and water and yeah i think a nice place for scruba diving. I can imagine a healthy chorals sanctuary

Arlene said...

this is blue! great sky and water and yeah i think a nice place for scruba diving. I can imagine a healthy chorals sanctuary

Babzy.B said...

Great shot ! And i love the movie too ;)

Baruch said...

That is a fantastic capture Babooshka!

AKO said...

Oh, I would love to see this photo large-sized! The sky is lovely and the patterns in the sand strengthens the feeling of beauty.

Pat said...

C'est bien Le Grand Bleu. I would love to see more 'grand bleu' here in the skies!

Beautiful shades you've shown.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Dazzling, vibrant blue! Sea and sky in harmony!

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Now that's a very special colour blue. I love the reflections on the wet beach.

Elisabeth's bright side said...

That was a special blue-shot!

Birdman said...

and BIG sand too. Love this one.

Ingrid said...

Such a beautiful blue picture looks rather strange to me now that I have been 10 days in orange/red in Morocco, lol ! I could say "le grand rouge" !

Small City Scenes said...

Blue is so true. what a grand shot. MB

Unknown said...

I love the photo ... so peaceful and so many contrasts..

Enjoy your calm before the storm :-)

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...


Lilli & Nevada said...

Now that is beautiful

Bergson said...

a bbeautiful big blue

mrsnesbitt said...

The weather will be fine, trust me. It is always good when we travel on the bike. Sunday may be iffy but once we are there the sun will shine. Make sure you have your camera at hand on Tuesday, Rossi's visit has been delayed!

Unseen India Tours said...

Oh What A Lovely Photogaph !! Babooshka I Really Love Your Blog...Amazing..I Will Never Miss Checking Your Blog And Thats Why Now I Am Your Follower..:)Great

Mojo said...

The proverbial calm before the storm. Fabulous! I love the "sweep" of the clouds and the way it mirrors the curve of the tide line (or whatever you call that). Can't wait to see your shots from the TT!

Violence UnSilenced Nominated for 2009 Most Inspiring Blog by the BlogLuxe Awards. Your vote matters! said...

these colors you have captured are my favorites. Great sky!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Mrs N - The sun is back out again and Ramsey s starting to look like there just might be a a TT race on.
Valentino Rossi's visit is going to be very popular.

erin said...

a most beautiful capture of the sand and it.
have a lovely weekend.

Ming1881 said...

Magnificent. How i wish i was there...


Anonymous said...

Hope to see you on the square. This is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Neat photo. Have a nice weekend.

You might like to read the story about us almost moving to Alaska...

Homesteading in Alaska

Pam said...

Hi B

See you in Ramsey then.Hope the weather is like this.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Looks like I'll be seeing a lot of people in Ramsey I have never met before. I hope the weather is like this scene for you all.

April said...

Bonsoir. Qui, c'est magnifique!

My french is a little rusty. I would have loved to have been in the middle of all that blue. Gorgeous blue sky and a beautiful photo!

Kareh said...

I don't know that movie but love "Local Hero," set in small-town coastal Scotland. There's a character in it who's sort of a diver but also maybe a mermaid. Love seals, there were some quite near the beach yesterday where I was with my daughter at camp. Love your photo and the way the beach just seems to go on forever towards the horizon. Happy SWF!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

That is such a fabulous blue! Great way to start me weekend!

magiceye said...

gorgeous blue!

Lakshmi said...

Blue is one of my all time fav colours..what a stunning pic

Sharon said...

Wow, gorgeous shot!

Maria's Space said...

BLue is my fave color. That is gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Great reflections on the wet sand! Gorgeous composition!

Anonymous said...

Nice colors - so peaceful and serene!

Eki said...

Yes, the vastness is grand and breathtaking, B!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sue said...

Took my breathe away too.

Tom said...

Blue and beautiful... :O)

Kaye said...

This is so blue.

Petrea Burchard said...

That's a gorgeous shot, Babooshka!

Tash said...

Magnificent photograph! I like the blatant disregard of rule of thirds. That's what a photographer makes.

Inday said...

Beautiful big blue sky over there.

Just want to say

Thanks for leaving kind comment at Skywatch Friday #47.

Australia: Quadrat in Focus

Maria Verivaki said...

beautiful blue sky, but it's a different blue to the normal greek mediterranean blue - ours is lighter. have you made it more violety, due to your bias to the colour?!

Unknown said...

What a great composed image. Very well captured, Babooshka.
Have a nice week.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Med Kiwi- No.Captured as seen

John said...

Wish I was here

Lynette said...

I do hope that this sort of glorious blue sky stays around the the entire TT run, Babooshka. This particular photo is so lovely! I have enjoyed the parade of costumed bikers, too. Thanks!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Perfectly blue.

lisa mertins said...


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Super Photo, very lovely!!!!

sunnymama said...

I'm late catching up with skywatch but I'm so glad I got here! It's a beautiful picture :)


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