Friday, February 06, 2009


 Don't know when this snow is ever going to happen?


The UK has been under cover of snow this week. Further to follow. So you expect me to be out taking those gorgeous snowy scenes. Afraid not. The Isle of Man may only be under 50 miles across the sea from England but it's a world apart with the weather this week. The night the UK got the biggest snowfall we had torrential rain. We finally have a little dusting of snow on the mountain, but this was taken before the dusting came. Really you don't want to see our 3 flakes snowy effort, it's such an embarrassing snowfall. Instead I went for what we do best here. Clouds. Especially clouds fit to burst. For real drama try the manual setting to tease out the contrasts. Try tilting the camera too to create silhouettes and catch extra light. I've never had a monochrome skywatch, but these rolling clouds over Snaefell instinctively felt black and white. Makes a change from one of my pretty sunsets. I hope you agree, even though I wanted to show you snow.

Tomorrow morning the borrowed laptop has to return to it's rightful owner. I have been very grateful for the loan. It has get me going with the photography. I owe someone out there more than a pint. So for a few days Gary and I will be sharing one again which means a low profile for me. Good news is the new one will be here in the next few days. Yippee! That is if it doesn't get lost in the predicted snow blizzards of England.  

Totally of subject, but for my marketing purposes what size photo do you print off yourself, would normally buy. I am changing outsource printers which means re pricing, lowering costs.
The other question is does matt or gloss work better or does it depend on the image?

Sywatch watchers can be found here.  Welcome back to Wigger's World and Lake Lady.

Babooshka  ramseydailyphoto


angela said...

This is much more dramatic than snow, definitely end of the world clouds!.
Don't be sorry you didn't get the snow; it's overrated and horrible when its dirty.

Re your question..I can't remember the jeans but they're definitely not there now!

Photo Cache said...

Very ripe clouds indeed.

Steffi said...

Great SWF photo!Thank you for sharing!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Beautiful and slightly ominous clouds. Hope they didn't dump more rain on you when what you wanted was snow.
Wishing you a happy weekend.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hope you get your new laptop soon! Wouldn't be fair for the snow to hold it up...unless the snow is falling over Ramsey.


A really dramatic picture! I love skies when it's a little bit drama! And don't be sorry for the lack of snow; It can be very beautiful - but mostly its too much - or too little - it's dirty after one day of mild weather - and, ok, I love it sometimes I have to admit! :)

Anonymous said...

B. Awsesome. You really don't want snow.

Lisa Wilson said...

Sorry you didn't get any snow, but that is a great photo!

Tanya Breese said...

love those clouds!

Guy D said...

One word.....Outstanding!!

Regina In Pictures

imac said...

Look forward to seeing your posts from the NEW puter,lol.
great photos too(as always)

Plenty snow in UK, but my post is sunset reflections.

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful clouds! Strange we have a sea climate too, so a little bit of snow and plenty of rain! Have a great SWF,Babooshka!

George said...

I think the clouds are much more dramatic than snow would have been. But perhaps that's because I'm sick and tired of snow over here!

marley said...

Brilliant black and white clouds. I love this one!

Infact, my fav Skywatch of yours :)

vincibene said...

Dramatic breathtaking clouds!

Unknown said...

I print and sell 14x10 inch prints matted onto 20x16 boards. I have started to do smaller (ie A4) size prints. They are all printed using Epson R2400. No point printing onto gloss if it will be framed. A semigloss- luster finish will have some texture in the surface and will make the highlights stand out especially for b&w.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Mononeil- Thanks for the feedback. Most people go for gloss, but I agree with you for framed matt or semi gloss.

Carver said...

I love those big puffy clouds. I know you will be glad to get your new laptop. I don't know about size of printed shots but I do think matte or gloss would depend on the photograph. I know when I print photographs I like some better glossy and others better on a matte finish.

Dewdrop said...

Dear blogfriend, thank you for your encouragement. I am always thinking about ideas for my book. Mark my words, if I ever get it out, you will be acknowledged with a kind word of thanks for the nudges.

Beautifully dramatic capture! I am blown away. So powerful.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Dewdrop- I'd love to chase storms. You allow me to do it virtually.

You should all visit dewdrop for real dramatic weather

Barbara said...

Those clouds look full of snow anyway! Lovely in mono. It is blizzard conditions here at present!!

Unknown said...

Is it's a formation of Skyscape..beautiful!!!.
Have a nice day.

A Scattering said...

re snow: becareful what you wish for! I could ship some to you...

Anonymous said...

You alwasy have beautiful shots. and thank you for sharing this one. Happy cloudbusting!

Anonymous said...

They look as if they could be snow clouds to me! Maybe they're just pretending.

Judy said...

Those are some powerful clouds!! I did not notice till I went back for a second look, that the hills are there almost at the bottom. I think that helps to anchor the photo. Sometimes a pic of just clouds can leave you disoriented.

Teri said...

Looks like you are in a plane looking out. Great shot!!

Anonymous said...

we have lots of snow pictures, so clouds are just fine. I'm glad someone, somewhere is not getting snowed upon.

Ruth said...

An embarrassing! Snow is not all that much fun, but neither is torrential rain. Your cloud photo is stunning.

SandyCarlson said...

There's nothing like a good fall of snow to feel wonderfully small in this world. You must experience some interesting weather. This cloud is utterly amazing.

Grammy said...

What an awesome photo. This is the best cloud photo I have ever seen.
Have a great week.
Grammy Lake of the Ozarks,
Missouri. USA

Unknown said...

That's amazing ... to think it looks like snow clouds billowing over a mountain peak.

Mojo said...

What I love best here is that at a glance, you can't tell if you're seeing the clouds from above or below. It takes a moment to get oriented, and in that moment you're fully engaged. The visible horizon if you just gloss over it, has the approximate shape of an airplane wing as you might see it through the cabin window. Of course once you enlarge it, it becomes obvious. But for just a moment there's a magically whimsical illusion happening.

On your marketing question, I only very rarely print anything. I haven't got the space to display it properly. Typically the only things I print are ones I'm giving as gifts to other people. So I'm afraid I'm not much help to you there. However, if I were so enthralled with someone's work that I felt I had to have prints of it, I'd probably go for something between 8x10 and 11x14. Because in order to spend money on it, I'd have to like it well enough to want it that size. Not sure if that helps at all, but it is what it is.

Mojo said...

Gah! To quick on the trigger again.

Matte v. gloss is completely context dependent. But if I had to make the call sight unseen, I'd go with gloss.

Virginia said...

Snow??? What the??? We don't get it most years.. I live through the bloggers who do but I don't want their loads! Your clouds are lovely.

Jim Klenke said...

Looks like a thunderstorm rolling in like we have here.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that you do not get snow there.
Looks like a great sky!

gogouci said...

this is absolutely awesome and beautiful and dramatic and emotive and so many other things.

chrome3d said...

Such a bulging 3-dimensional clouds. Full of thoughts and poems.
I always buy glossy printing paper instead of matt. People like it on glossy. More ooh aah-factor.

Copenhagen said...

Nice clouds. What's your secret to have so many comments?

alicesg said...

Beautiful photo of the clouds.

magiceye said...

the clouds look all chuffed!!
superb capture as usual!

would prefer matt

Small City Scenes said...

Great clouds. The kind you think you could jump up and down on. Love 'em. MB

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Fantastic photograph. I don't think it would have been the same in colour. Don't worry, around where I love we don't even get a dust of snow as its right on the coast. I have never seen snow myself and really hope to get that chance one day.

Pearl Maple said...

Amazing view of the clouds, lots of texture and weather happening on your horizon. Thanks for sharing with us all in SWF.

Olivier said...

le b&w, cela rend les nuages beaucoup plus impressionnant.

the b&w, it makes the clouds more impressive.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can see the power in these big clouds. I have read about the snowfall in UK, this Winter is really amazing.
Have a happy and sunny weekend.

Maria Verivaki said...

i'd much rather have rain than snow

while london was covered in white stuff, we were experiencing a freak heat wave...

Baruch said...

With promising clouds like that perhaps you'll have snow pics for us next week ....?

Anonymous said...

That's a fantastic photo.

We did have a bit of snow, but it's gone now pretty much - it was a bit pathetic, compared to other parts of the country.

Re your question - I think I'd tend to go for a 5"x7" or bigger, as 4x6 feels like it's any old snapshot (even if the picture is amazing). Depends on the frame (which probably sounds obvious).

PeterParis said...

Sorry if I can't be of much help. I hardly ever print a photo (maybe I should) and for matt or gloss..., yes it depends! ... and for the snow, I can't do much either! :-)

Indrani said...

Whoa! crowded with clouds!

Anonymous said...

Just love these clouds. For me another of your brilliant texture photos.
Glad to hear the new laptop is on its way.
More snow is on its way too so maybe you will get some on the weekend.
My tuppence worth on photo prints: For me at least A4 and gloss or matt would depend on the image. I tend to like textured photos on a matt finish.

Anonymous said...

It is typical island clouds but as surprise in black and white.

Anonymous said...

It's a wonderful picture in black and white. It's so threatening ...
I hope you'll get your snow soon. :-)
Have a good weekend.

DeniseinVA said...

Very dramatic clouds, even more so in black and white. A great photo.

Knoxville Girl said...

This looks so good in monochrome - very powerful.
Can't speak as a selling photographer, but as a customer who's bought photographic art, I like matte or low gloss for framing. 8x10 or 11x14 size - I like to see the details in the shot. Hope that's helpful.

Vic said...

what an amazing shot! :)

Anonymous said...


D Herrod said...


Anonymous said...

I just followed here after reading your very kind comment on my blog and I am blown away by the power of this image, it's so elemental! Yes the snow on the mainland has been beautiful, dramatic and fun but I suspect that people will soon tire of seeing pictures of it. A shame, as I haven't got mine online yet, I always miss the boat *sigh*.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Babooshka: Interesting story and I loved your clouds over the mountains.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are some very heavy looking clouds. Very cool!

Suz Broughton said...

These are magnificent! Great photo.

Gattina said...

That looks scary !

Unknown said...

that is a sinister-looking cloud! awesome shot.

Anonymous said...

This is what I call a FANTABULOUS shot! hehehe - love those ominous clouds!

Janet said...

Haha. Sounds like the "snows" we have in Central Alabama, USA! Great cloud pictures, though.

Loran said...

My finger is tired from scrolling through so many comments! hee hee

Love the change to black and white, really adds to the drama.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see it in colour. It is very dramatic in black and white.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes forgot to say is it true the TT is going green this year? How?

Gratitude Gal said...

Someday I hope to take pics like this one! Gorgeous. Thanks for stopping by...

Sharon said...

Very dramatic & powerful shot, as well as beautiful!

Bente said...

WOW...great SWF-picture! I`ll be back ;-)
Have a nice weekend/Bente

Kit Aerie-el said...

Beautiful shot!
Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

There were some beautiful and dramatic clouds you had caught.

Happy weekend.

Linnea said...

Thanks for visiting my SWF. Your clouds are very dramatic and do look full of rain. I saw some amazing photos of London covered in snow. Too bad you didn't get more of that.

By the way regarding your marketing questions, I rarely print photos, but when I do I tend to go for glossy...I find that they look clearer and crisper. But I guess it depends if you're going to frame the print and hang it where a light source might fall on it and make it too shiny. Pros and cons to everything! Good luck and I love your pics.

Daryl said...

May I vote for 'never'?

Great shot

Mamapippa ... said...

Woolly clouds !
Nice !

Anonymous said...

Those beautiful clouds sure are fit to burst. Works very well in B&W.

laxeylass said...

That is how I remember Ramsey. Under cloud cover. Bath is under heavy snow. Trust me you are better off with rain. Tremendous image.

Carletta said...

Ominous clouds!
The B&W gives them so much depth.

Thanks for your visit.

kuanyin333 said...

Love the black and white for this photo as it expresses what's going on.

Anonymous said...


david mcmahon said...

We could do with some of that snow - 113 degrees today.

Anonymous said...

I like your clouds, and I'm sorry you didn't get much in the way of snow. The children would have loved it. Terrific photo!!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen richer clouds than those! You've captured them so beautifully.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Kate Bush lives in Ramsey and was a terrific photographer?

hadv said...

That's one angry sky, counting 1 to 10...

Thanks for dropping by my site.

Anonymous said...


Jane Hards Photography said...

I know blogger is being a little weird. I am trying to sort out the problem. Bare with me. Trying to get new post up.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I know blogger is being a little weird. I am trying to sort out the problem. Bare with me. Trying to get new post up.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic shot. I love those clouds.

raf said...

What better drama for skywatch than clouds in B&W, especially those big puffers there, Babooshka. Awesome!

Ken Mac said...

clouds within clouds within clouds....

Barbara said...

This is a very stunning shot. Great choice for B&W.
Have a great weekend Smiles B

Unknown said...

Please send the torrential rain our way, we are at risk from wildfires it's so dry here. Another stunning shot.


Great pics swf!
That sky looks so dramatic...(more snow certainly!...)
Thanks for visiting my blog...
Have a nice weekend...

chanpheng said...

Those clouds are impressive. We need a picture of the aftermath...

Anonymous said...

Do I win a prize

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Amazing drama filled skies!

New Mexico, USA

Naturegirl said...

Not only am I impressed with the clouds that are busting but the number of comments!! 101 and still counting!! Congrats!

Connie T. said...

Nice clouds. Reminds me of that Rolling stones song "Hey you, get off of my cloud." No, that song just got dug up out of the x-files in my mind. Funny how a picture can do that.

lv2scpbk said...

That is a neat photo. Cool! said...

cool sky Babooshka! Love it.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Very impressive clouds - almost scary! A

Martha said...

geat picture, very dramatic! Love it. Here the sky is plain grey and still pouring down with rain :-(

Heidenstrom said...

Al abowe have said it...


Mike's Travels said...

Seems like you escaped! Happy weekend.

Tarolino said...

Tehee! Three snow flake effort sounds quite comical. Still I don't know whether to be pleased or slorry for you for the lack of snow since it has caused quite big problems on the mainland not being geared up for a lot of snow like we are in Finland. And yet a big snow fall causes problems here too but it does not make a complete standstill.
I think monochrome was a good choice as it brings forward the dramatic quality of these magnificient clouds and I for one don't miss a wonderful sunset as this image has so many pictorial qualities of its own. You have succeeded to catch the formations and edges perfectly.

Unknown said...

Amazing clouds!!! Love this!

Linda said...

Boiling clouds - wonderful!

We don't have any snow in Edinburgh either!

Eki said...

That IS an awesome view of the clouds, B! The grandeur of mother nature is there.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

great view and the clouds...and your post is very informative.
have a wonderful week.


kRiZcPEc said...

take good care of your camera when you are out to get the shots!

Mariz said...

B&W photos are just so nice and dramatic. Great capture, i love your work!

Mary said...

Wonderful clouds! Hope they didn't dump on you!

Marie-Noyale said...

Don't know if I can add something original after all those commentaries , but no matter ..
That sky made me stop and admire it!

Anonymous said...

dramatic clouds!


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